Wednesday 31 December 2008

V.A. Straight To Hell (Soundtrack) (1987)

This is the original Straight To Hell Soundtrack not the recently re-issued CD version which features many extra songs. Track 6 jumps a couple of times (sorry about that) I do my best! Excellent for Pogues completists and total nut-jobs.
This is the last post of the year so on that note, I hope you all have a great New Year and wish you health, happiness and whatever else you want.

01) The Pogues - The Good,The Bad And The Ugly
02) The Pogues - Rake At The Gates Of Hell
03) The Pogues - If I Should Fall From Grace With God
04) The Pogues - Rabinga
05) Joe Strummer - Evil Darling
06) The Macmanus Gang - Big Nothing
07) Pray For Rain - Money Guns And Coffee
08) Joe Strummer - Ambush At Mystery Rock
09) Zander Schloss - Salsa Y Ketchup
10) Pray For Rain - The Killers
11) The Pogues featuring Cait O' Riordan - Danny Boy

Tuesday 30 December 2008

Noise Annoys-Battery Boys Split 7'' (1980)

This one is a bit of an obscurity. I brought this because I thought it was the Plymouth band Noise Annoys but I'm daft like that. As it happens its the Scottish band of the same name. There is a band called Noise Annoys on the excellent Kilt By Death The Old Sound Of Scotland so I assume its the same lot. The Battery Boys track is on that comp too so I assume it is. Any information on both bands would be appreciated!

Both sides are very good. Excellent D.I.Y. punk rock made on the cheap by the looks of the artwork and plain white label on the record. Note the selotape D.I.Y. repair job by yours truely. You'll see more of that no doubt!

01) Noise Annoys - Tomorrow
02) Battery Boys - Cheap Local Talent

S*M*A*S*H - S*M*A*S*H 12'' EP (1993)

This is basically the first 2 S*M*A*S*H singles on one 12'' EP. I was going to do a nice write up on this one but I found one online and this geezer put it better than I ever could. So cheers to "looner" in advance for this great article which I have blatently pinched from Rate Your Music website.
"A spin of this disc recalls instantly the long dark days of post-Thatcher Conservative rule – just as John Major, Virginia Bottomley et _al_ were sliding headlong into oblivion, so too was the British music scene, with Seattle still reigning supreme.

It would turn out that the so called New Wave of New Wave (of which S*M*A*S*H along with label mates These Animal Men were part of) was to be a dry run for "Britpop" - the re-birth of British pop and a rejection of America’s plaid clad hordes. Advocating the use of amphetamines and spouting revolutionary rhetoric, S*M*A*S*H never quite walked it as they talked it, but it was probably as a result of too many ideas and lack of focus as opposed to lack of intelligence or fire. This record can only be listened to when taken in context of the time, it does not compare favourably with the likes of say The Strokes or The Hives, natural heirs to S*M*A*S*H’s punkish rattle, but that’s not to say its without worth.

The controversial, Germaine Greer influenced "Lady Love Your Cunt" still confounds by sounding exactly NOT the way you would expect a song possessing such a title to sound. Still, it features some great lyrics ('She said babe lets go get a cigarette/I know a man who sells singles over there/But he's not open yet')and is a statement of intent in itself ('My ambition is to get some recognition/For my band and it's ideals/Without courting a wheel within a wheel..'). The song's notoriety overshadowed the brilliance of the song itself and is probably the bands finest moment. Opener "Real Surreal", despite some obscure lyrics (probably the point considering the title) is a solid rocker and probably the most "punk" the band ever got, and it leads perfectly into "Drugs Again" an affecting and strangely beautiful ode to love over narcotic induced catatonia. The haunting lyrics of "Revisited No3" ('suicide is not painless..'- a pun intended at the expense of the bands name - is a nice touch) based on the true story of a friend’s suicide and the songwriters struggle to come to terms with his own implicit guilt are perfectly pitched with the stark acoustic intro and the abrupt drop into furious full band version. Closer "Shame" with its lighter hearted lyrical content ('I got a job through nepotism - you got two years in Pentonville Prison')is a surprisingly bright 60’s almost folky pop number at odds with both the bands image and reputation in the press, and granted the band their one and only Top Of The Pops appearance.

