• Assassinat de Samuel Paty : ouverture du procès de six adolescents - Le Temps

    Publié le 27 novembre 2023
    L’enquête avait retracé comment, en dix jours, le piège s’était refermé sur Samuel Paty : du mensonge de la collégienne aux attaques en ligne, jusqu’à l’arrivée de l’assaillant devant le collège le 16 octobre. « Eh le petit, viens voir, j’ai un truc à te proposer », dit Abdoullakh Anzorov à un adolescent, lui offrant 300 euros pour identifier Samuel Paty que l’assaillant dit vouloir « filmer en train de s’excuser ».

    Le collégien « se vante » et relaie la proposition, ne se « sentant pas de le faire tout seul ». Quatre autres le rejoignent, d’après des témoignages cités dans l’ordonnance des juges d’instruction consultée par l’AFP. Certains font des allers-retours entre le collège et la « cachette » d’Anzorov, surveillent, ou se filment avec des billets. L’assaillant demande à l’un d’eux de téléphoner à l’adolescente à l’origine de l’affaire. Elle réitère son mensonge, sans savoir qu’il écoutait, assurera-t-elle.

    Lors d’auditions où ils se sont effondrés en larmes, les collégiens ont juré avoir imaginé que le professeur se ferait tout au plus « afficher sur les réseaux », peut-être « humilier », « taper »… mais que « jamais » que ça irait « jusqu’à la mort ». A la sortie des classes, Samuel Paty est désigné par les adolescents : « Il est là ». Il sera assassiné peu avant 17h00.

    Les adolescents sont aujourd’hui lycéens. Ils encourent deux ans et demi d’emprisonnement.

  • Collectif Romain Rolland @RRolland94200

    ‼️Parce qu’il a dit Allah Akbar, un élève passe en conseil de discipline pour « apologie du terrorisme ». Il organise sa défense, avec de nombreux soutiens.
    Nous appelons les membres du conseil à réfuter cette accusation hors de propos, et demeurons vigilants jusqu’au délibéré.👇

    #criminalisation #islamohobie #Lycée #élève #conseil_de_discipline #apologie_de_terrorisme

  • Du bon usage de l’Ukraine

    Du bon usage de l’Ukraine

    • Mais enfin, pourquoi les Russes ne lancent-ils pas une grande attaque générale pour en finir avec le guignol Zelenski et les derniers chars lourds de l’OTAN encalminés dans la boue non-démocratique de l’Ukraine ? • Un commentateur (dit ‘Armchair WarLord’) avance une explication qui nous a parfois effleuré l’esprit : parce qu’ils veulent épuiser jusqu’à la mort les Ukrainiens et leurs tuteurs otaniens qui ne rêvent que d’anéantir la Russie, parce qu’ils savent qu’ils ne peuvent accepter une Ukraine qui ne peut exister aujourd’hui que sur l’idée de l’anéantissement de la Russie.


    27 novembre 2023 (17H00) – Il est vrai, comme le remarque l’auteur (dit ‘Armchair WarLord’) du texte ci-dessous que nous sommes tous un peu surpris, ceux qui ont estimé dès (...)

    • Mais non, les Russes ont consolidé leur position en Ukraine dans une étendue de terrain hautement défendable à l’est du pays et sont ensuite restés là, pendant plus d’un an maintenant, tuant des soldats ukrainiens dans des proportions horriblement déséquilibrées. Quand ils peuvent défendre, ils défendent. Lorsqu’ils doivent attaquer pour maintenir la pression, ils trouvent un saillant ukrainien et le transforment en stand de tir. Là où ils ne veulent pas pousser le front vers le haut, ils tondent simplement la pelouse et se retirent – ils ont dû prendre la même ligne de forteresses à l’est de Koupyansk une douzaine de fois maintenant, se retirant à chaque fois et laissant l’AFU inonder le front et les mêmes vieilles tranchées avec de nouvelles recrues.

      Les pertes ukrainiennes ont été si astronomiques que les Ukrainiens sont désormais plongées dans des mesures désespérées pour tenter de maintenir les soldats dans les rangs, enrôlant des femmes et cherchant à vider le petit bassin de jeunes étudiants privilégiés pour nourrir le front. Lorsque la guerre sera terminée, l’Ukraine sera une société brisée dans laquelle la plupart de ceux qui sont prêts à se battre pour un État ukrainien indépendant – et une identité nationale ukrainienne orientée vers l’Occident et distincte de la Russie – seront morts.

