Destroying the University to Save It

Not long ago, the idea of Republican legislators and trustees dictating the creation of university courses, curricula, and degree programs would have seemed like a right-wing fever dream. But as we’ve seen at New College of Florida, at UNC-Chapel Hill with its School of Civic Life and Leadership, and in multiple states that have sought More

Mainstream Media Largely Ignore Israel’s Duplicity and Deceit

In addition to lying about the start of the Six-Day War, the Israelis were even more deceitful three days later when they attributed their malicious attack on the USS Liberty to a random accident.  In actual fact, the “accident” was well planned.  The ship was a U.S. intelligence vessel in international waters, both slow-moving and lightly armed.  It brandished a five-foot-by-eight-foot Stars and Stripes, and resembled no ship in any other navy, let alone a ship in the arsenal of one of Israel’s enemies.  Yet, the Israelis claimed they believed they were attacking an Egyptian vessel. More

The Eugene V. Debs Museum: What It Spoke to Bill Walton, Larry Bird, and Me

What spoke to me on my visit to the Debs Museum? Although I have long known many of the facts of Debs’s life, including the violence directed at him by the U.S. ruling class and its lackeys in the U.S. government, hanging out in Deb’s former home provoked a more visceral experience of just how ugly the ruling-class bastards can be when they are threatened, and how effective their violence has been. More