Within months they would release the travesty that was their debut album, and within a year they would be forgotten completely as the record buying public (and more importantly the music press) were swaying to the new laddisms of Oasis, Blur etc, but S*M*A*S*H is an interesting footnote in the history of British 90’s indie rock if something of a period piece"

1) Real Surreal
2) Drugs Again
3) Revisited No3
4) Lady Love Your Cunt
5) Shame

Manic Street Preachers - Motown Junk 12'' (1991)

Some more Manic's for you. Try listening to Motown Junk really loud on your headphones and NOT singing "oooooooh oooh ooooooh" Nigh on impossible!

1) Motown Junk
2) Sorrow 16
3) We Her Majesty's Prisoners

Monday 29 December 2008

Gene October - Life And Struggle CD (1995)

To celebrate the end of Christmas heres Gene October's one and only solo CD. Its surprisingly good as it happens.

Re-upped,repacked and at a higher bitrate!


01) Born To Keep On Running
02) Count To Ten
03) Watch Out
04) Welcome Home
05) Butterfly
06) Life And Struggle
07) It Hurts
08) I Owe You Nothing
09) Big Tears
10) Curfew
11) Everytime I See You I Know I Just Gotta Go

Sunday 28 December 2008

V.A. From Hell To Obscurity (1989)

And now for something completely different. Not my album as it happens but my mate who wanted this ripped so I thought you lot might like it (or not)

There you go Gareth, your album is now famous! Gareth wanted this ripped so he could have Phillip Chevron (Radiators From Space,Pogues) on his ipod. Well I had to listen to all of it you bastard! To be fair some of it is not too bad but it depends on your tastes (and mood) A bit of blues, new wave and good ole rock'n'roll and a fair dose of depressing misery named Loudon Wainwright III. Eleven of the 16 songs are actually B sides while the rest've guessed it, A sides. If that doesn't sound particulary interesting, its because its not!

01) The Subterraneans - My Flamingo
02) Department S - Is Vic There?
03) The Nice Men - Senile Youth
04) T-Bone Burnett - Art Movies
05) Yachts - A Fool Like You
06) John Hiatt (with Loudon Wainwright III) My Girl
07) That Petrol Emotion - Mine
08) Elvis Costello - Psycho
09) The Robert Cray Band - Phone Booth (Live)
10) Philip Chevron - The Captains And The Kings
11) Loudon Wainwright III - Colours
12) The Coward Brothers - They'll Never Take Her Love From Me
13) Dr.Feelgood - Can't Find The Lady
14) Suicide - I Remember
15) Don Dixon - Andy
16) Loudon Wainwright III (with John Hiatt) - At The End Of A Long Lonely Day

Saturday 27 December 2008

The Flys - Four From The Square EP (1979)

I couldn't see this one on any blogs so sod it, heres the Flys.


1) 16 Down
2) Night Creatures
3) Lois Lane
4) Today Belongs To Me

Wednesday 24 December 2008

The Wedding Present - Ukrainski Vistupi V Johna Peela 10'' (1989)

This is the time of year when every blog posts a load of Christmas tunes. I like to be different so have a Wedding Present instead. David Gedge and his boys bashing out some amazing Ukraine music.

Theres not much you can say about this one. Well there is actually, theres loads but I really can't even begin to explain it. Just download it because its ace.

A big thank you to internet technology who helped me name these songs. As you are probably aware, my English is shit....the translations were a doddle though!

I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and if this is a sad time of year for you which I know it is for many people out there then at least have a tolerable one. I will post again after Boxing Day.

A1 Davni Chasy / Давні Часи
A2 Yikhav Kozak Za Dunai / Їхав Козак Эа Дунай
A3 Tiutiunyk / Тютюнник
A4 Zadumav Didochok / Эадумав Дідочок
A5 Svitit Misyats / Світить Місяць
B1 Katrusya / Катруся
B2 Vasy Vasyl'ok / Вася Васильок
B3 Hude Dnipro Hude / Гуде Дніпро Гуде
B4 Verkhovyno / Верховино

The Pogues - Poguetry In Motion 12'' EP (1986)

Nope its not Fairytale Of New York! Its the fabulous Poguetry In Motion EP featuring the original version of A Rainy Night In Soho not the terrible revamped version you find on compilations. Probably the best love song ever written and definately my favourite Pogues song out of very many.