  • Islande : revirement surprenant dans la menace d’éruption du volcan sous la ville de Grindavik

    Les volcans sont imprévisibles. Alors que tout le monde s’attendait à une nouvelle éruption de grande ampleur sur la péninsule de Reykjanes, en Islande, la diminution significative de l’activité sismique depuis quelques jours semble indiquer une stabilisation de la situation. L’office météorologique islandais indique également que le taux de déformation du sol diminue. L’ensemble de ces observations suggère que la probabilité d’une éruption est désormais bien plus faible qu’au début de la crise, débutée le 10 novembre.
    Levée de l’état d’urgence

    Une bouffée d’espoir pour les 3 700 habitants de la ville de Grindavik, forcés d’évacuer leurs logements. Bien qu’ils ne soient toujours pas autorisés à rentrer chez eux, le risque de voir leurs maisons et leurs biens disparaître sous la lave s’amenuise considérablement. Si l’état d’urgence vient d’être levé, la prudence reste cependant de mise.

  • Watch : Van Jones booed at #MarchforIsrael after demanding end to bombs, crowd yells ’no ceasefire’

    A Washington, un analyste de CNN parle antisémitisme et #cessez-le-feu - The Times of Israël

    Mais Jones commence à perdre le public lorsqu’il se décrit comme un « pacifiste ».

    « Je prie pour la paix. Plus de roquettes en provenance de Gaza et plus de bombes qui tombent sur les habitants de Gaza », dit-il.

    La foule ne le prend pas bien et beaucoup commencent à scander « pas de cessez-le-feu ».

    Par contre gros applaudissements à l’antisémite Hagee quand il compare le Hamas à Hitler. https://twitter.com/Bsamuels0/status/1724527885891862804

    #sionisme #sionistes_antisémites

  • Dimanche prochain au Venezuela, un référendum sur le devenir de la Guyane Essequiba. Vieux contentieux entre le Venezuela et le Guyana, son voisin oriental. Depuis son indépendance, le Venezuela soutient, plus ou moins activement le fait que sa frontière orientale est délimitée par le fleuve #Essequibo (rio #Esequibo , en espagnol), territoire approprié par le colonisateur britannique et dont a hérité l’état qui lui a succédé.

    On voit mal comment le référendum pourrait aboutir à autre chose qu’une réponse oui aux cinq questions dont la cinquième prévoit la création d’un 24ème État fédéral…

    Comme indiqué, le contentieux est (très !) ancien, mais il s’est réactivé autour de 2020 avec la découverte de pétrole off-shore et sa mise en exploitation – cf. divers billets ici sur le sujet – avec notamment une revendication, beaucoup plus récente, sur la frontière maritime. Et, notamment, sur @visionscarto
    Le Guyana convoité par ses voisins

    Referéndum por El Esequibo : estas son las 5 preguntas de la consulta del 3 de diciembre | Nicolás Maduro | CNE | Guyana | zona disputada con Guyana | La Haya | referendo sobre el Esequibo | Esequibo Venezuela | LRTMV | Venezuela | La República

    Este 3 de diciembre, los venezolanos deberán responder a las 5 preguntas planteadas por el Consejo Nacional Electoral para el referéndum sobre el Esequibo. Mira AQUÍ cuáles son estas interrogantes.

    Nicolás Maduro organizó un referéndum para este domingo 3 de diciembre en el que la población venezolana responderá cinco preguntas referidas al Esequibo. Esta consulta popular es organizada por el Consejo Nacional Electoral de Venezuela, que ya tiene listas las interrogantes que se plasmarán en la cédula. Conoce con exactitud cuáles serán:
    ¿Cuáles son las preguntas del referéndum 2023?
    • ¿Está usted de acuerdo en rechazar por todos los medios, conforme al derecho, la línea impuesta fraudulentamente por el Laudo Arbitral de París de 1899, que pretende despojarnos de nuestra Guayana Esequiba?
    • ¿Apoya usted el Acuerdo de Ginebra de 1966 como el único instrumento jurídico válido para alcanzar una solución práctica y satisfactoria para Venezuela y Guyana, en torno a la controversia sobre el territorio de la Guayana Esequiba?
    • ¿Está usted de acuerdo con la posición histórica de Venezuela de no reconocer la jurisdicción de la Corte Internacional de Justicia para resolver la controversia territorial sobre la Guayana Esequiba?
    • ¿Está usted de acuerdo en oponerse, por todos los medios conforme al derecho, a la pretensión de Guyana de disponer unilateralmente de un mar pendiente por delimitar, de manera ilegal y en violación del derecho internacional?
    • ¿Está usted de acuerdo con la creación del estado Guayana Esequiba y que se desarrolle un plan acelerado para la atención integral a la población actual y futura de ese territorio que incluya, entre otros, el otorgamiento de la ciudadanía y cédula de identidad venezolana, conforme al Acuerdo de Ginebra y el derecho internacional, incorporando en consecuencia dicho estado en el mapa del territorio venezolano?

