Against the Party of Insurrection: A Look at Appelism in the U.S.

Against the Party of Insurrection: A Look at Appelism in the U.S.

From Scenes from the Atlanta Forest

Appelism is an informal strain of authoritarian communism that has been gaining traction on this continent over the past decade or so. Taking up elements of both the revolutionary party structure and insurrectionary anarchism, this tendency rebrands authoritarian communism as something that looks like informal networks but acts like a party.

Tijuana 2024 1st International Gathering Against Borders

Received via email.

In Tijuana, Mexico

We are a group of individuals with years of experience agitating for anarchist and anti-authoritarian ideas and practices in Tijuana: from solidarity events for prisoners and fugitives to propaganda activities like bookfairs and discussion groups to mutual aid like childcare and bicycle workshops.

Help Political Prisoner Michael Kimble File for Sentence Reduction!

michael kimble

Michael Kimble is a passionate freedom fighter who has been held captive by the Alabama Department of Corrections for nearly 35 years. After defending himself during a homophobic attack by a known white supremacist in 1987, Michael was convicted and sentenced to life in prison. His trial was typical of what could be expected from a racist criminal justice system in Jefferson County, Alabama.

Gino Vatteroni has been transferred

From Act for freedom now!

Full title: Italy: Operation Scripta Scelera: Gino Vatteroni has been transferred from the prison of Massa to that of Alessandria (9th October 2023)

The anarchist comrade Gino Vatteroni has been transferred from the prison of Massa to that of Alessandria, in “Alta Sicurezza 2” [High-security 2], where many anarchist comrades have been imprisoned in the past and where some revolutionary communist militants are currently being held. The comrade finds himself in maximum security as the charge of incitement to commit crime (art. 414 c. p.) has been aggravated with that of ‘terrorist aims’ (art. 270 bis 1 c. p.).

Decolonization, Islam, Palestine & Turtle Island

From Muhammad Abdou's facebook
October 11, 2023

...Decolonization is an inherently violent, yes, but it's also a spiritual act in restoring neocolonialism's disfiguring impact on the native's racialized, sexualized, gendered, material, historical, symbolic, political, and spiritual relationship to our mother earth, non-humxn life and land (that are also spiritual subjects not objects). While i understand the many impulses in secularizing Palestine and claiming that it isn't a religious struggle (myself having been involved in diasporic Palestinian organizing for over 22 years in Turtle Island) i never agreed with this approach.

Restrictions increased for suspects in Scripta Scelera case

Write to anarchist prisoners!

From Act for Freedom Now! via lanemesi

We inform you that on October 4th an aggravation of the precautionary measures has been notified concerning two of the anarchist comrades accused in the operation Scripta Scelera of the 8th of August against the internationalist anarchist fortnightly “Bezmotivny”. Following some reports by the DIGOS relating to alleged violations of restrictions, the judge for preliminary investigations ordered transfer to prison for Gino Vatteroni (who was under house arrest with full restrictions) and aggravation of the precautionary measure for Veronica (originally placed under obligation to remain with night re-entry from 19:00 to 07:00 and is now under house arrest with all restrictions).

Israel-Palestine is Just the Tip


A lot of leftists and anarchists have accepted a narrative about Israel-Palestine that is pretty warped. The basic problem isn’t limited to anglophone ignorance about Jews and/or Palestinians; it’s a problem that leftists and anarchists seem to have in comprehending multinational conflicts in general. The comfortable lense through which leftists/anarchists see the world don’t help them see the power dynamics of these sorts of situations clearly. That lense sees the world as divided between oppressors and oppressed, rulers and ruled, indigenous and settler, and other dichotomies that provide a sharp picture of the most intense regions of conflict at the expense of blurring the larger and more significant forces that make those conflicts possible.

Kingston: Slow Roll 1 Million March For Children and Counter Protest

a rally

Anonymous Submission to North Shore Counter-Info

Here in Kingston, the September 20th anti-trans demonstration was a bit larger than expected but still did not manage to outnumber the crowd who showed up to counter-protest in solidarity with trans youth and in support of access to gender affirming care as well as open and inclusive 2SLGBTQIA+ education in schools.

From the counter-protest organizers:

The issue of Palestine is the issue of statism’s bankruptcy!

The issue of Palestine is the issue of statism’s bankruptcy!

From Asranarshism

In recent days, we have witnessed a renewed conflict in the Palestinian region and an attack by the Islamist group Hamas on the lands under the control of the Israeli government, which was unprecedented in the past years or even decades. This incident shows more than anything that the Palestinian issue, which everyone liked to consider a “dead” issue, is still alive and with no apparent end in sight, at least as long as the governments exist!

Inauguration of LA B.O.U.M: anarchist library

is this distroism?

October 8, 2023

We are several people who set up a participatory anarchist public library in the center of Brussels because we thought it was important. It’s called La B.O.U.M. , and after many months of preparation, it’s the day of the inauguration : we are happy to celebrate, and to finally start borrowing!


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