You can say what you like about Shane Macgowan. The man is a genius and the first 3 songs of this EP are the band at their best. I have great memories of seeing the band live. Superb on their day. And awful on others when Shane manages 2 songs and can't even sit down never mind stand up!


1) London Girl
2) A Rainy Night In Soho
3) The Body Of An American
4) Planxty Noel Hill

Tuesday 23 December 2008

V.A. Room To Move EP (1980)

A great little EP featuring four Irish bands. No doubt you would of all heard the Outcasts already but maybe not the other bands. If you like your Rudi's, Protex's and Moondogs then you'll probably like these other bands too. Its a bit crackly but what do you expect - its one my rips!


1) The Outcasts - Cyborg
2) Shock Treatment - Belfast Telegraph
3) The Vipers - Take Me
4) Big Self - Snakes And Ladders

Siouxsie and the Banshees - Arabian Knights 12'' (1981)

Well I have to have at least one Siouxsie record up on here so why not this one?


1) Arabian Knights
2) Supernatural Thing
3) Congo Congo

The Comsat Angels - You Move Me (One Good Reason) 12'' Picture Disc (1984)

I love this A side. One of their best (other than their complete 1st album anyway) The 2nd track is a very nice instrumental. And the 3rd track is a live track which you'll know because I've written it underneath!


1) You Move Me (One Good Reason)
2) Land
3) Eye Of The Lens (Live)

Monday 22 December 2008

Joe Strummer - R.I.P.

On this 6 years ago,I got a phone call telling me Joe Strummer had just died. I'm not ashamed to say, I just broke down and cried. Then I played The Clash for the rest of the day. There will never be another Joe Strummer.

And todays post

Mark Radcliffe presents an intimate portrait of Joe Strummer, one of the most iconic figures of the last 30 years.
Radcliffe was in the crowd at Strummer's last recorded stage performance, at the Cambridge Folk Festival in August 2002, and conducted what is possibly the last ever interview with him committed to tape. Featuring the reminiscences of members of Strummer's band that night, this programme captures a snapshot of this musical hero only months before his untimely death.
55 minutes long.
R.I.P. Joe

Sunday 21 December 2008

The Damned - Lively Arts 10'' (1980)

Well everyone likes a good 10 incher......well thats what my ex missus used to say! Probably why she f****d off lol. Anyway enough of that, heres The Damned. I'm off out on the beer in a minute. Back tomorrow, probably with a very bad hangover.


1) Lively Arts
2) Teenage Dream/I'm So Bored

Sham 69 - Soapy Water And Mr Marmalade LP (1995)

Posted for ponkmedia, a pretty good Sham album as it happens.


01) Listen Up
02) Girlfiend
03) Little Bit Of This
04) Otis Reading
05) Junkie
06) Doctor's Song
07) Alice
08) Steve (Sweet As A Nut)
09) Chasing The Moon
10) Spunky Candy

Saturday 20 December 2008

PragVEC - Expert 7'' (1979)

The 1st PragVEC EP is over at Gary's Always Searching For Music: prag VEC . This was their second single.


1) Expert
2) The Follower

The Escape - No Go 7'' (1982)

A great little number from Bristol's The Escape from 1982. The digi camera didn't like the front cover of this one! Great guitar work on the A side.


1) No Go
2) I'll Pretend To Kill You

Friday 19 December 2008

Gene October - Suffering In The Land 7'' (1983)

What do we have here then? None other than the lead singer of Punksters Chelsea with his first solo single from 1983. Nothing like his band but a very pleasant reggae number as it happens with the "dub" version on the B side.
Has anyone out there got Gene's second single (Don't Quit) from 1984 that they could upload please?