  • Otto Bauer’s Theory of Nationalism Is One of Marxism’s Lost Treasures

    26.11.2023 by Ronaldo Munck - If we look around the world today, we can see the critical importance of nationalism, whether ethnic or cultural, from Spain to Nagorno-Karabakh, the Uyghur question in China, or the unwinding of the formerly United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

    One might have expected Marxism, as the self-proclaimed “science of history,” to play a major role in analyzing — if not intervening in — such situations, which are bound to multiply as globalization unravels and its contradictions increase. Yet Marxists seem to be torn between Eric Hobsbawm’s admonition not to “paint nationalism red” and the somewhat wooden and not exactly operational Leninist principle of “the right of nations to self-determination.”

    Could Otto Bauer’s forgotten work The Question of Nationalities and Social Democracy — written in German in 1907, translated into English in 2000, and then promptly ignored — help us develop a theory of nationalism?

    Bauer’s understanding of nationalism was subtle and sophisticated, and fully deserves to be rescued from obscurity. But we can only make sense of Bauer’s contribution by setting it within its complex historical context, instead of seeing it as disembodied political theory.

    Otto Bauer was born in Vienna, in 1881, to a wealthy Jewish factory-owning merchant family in a rapidly industrializing Austria. This was a multicultural and multiethnic environment with a thriving labor and socialist movement, made famous in the Red Vienna period of 1918–34. Bauer became active in the framework of that movement, representing the Social Democratic Workers’ Party (SDAP) in the imperial parliament and editing its monthly magazine, The Struggle.

    When the Habsburg empire joined the Central Powers during World War I, Bauer served as an Austrian army officer and became a prisoner of war in Russia before he was allowed to return home in 1917. Before and after the war, he was a leading figure in the political current known as Austro-Marxism. In the wake of the October Revolution, the Austro-Marxists sought to develop a “third way” between the Communist International launched by the Bolsheviks and social democracy.

    Bauer’s stint as Austria’s foreign minister in 1918–19 after the collapse of the Habsburg Empire, with his SDAP colleague Karl Renner as chancellor, was followed by a period of futile compromise with the rising forces of reaction. His life ended in political defeat. The rise of Austro-Fascism and the outbreak of civil war in 1933–34 prompted him to leave Austria, and he died in Parisian exile in 1938.

    While the counterrevolution won out in Austria in the 1930s, Bauer’s theory and practice is a fragment of the history of Marxism that should not be ignored. It remains a fundamental part of the Marxist legacy that warrants attention today.

    Although it is sometimes compared to the Frankfurt School, Austro-Marxism was a philosophy of practice, not one of contemplation. It included major figures in Marxist economics (Rudolf Hilferding), philosophy (Max Adler), and law (Karl Renner), as well as Bauer himself. Bauer’s own definition of Austro-Marxism saw it as a synthesis between day-to-day realpolitik and the revolutionary will to attain the ultimate goal: the seizure of power by the working class.
    The National Question

    The context in which Bauer wrote The Question of Nationalities and Social Democracy, which was originally his PhD thesis, was the outbreak of national questions and conflicts throughout the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Towards the end of the nineteenth century, the development of capitalism had generated great social turmoil. The population of Vienna quadrupled due to internal migration in the fifty years leading up to 1917, with a multinational working class emerging.

    The burgeoning SDAP and the trade unions affiliated to it were in danger of being torn apart between their dominant German-speaking core and members from the peripheral nations. We should recall that before its breakup after 1918, the empire contained fifteen nationalities in a territory the size of the Iberian Peninsula.

    Faced with this situation, Bauer sought to develop a complex and sophisticated theory of nationalism — one that was not at all colored by sympathy towards his subject, we might add. For Bauer, modern nations can be understood as communities of character (Charakter gemeinschaften) that have emerged out of communities of fate (Schicksals gemeinschaften).

    This is a much more subtle and nonreductionist approach when compared to the orthodox Marxist theory of nationalism, as codified by Joseph Stalin and propagated throughout the world by the pro-Soviet communist movement. Stalin defined a nation as “a historically constituted, stable community of people, formed on the basis of a common language, territory, economic life, and psychological make-up manifested in a common culture.” This does not help us in a multinational context.

    Bauer saw the main strength of his work as being its description of the derivation of nationalism from the process of economic development, changes in the social structure, and the articulation of classes in society. However, much of his work and the debates to which it gave rise centered on his definition of a “nation” as the totality of human beings bound together through a common destiny into a community of character.

    Bauer viewed the nation as a “community of fate” whose character resulted from the long history of the conditions under which people labored to survive and divided the products of their work through the social division of labor. Before dismissing this conception of the nation as merely a form of idealism, as many critics have, we should note that Bauer repeatedly criticized forms of “national spiritualism” that depicted the nation as “a mysterious spirit of the people.” He also explicitly rejected psychological theories of the nation.
    A Product of History

    Bauer’s working definition of the nation was a methodological postulate that posed “the task of understanding the phenomenon of the nation” as

    explaining on the basis of the uniqueness of its history all that constitutes the peculiarity, the individuality of each nation, and which differentiates it from other nations, that is, showing the nationality of each individual as the historical with respect to him, and the historical within him.

