January 30, 2009

On Neil Cavuto's Fox News show yesterday, Michelle Malkin tried to appeal to Republicans', ah, base instincts in how they deal with the Obama economic-stimulus plan:

Malkin: I've heard from so many grassroots conservatives who have, ah, managed expectations but still, fairly high ones, that in the wake of the House Republican, uh, holding the line yesterday, that the Senate Republicans will stiffen up their spines and other parts of their body as well.

Cavuto: Careful, this is a family show.

Of course, Malkin views obstruction as their duty, so obviously impugning their virility should they stray seems the natural right-wing thing to do. And I'm sure it'll be very persuasive.

Just wondering, though: Does this mean Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe are excused?

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