THIS DOES SEEM RIGHT: America Is Going to Be Targeted for a Massive Terrorist Attack…Will You Be Ready?

I recommend reading Kurt Schlichter’s The Attack if you haven’t already. A friend — my old TechCentralStation editor — wrote me just today: “Glenn I wanted to say thank you for turning me on to KurtSchlicter’s novel The Attack. The kind of book that makes you wake up and lock your doors at night. In one sense it’s preaching to the choir as I am aware of the threats detailed. but I still feel it’s observing and making important comment upon the failures of the federal government to respond well to a crisis (a feeling we saw in its antecedent popular zombie fiction and in practice with the clumsy Covid response). While being riveted by my digital copy I ordered two print copies without any plan about who to send them to but knowing I should. My gut tells me that it should be someone who might see themselves in some of the characters who were ( worse than) mugged by reality. The books central conceit though is that awareness of a threat wont be enough for many people sadly. powerful, terrifying work of I hope fiction. Thanks again.”

THE ISSUE IS NEVER THE ISSUE. THE ISSUE IS ALWAYS THE REVOLUTION. Proof eco-extremists don’t want to fix the problem, they want to tear down society.

This week, Harvard University has shut down a Bill Gates-funded geoengineering experiment. The controversial Stratospheric Controlled Perturbation Experiment, or SCoPEx, run by professors David Keith and Frank Keutsch, aimed to study the potential future implementation of geoengineering by crop dusting sulphuric acid into our stratosphere. Nice.

Even if you put aside the almost instant validity such an experiment would give to conspiracy theories like chemtrails and HAARP, it still sounds a bit too much, playing with our thin air like that — in an unprecedented, and potentially catastrophic, manner, too.

But let’s not kid ourselves. The plug wasn’t pulled over fears of playing fast and loose with the venusformation of Earth’s atmosphere.

Nor was it due to the Harvard faculty’s occasional (yet frequent) dalliance with plagiarism or concerns over the lack of diversity within the ivory tower.

No, according to the MIT Technology Review, it was something else entirely: “Even studying the possibility of solar geoengineering eases the societal pressure to cut greenhouse gas emissions,” it clarified.

Not only are you not supposed to solve the problem. You’re not supposed to think about solving the problem. Because the problem is the source of their power.

OPEN THREAD: On schedule this time.

ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: Shock: Nicolle Wallace’s ‘Very Bizarre’ MSDNC Rant Over RonnaGate Prompts Surprising Reaction From CNN.

Shockingly, even CNN found all the on-air meltdowns to be quite cringe, with investigative reporter Andrew Kaczynski — who has been no friend to Republicans over the years — calling it a “very bizarre therapy session”:

It is indeed, especially when one considers that NBC News and MSNBC, like most other mainstream media news outlets, pushed the Trump/Russia collusion hoax nonsense for four years, which in my view was a form of election interference. They also routinely praised Democrat election deniers like twice failed Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and twice-failed Georgia Democratic gubernatorial nominee Stacey Abrams, both of whom they’ve also had on as guests – with anchors like Rachel Maddow and Wallace sometimes being the ones gushing over interviewing them.

Incredibly, one of the Abrams segments featured her of all people advising Republicans on how to graciously accept election results that aren’t in their favor. Seriously.

So, no. Regardless of what one thinks of McDaniel’s purported leadership at the RNC and her newfound status as a political analyst in Media World, no lectures from NBC News and MSNBC journos on so-called “election denialism” will be accepted – not now, not ever.

Exit question:

Why indeed?

UNEXPECTEDLY! You Know That Bizarre Story Biden Told the Special Counsel About a Worker Getting His Penis Burned Off? Yeah, Biden Lied About It.

It wasn’t just a random story told by a confused old man. It was that, too, but it wasn’t just that.

It was yet another confabulation by a confused old man to brag about himself.

He told the story to indicate that when he was a young (incompetent) lawyer, he fought for the rights of this abused worker. It’s a hero origin story.

Trouble is, there’s only been one case like that ever reported in legal reporters — those thick books you see behind lawyers in ambulance-chaser reporters — and when that case was settled, Biden was still in law school.