    For Bauer, it was only by pursuing this task of uncovering the national components that we could dissolve the false appearance of the nation’s substantiality, to which nationalist conceptions of history always succumb.

    In Bauer’s perspective, the nation is above all a product of history. This is true in two respects: firstly, “in terms of its material content it is a historical phenomenon, since the living national character which operates in every one of its members is the residue of a historical development.” Secondly, “from the point of view of its formal structure it is a historical phenomenon, because diverse broad circles are bound together in a nation by different means and in different ways at the various stages of historical development.”

    In short, the ways in which the “community of character” is engendered are historically conditioned. It follows that this “community of character” is not a timeless abstraction but is continually modified over time. For Bauer, the different forms of “national character” are specific to a particular period and thus cannot be traced back to the origins of time, as nationalist mythology might suggest.

    He does not see national character as an explanation in itself, but rather as something that needs to be explained. In this framework, we cannot simply take internationalism for granted as a given, nor can we ignore national characteristics in the name of such internationalism. We must rather show how those characteristics are the result of historical processes.

    While Bauer’s theory of nationalism suffers from almost total oblivion today, even — or perhaps especially — amongst Marxists, in its day it was the subject of intense polemics. His thinking was rejected by both the Second (social-democratic) and the Third (communist) Internationals between which the Austro-Marxists fell.
    The End of Non-History

    One of Bauer’s major innovations was to openly reject the view of Frederick Engels that Slavic nations like the Czechs were “non-historic,” in contrast with what he saw as the great “historic” nations such as Germany, Poland, and France. For Engels, the “non-historic” nations were incapable of forming a state of their own and could only serve as tools of counterrevolution if they attempted to do so.

    Bauer agreed that there were peoples in Central and Eastern Europe who one might refer to as “non-historic,” but he disagreed with Engels on the question of their future prospects:

    The nations without history are revolutionary, they also struggle for constitutional rights and for their independence, for peasant emancipation: the revolution of 1848 is also their revolution.

    For Bauer, the category of “nations without history” did not refer to a structural incapacity of the nation to develop. Rather, it referred to a particular situation in which a people that had lost its ruling class in a previous phase had therefore not experienced its own cultural and historical development.

    He showed in detail how the “awakening of the nations without history” was one of the major revolutionary changes at the turn of the century. According to Bauer, it was one of the progressive features of capitalist development to have reawakened the national self-consciousness of these peoples and confronted the state with the “national question.”

    At the beginning of the twentieth century, he saw peoples such as the Czechs going through a process of capitalist and state development, which in turn led to the emergence of a cultural community, in which the ties of a once omnipotent traditional society were broken. The masses were thus being called on to collaborate in the transformation of the national culture.

    Bauer also carried out a detailed consideration of the relationship between class struggle and nationalism. In a striking phrase, he wrote that “nationalist hatred is a transformed class hatred.” He was referring specifically in this context to the reactions of the petty bourgeoisie in an oppressed nation as it was affected by shifts in population and other convulsions engendered by capitalist development. But the point is a more general one, and Bauer shows clearly how class and national struggles are intertwined.

    He gave the following example in the case of the Czech worker:

    The state which enslaved him [or her] was German; German too were the courts which protected property owners and threw the dispossessed into jail; each death sentence was written in German; and orders in the army sent against each strike of the hungry and defenceless workers were given in German.

    According to Bauer, the workers of the “non-historic” nations adopted in the first instance a “naive nationalism” to match the “naive cosmopolitanism” of the proletariat of larger nations. Only gradually in such cases does a genuinely internationalist policy develop that overcomes both “deviations” and recognizes the particularity of the proletarians of all nations.

    Although Bauer preached the need for working-class autonomy in the struggle for socialism as the best means for seizing power, he argued that “within capitalist society, national autonomy is the necessary demand of a working class that is compelled to carry out its class struggle within a multinational state.” This was not merely a “state-preserving” response, he argued, but rather a necessary aim for a proletariat that sought to make the whole people into a nation.
    Bauer in Our Time

    Bauer’s work represents a major break with economic determinism. In his interpretation, politics and ideology no longer appear as mere “reflections” of rigid economic processes. The very context in which Austrian social democracy operated made it particularly sensitive to cultural diversity and to the complex social processes of economic development.

    Bauer’s treatise on the national question implicitly rejected the economic determinism and basic evolutionism of Second International Marxism. In terms of its substantial contribution, Bauer advanced a concept of the nation as historical process, in pages of rich and subtle historical analysis. The nation was no longer seen as a natural phenomenon, but as a relative and historical one.

