Stop religious charter schools

Charter schools are public schools. They must be secular and open to all students. Allowing public charter schools to religiously indoctrinate children at taxpayers’ expense would be a sea change for our democracy.


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Join The Fight

Abortion bans‎‎ violate church-state separation

That’s why Americans United for Separation of Church and State and the National Women’s Law Center—leading experts in religious freedom and gender justice—are filing suit to challenge Missouri’s abortion bans. Learn more and join our fight.



We work to protect religious freedom for everyone

We bring together people of all religions and none to fight in the courts,
legislatures, and the public square to protect the separation of church and state.

Asian woman joining AU to protect the separation of church and state

Protect your right to live and believe as you choose.

Unite in the fight for religious freedom. Make a gift to AU today.



The Shadow Network is 2nd in line for the Presidency - Donate Now

New Speaker of the House Mike Johnson worked at ADF, a Christian Nationalist outfit and leader in the Shadow Network, for more than a decade. Now, he's in one of the most powerful offices in the world. Please donate now to help AU protect religious freedom and church-state separation.

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