It’s yet another case of Biden hearing about something and just incorporating it into his ever-expanding self-mythology.

For nearly two decades, President Joe Biden has told a story about why he devoted his life to politics. He repeated the tale, at the risk of facing criminal charges for lying to a federal agent, while speaking to Special Counsel Robert Hur in October 2023.Fresh out of law school and working as a clerk at a high-powered Wilmington, Delaware, law firm, Biden, in his telling, was tapped to defend a construction company sued by a 23-year-old welder who “lost part of his penis and one of his testicles” to a fire that broke out when he was working inside a chimney at a Delaware City plant. Thanks to Biden’s shrewd legal defense on the construction company’s behalf, the injured man lost the case.

“I wrote this memo. And son of a b–, it prevailed,” Biden told Hur on Oct. 8. “And I looked over at that kid…and I thought, ‘son of a b–, I’m in the wrong business, I’m not made for this.'”

Long before Biden became first Obama’s veep and then Obama’s nominal stand-in, the DNC-MSM still feigned interest on reporting on Biden’s lies and fables:

But, as Hillary would say, in what seems to serve as advice for her party’s operatives bylines, “You don’t have to fall in love, you just have to fall in line.”

#HIMTOO? Sean “Diddy” Combs Residences Raided by Federal Agents Amid Sex Trafficking Claims.

Homes belonging to Sean “Diddy” Combs in Los Angeles, New York and Miami were raided by federal agents on Monday, a month after the music mogul was sued for sex trafficking, among other allegations.

A representative for Homeland Security Investigations New York said in a statement that the raids were executed “as part of an ongoing investigation, with assistance from HSI Los Angeles, HSI Miami and our local law enforcement partners.” They added that “we will provide further information as it becomes available.”

Representatives for Combs did not respond to requests for comment.

The events come about one month after Combs was served a sexual assault lawsuit from producer Rodney “Lil Rod” Jones, who accused the music mogul of harassing and trafficking him. The complaint was the fifth suit filed against the rapper since his former longtime partner Cassie, whose real name is Casandra Ventura, sued him in November for sexual assault.

In a statement Monday, Douglas Wigdor, a lawyer for Ventura, said that “we will always support law enforcement when it seeks to prosecute those that have violated the law. Hopefully, this is the beginning of a process that will hold Mr. Combs responsible for his depraved conduct.”

Related: Diddy Flee? Sean Combs’ Private Jet Tracked To Caribbean Island After Raids.

More: Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs accused in Manhattan court of 1991 sex assault in which he drugged woman, filmed attack.


The sexual predators everyone still worships.

#MeToo feminists may not realize it, but their other target is sex and drugs and rock ‘n’ roll.

Hugh Hefner, Gangsta Rap & the Emerging Moral Majority: “Slowly, however, the elite of our culture seem to be drifting toward a new, far-more jaundiced and suspicious view of popular culture from the 1960s to the 1990s.”

ZONE OF INTEREST: The Real Problem With Jonathan Glazer.

The protagonist of The Zone of Interest, Auschwitz Commandant Rudolf Höß, is presented as the epitome of the ‘banality of evil’. He is a twitchy, conscientious civil servant. He commits his crimes at a distance, filling in forms and phoning suppliers. He concludes his conversations with a lacklustre ‘Heil Hitler, et cetera’. All he seems to want is a conventional family life with his wife Hedwig. He frolics in the water with his children, he weeps while saying goodbye to his horse: and all the while, the din of Auschwitz can be heard in the background, behind the garden wall (the film undoubtedly deserved its Best Sound win at the Oscars). Glazer’s Höß, in short, is the consummate competent bureaucrat, his mind fixed on the job.

But what’s the historical reality? On 31 May 1923, in a forest in Mecklenburg, a 63-year-old schoolteacher named Walther Kadow was beaten to death by a band of thugs. One of Kadow’s former pupils, Martin Bormann, suspected him of having betrayed an ally to the French, and thus encouraged his underlings, including Rudolf Höß, to kill him. For this crime, Bormann was sentenced to one year in prison: he joined the Nazi Party a few years later, and was to serve as Hitler’s private secretary. Höß, already a card-carrying Nazi, was sentenced to ten, but then released after only five as part of a general amnesty. Perhaps this convicted murderer wasn’t quite the dull bureaucrat that The Zone of Interest would have us believe. One could watch Glazer’s film a thousand times and remain none the wiser that its protagonist once killed a man with his bare hands.