1) Suffering In The Land
2) Suffering Love

New Model Army - Poison Street 12'' (1986)

I love this 12'' version of Poison Street! Its over a minute longer than the 7'' and is one of my very favourite NMA songs of all time.


1) Poison Street (Extended Mix)
2) Poison Street 7'' Version
3) Courage

Thursday 18 December 2008

Ramones - Howling At The Moon (Sha-La-La) 12'' (1985)

Of course the Ramones stuff is uploaded everywhere by man, woman,child and beast and a thousand compilations but fuck it, they sound better on 12'' single (doesn't everything?) This is also one of my favourites of theirs and definately my favourite from the 80's. All three tracks are ace and you just have to love their take on the Rolling Stones on Streetfighting Man. God bless The Ramones, a band that will never be forgotten. R.I.P. Joey,Johnny and Dee Dee


1) Howling At The Moon (Sha-La-La)
2) Smash You
3) Streetfighting Man

The Ruts - West One (Shine On Me) 7'' (1980)

Well you would of all heard the A side of this final Ruts single but the reason I'm uploading it for you to hear the extemely bombed out B side. Just 4 lads in the studio having a good laugh by the sounds of it. Thats the crack!


1) West One (Shine On Me)
2) The Crack

Wednesday 17 December 2008

Jimmy Pursey - Revenge Is Not The Password (1983)

Jimmy Pursey albums are like waiting for a Bus in England..........
Yet again thanks to Sir TakeOff for providing us with a new decent copy of this.

Side 1

1) Die In Disneyland
2) Kamakazi Davey
3) Animals In Carnival
4) Attractions

Side 2

1) Movement Interior
2) On Bits Of Paper
3) Speechless Like Poverty
4) Revenge Is Not The...Password

Jimmy Pursey - Alien Orphan (1982)

Again posted by request of mug and ponkmedia.
Another Edit: New Decent Link and again thanks to Sir TakeOff

Side 1

1) The First Deadly Sin
2) Why(He Shouldn't Be Here)
3) I'm A Human Being
4) Who's Making Who Happy
5) Jungle West One
6) On Invite Only
7) Spies

Side 2

1) Oh Isn't It A Wierd Wierd World
2) Alien Orphan
3) One Night In Paris
4) Technical
5) Naughty Boys Like Naughty Girls

Jimmy Pursey - Imagination Camouflage (1980)

Posted for mug and ponkmedia

Edit: New Decent Link. Thanks to Sir TakeOff.

Side 1

1) Moon Morning Fundag
2) Have A Nice Day
3) Freak Show
4) Situations Vacant
5) Your Mother Should Of Told You
6) Playground Soldier

Side 2

1) Just Another Memory
2) White Trash
3) Fifty Fifty
4) You Never Can Tell
5) You're A Lucky Man

Tuesday 16 December 2008

Vertical Hold - Biohazard/The War That Time Won 7'' (1985)

The final Vertical Hold single was a Double A side. Which side was better? For me The War That Time Won but theres not much in it.


1) Biohazard
2) The War That Time Won

Vertical Hold - Angel Dust EP (1984)

The second Vertical Hold single. Is it better than the 1st one or a disappointment? Its certainly different from their debut one thats for sure. I like all of their stuff anyway so I don't really care!


1) Angel Dust
2) Four Years
3) Dub Years

Vertical Hold - Rubber Cross 7'' (1981)

This has already been posted over at Gary's outstanding but unfortunately the B side had the last 30 odd seconds missing. Now here it is in full crackly vinyl. More Vertical Hold to follow later.


1) Rubber Cross
2) Injustice

Monday 15 December 2008

The Partizans - Goods 7'' (1980)

Not to be confused with the Welsh band The Partisans, this is a great single. To be honest, I know nothing at all about this band. Hopefully someone out there does. Somehow, it made its way into my collection probably via the bargain bucket (again)
Kenny, I'm posting this just for you mate cos I know you'll like it!