    This allowed Bauer to break decisively with the Engels position on “non-historic” nations. As with Antonio Gramsci’s much more influential work on the national-popular, we can find in Bauer’s work a welcome move beyond the (mis)understanding of the nation and of nationalism as “problems” — and not just an integral element of social organization — that has characterized so much Marxist theorizing on the subject.

    A modern-day reader of Bauer’s book might find some of its case studies obscure and its language archaic. However, critical engagement with Bauer can help us develop a more adequate Marxist theoretical practice with regard to nationalism. Can we really sustain the idea, as many Marxists did in Bauer’s time, that the advent of socialism will resolve the national question?

    Does Bauer’s rejection of the Bolshevik path to power make him simply a failed reformist or does it situate him, like Gramsci, as a theorist of revolution in the Western democracies? Can his “constructivist” theory of the nation provide us with a starting point for understanding the national question in the era of late globalization?

    Today, Bauer’s work is immediately relevant to our thinking on multiculturalism, of which it can be seen as a precursor. To be clear, Bauer’s central argument is to reject any essentialist principle in the conceptualization of the national question. For Bauer, we cannot think of modern nations in terms of “metaphysical theories” (such as notions of national spiritualism) or “voluntaristic theories” (as in Ernest Renan’s theory of the nation as a “daily plebiscite”). National identities are not “naturally given” and invariable but are rather culturally changeable.

    However, Bauer’s approach to the nation-state is very different from the dominant liberal one today. In the liberal nation-state, it is the cultural practice of the dominant national group that prevails. Multiculturalism is thus always limited by this hegemony and multicultural states cannot easily be constructed. Any commitment to cultural pluralism can amount to little more than a token commitment to diversity within overwhelmingly assimilationist structures.

    Bauer criticized the attitude of the early 1900s “German Austrian” workers’ movement as a “naïve cosmopolitanism” which rejected national struggles as diversionary and advocated a humanistic world citizenship as its alternative. There were clear echoes of this attitude in the promotion of “global cosmopolitanism” during the early 2000s. In that sense, we very much need a Bauer 2.0 to move beyond such naïve and complacent indifference to the national question today.

    Bauer fundamentally disagreed with the idea that the national movements were simply an obstacle for the class struggle and that internationalism was the only way forward. He was convinced that it was only the working class that could create the conditions for the development of a nation, proclaiming that “the international struggle is the means that we must use to realize our national ideal.”

    In his view, it was socialism that would consolidate a national culture for the benefit of all. In brief — and I realize this is a controversial statement — working-class consciousness has a class character but also, at the same time, a national character.


    Otto Bauer, Die Nationalitätenfrage und die Sozialdemokratie (1907)

    Verlag der Wiener Volksbuchhandlung Ignaz Brand, Wien 1907.
    Sonderausgabe aus dem II. Bande der Marx-Studien – herausgegeben von Dr. Max Adler und Dr. Rudolf Hilferding.
    Die Rechtschreibung wurde weitgehend der neuen Orthografie angepasst.
    Transkription u. HTML-Markierung: Einde O’Callaghan für das Marxists’ Internet Archive.

    #austromarxisme #socialdémocratie #Autriche #histoire #socialisme

  • Le .fr gagne en notoriété spontanée auprès des TPE-PME françaises.

    Par exemple 70,9% des TPE et PME Françaises citent spontanément le .fr lorsqu’elles répondent à la question “Quelles sont toutes les extensions que vous connaissez, ne serait-ce que de nom ?”. C’est +6.2 par rapport à 2022 !

    Retrouvez les détails de notre enquête de perception annuelle sur https://www.afnic.fr/observatoire-ressources/actualites/le-fr-gagne-en-notoriete-spontanee-aupres-des-tpe-pme-francaises


    .fr gains unaided awareness among French VSEs/SMES.

    For example, 70.9% of French VSEs and SMEs spontaneously answered .fr when asked the question “What TLDs do you know, even if only by name?”. It’s +6.2 compared to 2022!

    Read more details on this study on https://www.afnic.fr/en/observatory-and-resources/news/fr-gains-unaided-awareness-among-french-vses-smes

    #Afnic #PointFR #France #Internet #Numérique #DotFR #ccTLDs #Domains

  • En ce moment sur Xwitter circule le hashtag « gros lardon » ...

    Les « ordres de gros lardon », c’est pour nous faire mourir de rire, je pense.


    🇨🇵 FLASH - La tentative de ratonnade à Romans-sur-Isère est confirmée.

    Des Maghrébins ont interceptés deux autres membres de la milice néo-nazi pendant leur fuite.