At its essence, the problem with The Zone of Interest is the problem with the ‘banality of evil’. Hannah Arendt dreamt up that snappy phrase while viewing the trial of Adolf Eichmann in Jerusalem in 1961, and it has retained a hold over the popular imagination of the Holocaust ever since.

* * * * * * *

Where does all this lead? Unsurprisingly, post-7 October, to Israel. The highest-rated review of The Zone of Interest on the website Letterboxd reads: ‘Truly horrifying how many people are going to watch this movie, rate it highly and bestow it awards and whatever, and then still be pro-Israel. This is literally about you.’ Glazer would seem to be open to this line of interpretation. Like so many artistic engagements with the Holocaust, The Zone of Interest exaggerates what is universal about the evils of Nazism at the cost of what was particular. This allows it to make a comment, perhaps even a ‘warning’, about contemporary politics – while sacrificing vital historical truth in the process. If Glazer’s Oscars speech is anything to go by, that might have been the point all along.

Lionel Chetwynd, who co-hosted the excellent Poliwood series on PJTV with Roger Simon, directed the 2004 History Channel movie Ike: Countdown to D-Day, starring Tom Selleck in the titular role. He has attempted for years to get a movie made about the Allies’ 1942 raid on the French port of Dieppe as a disastrous but necessary precursor to the D-Day invasion two years later. Chetwynd once told the late Cathy Seipp about the response from Hollywood executives when he pitched them a movie about Dieppe:

Many years later, when Chetwynd was a successful Hollywood writer specializing in historical dramas, he told the Dieppe story during a Malibu dinner party–as a sort of tribute to the men who died there so people could sit around debating politics at Malibu dinner parties. One of the guests was a network head who asked Chetwynd to come in and pitch the story.

“So I went in,” Chetwynd told me, “and someone there said, ‘So these bloodthirsty generals sent these men to a certain death?’

“And I said, ‘Well, they weren’t bloodthirsty; they wept. But how else were we to know how Hitler could be toppled from Europe?’ And she said, ‘Well, who’s the enemy?’ I said, ‘Hitler. The Nazis.’ And she said, ‘Oh, no, no, no. I mean, who’s the real enemy?’”

“It was the first time I realized,” Chetwynd continued, “that for many people evil such as Nazism can only be understood as a cipher for evil within ourselves. They’ve become so persuaded of the essential ugliness of our society and its military, that to tell a war story is to tell the story of evil people.”

Two weeks ago, with his Oscar speech, Glazer took that leftist mindset to its sadly “logical” conclusion.

Related: How US Jewish liberalism metastasized into hatred of Israel.

GIVING YOU BOTH GOOD MEMORY, AND GOOD MEMORIES! Huge Study Confirms Viagra Cuts Alzheimer’s Risk by Over 50%. “Studies have repeatedly demonstrated enzyme blockers called phosphodiesterase (PDE) inhibitors not only have an ability to promote blood flow in the penis, but could prevent the neurodegeneration responsible for dementia.”

I say get a prescription. Why take chances on your health!

AND WITH MORE CO2, PLANTS SHOULD BE GROWING BETTER: Challenging Long-Standing Climate Assumptions: Earth Is Getting Hotter, but Soil Is Getting Wetter. “Why did soil get wetter even as the planet got hotter? A recent paper from Harvard University researchers found that precipitation, rather than temperature, overwhelmingly explains soil moisture trends. While it’s not surprising that more rain means wetter soil, the research challenges a long-standing assumption that increases in global temperatures will lead to drier soils.”

This seems like pretty basic stuff.

JOHN HINDERAKER ON THE MOSCOW ATTACK: Disinformation, Theirs and Ours. “Finally, I can’t help contrasting Russia’s attitude toward terrorism committed in its country with its attitude toward the vastly greater and more horrific terrorist episode that Gazans inflicted in Israel on October 7.”