1) Goods
2) Partizans

Spear Of Destiny - The Wheel 7'' Picture Disc (1983)

Anything recorded by Kirk Brandon....... file under "great"

1) The Wheel
2) The Hop

The DS - Your Toy 7'' (1980)

Now some more local music from Plymouth. The great single from the DS from 1980, another release on the Optimistic Label. My copy didn't come with a with a picture cover. I prefer the B side of this personally. Rare as hell to find this one. Enjoy another piece of Plymouth history. Be warned its crackly!


1) My Toy
2) Dirty Money

Saturday 13 December 2008

The Wanderers - Ready To Snap 7'' (1981)

And while Jimmy Pursey was concentrating on his solo career and rest of the Sham boys teamed up with the legendary Stiv Bators (R.I.P.) This was their debut single. Ready To Snap is slightly different from the version on the album that followed (Only Lovers Left Alive) I'll even let you have the signed cover cos I'm good like that (I got a digital camera for my Birthday and yes, I'm still trying to suss that twat out as well)

No more posts til Monday but I'm up London tomorrow for the Chelsea vs Pikey Derby

Edit: Officially in a period of mourning. If we can't beat a bunch of two-bob gypsies, what hope do we have? Gutted : - ((((((


1) Ready To Snap
2) Beyond The Law

Jimmy Pursey - Lucky Man 7'' (1980)

The debut single from the one and only Jimmy Pursey. Don't complain or I'll post more! I actually quite like this one but don't expect Sham 69 Mk2 cos it aint.
I've got a digital turntable now, still trying to suss the twat out though. Expect a few crackles along the way from now on. I've just been going through all my vinyl. Bit disappointed how much of it has already been posted on the net already to be honest. Theres still a few bits and pieces I'll eventually rip on here when I get round to this long lost single!

1) Lucky Man
2) Black And White Rock Reggae

Friday 12 December 2008

The Pork Dukes - The Filthy Nasty EP (1994)

More Pork anyone? A live EP from the Dukes.


1) Telephone Masturbator
2) Bend & Flush
3) Down Down Down
4) Throbbing Gristle

The Stranglers - S/T/ EP (1977)

Possibly one of the best 4 track EP's in the history of music. No definately!


1) Something Better Change
2) Straighten Out
3) (Get A) Grip (On Yourself)
4) Hanging Around

Thursday 11 December 2008

The Dark - John Wayne 7'' (1979)

Posted for wilddevilman
1) John Wayne
2) My Friends

Scars - Peel Sessions 1980/1

Two Peel Sessions from Scotland's Scars. Two of these songs have already been posted on the excellent site along with a demo and live track but I thought I'd post these for those who haven't heard them.

Tracks 1st Peel Session (20-02-80)

1) She's Alive
2) So Strange
3) Author Author
4) Je Taime Le Mort

Tracks 2nd Peel Session (20-05-81)

1) Remember Me
2) Turn Me On
3) Vanishing
4) They Came And Took Me

Wednesday 10 December 2008

The Dark - Hawaii Five O (1980)

Along with Thunderbirds and the Persuaders, this was one of my favourite TV theme tunes (no not this version silly) So what was your favourite one then? I miss The Dark. Phil Langham was yet another extremely overlooked and underated artist sadly missed in the Longy towers.


1) Hawaii Five O
2) Don't Look Now

Wayne County & The Electric Chairs - I Had Too Much To Dream Last Night (1978)

Some more from Jayne, again from 1978. Featuring the classic "Fuck Off" on the B side which a single (and a bloody classic at that) from the previous year.


1) I Had Too Much To Dream Last Night
2) Fuck Off

Sham 69 - Unite And Win (1980)

This was the last single from Sham before they broke up in 1980 for quite a few years. Much overlooked this one just like Tell The Children which you can find on the excellent . The B side should should carry a health warning as Guitarist Dave Parsons take to the vocals. Stick to the Guitar eh Dave! I remember reading the write-up of this one in Sounds (it might of been NME) saying it was going to be massive hit and would be sung on many a football terrace. Still waiting........