    Originaire de Rouen, ils avaient reçu pour ordre « de ne plus frapper du bougnoule » et de se cacher, car la situation est hors de contrôle.


    Désolé : depuis une semaine, je n’arrive plus à générer de lien vers des vidéos twitter. J’ai systématiquement une erreur 502 « bad gateway » sur la page de twittervideodownloader...

  • Notation des allocataires : l’indécence des pratiques de la CAF désormais indéniable

    Après plus d’un an de mobilisation contre les pratiques de notation des allocataires de la CAF au côté des collectifs Stop Contrôles et Changer de Cap, et après avoir détaillé le fonctionnement de l’algorithme de…


  • [Radia] Soundscapes after October 7th 2023 (Radio Študent)

    The EU-Israel relationship is one of cooperation and mutual benefit: indeed, it is the deepest and most far-reaching relationship the EU has ever had with a third country. Only three years after the EEC came into being, Israel made its first diplomatic efforts to enter the Common Market Agreement as a signatory country. Since the 1960s, Europe has been Israel’s most important trading partner. 1975 is the year in which the two sides signed a free trade agreement on industrial goods, to be in place by 1989.

    This relationship has been strengthened thanks to the Association Agreement between Israel and the EU in 1995, which has taken cooperation to new heights: Europe is responsible for more than one third of Israel’s total foreign trade.

    Cooperation is fruitful: as a full partner in the (...)


  • Israel Violates Humanitarian Truce, Kills One Palestinian, Injures Eight, in Gaza
    Nov 27, 2023 | - IMEMC News

    On Sunday, the third day of the humanitarian truce between the Israeli occupation and the Islamic resistance movement (Hamas), Israeli forces killed one Palestinian and injured eight others in the central and northern regions of the war-ravaged Gaza Strip.

    In the northern part of the Gaza Strip, Israeli soldiers opened fire at a group of Palestinians, injuring three people in the vicinity of the Indonesian Hospital in Beit Lahia when they were in the area to inspect the damage inflicted upon their homes.

    Meanwhile, in the northern part of Gaza, Israeli sharpshooters shot four Palestinian civilians when they targeted a group of Palestinian citizens who were inspecting their homes in the vicinity of Al-Quds Hospital in the Tal Al-Hawa nei.ghborhood, in Gaza City.

    Later Sunday, in a press statement the Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS) said that Israeli soldiers targeted two Palestinian farmers who were working on their agricultural land east of Al-Maghazi camp, in central Gaza, killing one and wounding another.

    On Friday, the first day of the so-called truce, Israel shot and killed two Palestinian civilians and injured eleven in the northern region of the Gaza Strip, when they returned to find their homes and missing family members.

    The four day “humanitarian truce” brokered by Qatar and Egypt began at 0700 on Friday November 24, after 48 days of the brutal Israeli military assault on Gaza.

    Israeli occupation forces killed at least 15,000 Palestinians in Gaza, including 6,150 children and 4,000 women, in addition to injuring at least 36,000 people.

    #7oct2 #trêve

  • #Blanca_flor

    Allá va la blanca flor
    Con sus blancos algodones
    Dicen que tienes la fama
    De robar los corazones
    Y al pasar el río tropieza en la rama

    Se me ha caido el pañuelo
    Y se lo ha llevado el agua
    Y ahora ya no tengo pañuelo ni nada

    Dicen que tienes que tienes
    Que tienes más de mil reales
    Sí los tienes guardalos
    Tus ojos solos lo valen
    Y al pasar el río tropieza en la rama

    Se me ha caido…

    Dice tu madre que tiene
    Una reina para mí
    Anda e dile a tu madre
    Que la reina está en Madrid
    Y al pasar el río tropieza en la rama

    Se me ha caido…

    Y aqui va la despedida
    La despedida voy dando
    Que bonita despedida
    Que me despido cantando
    Y al pasar el río tropieza en la rama


    #chant_populaire #chanson #musique #musique_populaire #chants_populaires

  • Message adressé aux #agents_publics sur la #réforme des #retraites : la CNIL rappelle à l’ordre deux ministères | CNIL

    Le contexte

    Le 26 janvier 2023, un courriel dont l’objet était « #Réforme_des_retraites : Message de Stanislas Guerini aux agents de la #Fonction_publique » a été envoyé à 2 346 303 agents publics actifs. Le courriel renvoyait vers une vidéo dont le titre était identique à l’objet du courriel, et vers un document de présentation intitulé « Pour nos retraites : un projet de justice, d’équilibre et de progrès ». La vidéo contenait un message filmé du ministre de la Transformation et de la Fonction publiques aux agents publics, leur exposant et justifiant la réforme des retraites, alors en cours d’adoption.

    À la suite de cet envoi, la CNIL a été saisie de près de 1 600 plaintes à ce sujet. La formation restreinte – organe de la CNIL chargé de prononcer les sanctions – a été saisie.

