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Capitol Camera
Live video stream of the U.S. Capitol dome available here.
This Week in Senate History
John Adams by Eliphalet Frazer Andrews
April 21, 1789

John Adams assumed his duties as the nation's first vice president in the Senate chamber at New York City's Federal Hall. In a brief address to the Senate, Adams confessed his lack of experience as a presiding officer, but promised to conduct himself with appropriate "consideration, delicacy, and decorum."

2009 Session Schedule
Scheduled Hearings
Active Legislation
Floor Schedule

Monday, Apr 20, 2009

2:00 p.m.: Convene and begin consideration of S.386, the Fraud Enforcement and Recovery Act.

Previous Meeting

Thursday, Apr 02, 2009

The Senate convened at 10:00 a.m. and adjourned on Apr 03 at 12:40 a.m. 27 record votes were taken.

Daily Digest (latest issue)

Senate Calendar (latest issue)

Executive Calendar (latest issue, PDF format)

Make a National Library Week Connection

National Library Week, the third week in April, is an opportunity to celebrate libraries. The reference section of was created by librarians, and it provides guides to help you find U.S. Senate information. The Senate Art and Historic Spaces bibliography provides descriptions of publications created by the Office of Senate Curator.

Catalogue of Fine Art coverThe Old Senate Chamber coverThe Vice Presidential Bust Collection cover
CataloguesRoom HistoriesSpecial Collections

The reference section also provides links to statistics and lists about the Senate; an organizational chart; a glossary; and the Virtual Reference Desk, which serves as an index to the Senate Web site.

Past Feature Articles

Capitol Tours
Photo Capitol Hill


The visitors page is your source for information on Capitol tours, maps of the area and visiting Washington, D.C.