1) Unite And Win
2) I'm A Man

Zap Pow - Revolutionary Zap Pow (1971)

Some more classic Reggae from Kingston, Jamaica


01) Break Down The Barriers
02) Mystic Mood
03 Funking Skank
04) Tonight We Love Tonight
05) Zappin'
06) Get Up
07) Holdin' On
08) Nice Nice Time
09) Soul Revival
10) Reggae Music
11) Change Those Ways

Tuesday 9 December 2008

Angelic Upstarts - Solidarity 12'' (1983)

Some more Upstarts for ya. Always loved Solidarity. Great song.


1) Solidarity
2) Five Flew Over The Cukoo's Nest
3) Dollars And Pounds
4) Don't Stop

Chelsea FC - Blue Is The Colour 7'' (1972)

I'm sorry but this really IS a classic and needs to be posted. In my wisdom, I decided to not bother with tonights game some weeks ago presuming we'd be through by now. I don't do many Champions League games anyway as a rule but do all the Home League games (being a Season Ticket Holder) Oh well, good luck tonight Chels!


1) Blue Is The Colour
2) All Sing Together

John Dowie - Another Close Shave EP (1977)

They just don't make em like this anymore! Be warned, track 1 is not for Dutch ears!


1) British Tourist
2) Naked Noolies In The Moonlight
3) I Don't Want To Be Your Amputee
4) Mew Nave
5) Jim Callaghan
6) Time Warp

Neon Hearts - Peel Session (05-04-1979)

Wolverhampton's finest with their 1979 John Peel Session.


1) The Other Great Sex Prose
2) Roll On Deodorant
3) Body Language
4) Ring Of Confidants

Monday 8 December 2008

Ivor Biggun - The Majorca Song 7'' (1987)

Why would I put Ivor Biggun on here? Fuck it, I like this one so I'm posting it. Simple as.

1) The Majorca Song (Just-About Broadcastable Version)
2) The Majorca Song (Filthy Version)

Alternative TV - The Force Is Blind 7'' (1979)

I love this wierd and wonderful ATV single. Mark Perry was never afraid to experiment musically unlike so many other artists and thats why ATV stood out as one of the best bands of their time. The B side ain't half bad either.

1) The Force Is Blind
2) Lost In Room

Sunday 7 December 2008

The Members - Peel Session (17-01-79)

One of the reasons why I love Soulseek is little finds like this one.


1) Sound Of The Suburbs
2) Love In A Lift
3) Chelsea Nightclub

Half Man Half Biscuit - Dickies Davies Eyes 12'' (1986)

This band crack me up with their song titles and witty lyrics. This was their 2nd single (I think)


1) Dickie Davies Eyes
2) The Bastard Son Of Dean Fredman
3) I Left My Heart In Papworth General

Saturday 6 December 2008

Justin Sullivan & Friends - Live In Indianapolis 23-04-04 (2004)

Did I mention I love New Model Army and think Justin Sullivan is a modern day songwriting genius? Well he is and this is a great live radio broadcast from 2004. Quality is ace. A big thanks to my French buddy on Soulseek for leaving his computer on (and not crashing it for a change) thus enabling me to grab it! Cheers Haba! If you are a NMA fan and haven't got this one then get it. Simply magical stuff.


01) All Consuming Fire
02) Aimless Desire
03) Stoned,Fired & Full Of Grace
04) Trees In Winter
05) Heroes
06) Lights Go Out
07) Long Goodbye
08) Twightlight Home
09) Ocean Rising
10) Masters Of War
11) You Weren't There
12) Drummy B
13) Modern Times
14) If You Can't Save Me
15) Ballad Of Bodmin Pill
16) All Of This
17) Here Comes The War
18) 51st State
19) Inheritance
20) Snelsmore Wood

The Folk Devils - Peel Sessions (1984-1985)

All 3 John Peel Sessions from the fabulous Folk Devils. Mr Ian Lowery. Rest In Peace. Legend.

1st Peel Session (20-03-84)

1) Where The Buffalo Roams
2) Beautiful Monster
3) What's That Smell
4) Tight Sleep

2nd Peel Session (05-09-84)

1) Big Car,Big Car
2) Wall
3) Broken Head
4) Ink Runs Dry

3rd Peel Session (16-06-85)

1) This Traitor Hand
2) It Drags On
3) Under The Bridge
4) Dead Heat