  • الغزيّون على أنقاض منازلهم : « والله ما بنطلع »

    Récit d’une fin ordinaire à Gaza.

    "Abou Nasser m’a dit qu’il avait été déplacé deux fois, lors des guerres de 2008 et 2014, et qu’il n’accepterait pas d’être humilié à nouveau, car ce qui restait de vie ne valait pas la peine de s’accrocher et de souffrir. Il a étendu le tapis de prière et s’est assis en attendant son sort (...) Mon espoir est de le sortir des décombres et de l’enterrer à côté de son père et de son fils martyr, comme il me l’avait demandé."

    أمام أحد أبراج مدينة العودة، التقينا أم ناصر، وهي سيدة تتجاوز الخمسين من عمرها ببضع سنين، وذلك في شقتها المقصوفة. هناك، استشهد زوجها الذي كان قد أقسم عليها أن لا يغادر منزله، وإنْ كان مصيره القتل. حينما بدأ القصف، استحلفته بكلّ الكتب السماوية أن ينزح برفقة أبنائها الخمسة إلى مخيم جباليا، ولكنه أبى. تقول، لـ«الأخبار»: «قال لي أبو ناصر، إنه هُجّر مرّتَين، في حربَي عام 2008 و2014، ولن يقبل على نفسه أن يُذلّ مجدّداً، لأن ما تبقّى من العمر، لا يستحقّ التشبّث والمعاناة. فرش سجادة الصلاة، وجلس منتظراً مصيره (...) أملي أن أخرجه من تحت الركام وأُحسِن دفنه بجانب والده وابنه الشهيد كما أوصاني، ومن أجل ذلك أنا هنا الآن». غير أن ما تتمنّاه أم ناصر يبدو محالاً، إذ لا معدّات ولا آليات ولا طواقم دفاع مدني يمكن أن تقوم بالمهمّة. ربّما قدره أن يذوب جسده مع حجارة بيته الذي رفض مغادرته، لأن مهمّةً كتلك، بحاجة إلى أشهر لإنجازها.

  • Mobilité : Le tout électrique est ton ami (non) | 20 minutes / Que Choisir | 27.11.23


    Ce lundi, l’association de consommateurs publie une étude sur les bornes de recharge pour voiture électrique. Face à un déploiement du réseau de bornes de recharge incohérent et des dérapages tarifaires, l’UFC-Que Choisir fait des propositions

    Voir aussi la conf « robustesse », qui cite le passage au tout électrique pour les véhicules comme un parfait exemple de stratégie qui ne peut pas marcher (juste en suivant la filière cuivre, un des composants) https://seenthis.net/messages/1027819

  • Protégés par intérêt

    Dans l’Italie de la #Renaissance, les princes toléraient les Juifs dans la mesure où ils se livraient à des activités bancaires. Cette bienveillance intéressée constitue une particularité dans une Europe marquée par les persécutions et les expulsions. À propos de : Pierre Savy, Les princes et les Juifs dans l’Italie de la Renaissance, Puf

    #Histoire #Italie #judaïsme #économie_politique

  • Gig Economy Project - UK Supreme Court finds Deliveroo riders have no rights to collective bargaining because they aren’t workers

    Großbritannien kennt keine gesetzliche Definition der Scheinselbständigkeit. So können Richter im Rahmen ihrer common-law-Privilegien Recht setzen und die gewerkschaftliche Vertretung von Scheinselbstândigen umtersagen.

    Das ist wahrer Liberalismus im Geist von Thatcher und Reagan. TSS: Die Richter und Staatsanwâlte, für wen sind sie da? Für die Kapitalisten und für ihren Staat.

    21.11.2023 by Ben Wray - The IWGB union say they are considering their options “under international law” after “disappointing” defeat.

    The Gig Economy Project is a BRAVE NEW EUROPE media network for gig workers in Europe. Click here to find out more and click here to get the weekly newsletter.

    In a significant legal judgement for the UK’s gig economy, the country’s highest court has found that Deliveroo riders are not workers and therefore do not have collective bargaining rights.

    The Independent Workers Union of Great Britain (IWGB) had sought to open collective bargaining negotiations for its members in Deliveroo all the way back in 2016. When the British food delivery platform refused, the IWGB took the case to the Central Arbitration Committee (CAC), which has the power to order an employer to recognise and negotiate with a union.

    CAC rejected the IWGB’s argument that Deliveroo’s riders have the statutory right to collective bargaining under the 1992 Trade Union Act, and an additional argument that Deliveroo were breaching article 11 of the European Convention on Human Rights (EHCR) which guarantees freedom of peaceful assembly and association. IWGB’s appeals against CAC’s judgement has brought the case all the way up to the Supreme Court, which unanimously rejected the union’s case.

    The Supreme Court found that article 11 of EHCR was only applicable in the case of an employment relationship and that CAC was right to find that they are not employees. This is primarily because Deliveroo operates a substitution clause, which gives a rider the right to let someone else use their account and carry out the work on their behalf.

    “This right, on its face, is totally inconsistent with there being an employment relationship,” the press summary of the judgement states. “The CAC found that Deliveroo did not police a rider’s decision to use a substitute and riders would not be criticised or sanctioned for doing so.”

    Additional reasons included that riders did not have their accounts terminated for failing to accept a certain number of orders and that they could work for another platform at the same time as Deliveroo.

    The judgement puts the UK at odds with the majority of courts across Europe, which have tended to find that riders are employees, including the Dutch Supreme Court last year in relation to Deliveroo specifically. It also opens up a division within UK case law between riders and ridehail drivers, as the Supreme Court found in 2021 that Uber drivers are employees.

    Responding to the judgement, the IWGB said they were considering taking the case to an international court.

    “The Supreme Court’s ruling comes as a disappointment after years spent fighting a legal battle to secure riders’ bare minimum employment rights. As a union we cannot accept that thousands of riders should be working without key protections like the right to collective bargaining, and we will continue to make that case using all avenues available to us, including considering our options under international law,” the union said.

    They added: “Deliveroo, the ‘most protested platform in the world’, is known for some of the most extreme exploitation of workers in the gig economy. A pay review conducted in 2021 found that some riders were being paid as little as £2 per hour. Now, Deliveroo is denying riders basic employment rights due to their ability to substitute accounts.

    “Flexibility, including the option for account substitution, is no reason to strip workers of basic entitlements like fair pay and collective bargaining rights. This dangerous false dichotomy between rights and flexibility is one that Deliveroo and other gig economy giants rely heavily upon in efforts to legitimise their exploitative business models.

    “We know that the consequences of this irresponsible neglect of workers are grave. Just last week another Deliveroo rider lost their life whilst at work for the company – this is not the first worker who has been tragically affected by Deliveroo’s willful negligence and lack of responsibility. Low pay and a lack of protections are putting couriers at constant risk, and without change these unsafe working conditions will only lead to the needless deaths of more vulnerable gig economy workers.”

    A Deliveroo spokesperson was quoted by the BBC stating that the UK had “repeatedly and at every level” found their riders were self-employed.

    “This is a positive judgment for Deliveroo riders, who value the flexibility that self-employed work offers,” Deliveroo added.

    Substitution clause

    The substitution clause was only introduced by the company in May 2017, after IWGB had first brought the legal case forward. CAC commented on this fact in its initial judgement, stating that “even if [the company introduced the clause] in order to defeat this claim and in order to prevent the riders from being classified as ‘workers’, then that too was permissible.”

    Commenting on the ruling, labour law academic and platform work expert Antonio Aloisi said: “Substitution clauses strike again. The imbalance of power at work is far from reduced, legally or practically, because of a faulty idea that ‘carefully choreographed’ solutions must be tolerated as waivers of collective bargaining rights in platform work.”

    Aloisi published a paper in 2019 on the Deliveroo collective bargaining legal case, finding that the ruling in Deliveroo’s favour was “naïve”.

    He added: “In Pimlico Plumbers, the UK Supreme Court stated that a similar substitution clause, drafted in a highly problematic way, could not defeat worker status, in part because the profile of the substitute was restricted under the relevant contract, thus wiping out the right to substitution. Similarly, in light of the ‘dominant features’ of the contract, Deliveroo cyclists could have been classified as workers with respect to trade union rights.”

    The ruling comes just one week after a BBC investigation had revealed that the substitution clause is used for a black-market in rented Deliveroo accounts. While riders who sign-up to the app have to pass background checks, there is no such obligation for substitutes, making it easy for the account to be rented to those who do not have the legal right to work, including undocumented migrants and children.

    In response to the investigation, Home Office Minister Robert Jenrick called for Deliveroo to change its substitution clause policy so that substitutes also had to pass background checks, stating the current policy was “perpetuating and enabling illegal working in our country”.

    However, Yvonne Gallagher, partner at law firm Harbottle & Lewis, stated following the Supreme Court judgement that Deliveroo’s substitution clause may become the model for other gig platforms to avoid worker status.

    “In establishing that the substitution clause works as a proof that riders cannot be considered workers, the Supreme Court ruling may give rise to other gig economy companies following the Deliveroo employment approach — where it fits their commercial model,” she said.

    The Gig Economy Project is a BRAVE NEW EUROPE media network for gig workers in Europe.

    Click here to find out more

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    #Großbritannien #Gigworker #Scheinselbständigkeit #Ausbeutung #Gewerkschaft