Gravatar Regarding the Kent State U case, it's important to remember that there's no evidence linking the professor and the jihadi website.


If we Americans have a fateful flaw in our national character, it is forgetfulness. This failing speaks well of our human decency and generosity, but not always for our political wisdom or intelligence. We think everyone else as is good natured as we are. Our military defeated Iraq in mere days, after which we saw American soldiers giving MREs to hungry Iraqi women and children.

What kind of new-fangled fool is this? Does anyone in the their right mind believe that handing out a few pre-packaged meal rations makes up for starving people for over 12 years, then bombing them into the stone age? This the author cites as evidence of our good nature and generosity. Amazing!

Gravatar Uh. I am the calipygian that wrote that. It is a modification of a Goebbels speech he gave in November 1941 called "The Jews are Guilty" goeb1.htm where I pretty much substituted "Liberal" for "Jew". It does pretty much fit in at the site, doesn't it? There is another speech I modified there based on his Toteler Krieg speech. There are more details at The General's place. 20Keyboarders

I'm kind of flattered in a sick sort of way that it fit in so well over there.


Gravatar Interesting, but I'm still stuck on the name. Is this a new portmanteau, of California and pygia or were you making a comment about your anatomy.

Gravatar brilliant trolling!

It's chilling to read Goebbels' words put in the mouth of a modern right-winger from the "Victory Carcass"

I'm just surprized there wasn't more enthusiastic replies...

Gravatar John -

It is a comment about what I look for in the ladies...

Gravatar Calipygian - a little more clarifiction is in order, as as it stands I would be more than happy to meet you on the greensward at daybreak just to beat the pigshit out of you. You're talkin' the talk, can you walk the walk?

I fight back, and I'm good at it.

Gravatar Thomas - Did you click ANY of the links? I was TROLLING over there. Yeesh.

Gravatar Hilarious, Calipygian. That guy Snooper, who loved your post - HOOAH! - seems like a real asshole.

Gravatar Thomas - I am shocked that they didn't pull down all of my posts there after my Good Bye Cruel World post - 20Keyboarders

In fact, it took them more than a week to cancel my account.

Gravatar calipygian,

hooray for both your post and your proclivities.


Gravatar I may add - it went over well, and even after I informed the Victory Caucus of its origin, you can still link to it to this day.

Gravatar Calipygian - thank you, my apoplogies. But... I opened Dave's cyberspace to find fighin' words, and as folks around here know I've grown tired of these folks threatening me, my friends and my family. I want to know if these animals that want to eliminate me have what it takes, because if they don't...

The country, the culture, I grew up in had nothing to fear but fear itself. When did we become such a nation of pussies?

Gravatar Some also seem to be forgetting that before "we saw American soldiers giving MREs to hungry Iraqi women and children" we saw poor Iraqis giving our troops food and water because our administration didn't bother to have supply lines set up to feed our troops. Too busy "supporting" them, I guess.

Gravatar Bodyguard of Lies: Mobilizing the Militant Right, from Chris Floyd, about the counterdemonstrations this past weekend.

Gravatar Folks--y'shoulda known it was a spoof. Greek for "pretty butt"? That the Victory Caucus would miss it is not surprising. however...

Gravatar Here's another post that trades in the imagery of liberals as disease vector.

Gravatar Hm. Before I got half-way through the 1-10 list I was fighting the urge to post a comment before reading the list saying:

"Dave, that's not just eliminationism ... that's flat out fascism!"

Then I get to the end and see that it is.

Here's another one that can be modified only slightly to fit into mainstream anti-liberal rhetoric:


That was a sign at the Ford Motor factory in the 30s. Switch "liberal" for "jew" and change the last one to "liberals think they're entitled to your money/ liberals want to raise your taxes" or some such and you've pretty much got the standard mantra of Limbaugh, Coulter, Hannity, et all.

Gravatar As I was reading this, I remembered Calipygian over at Mike Stark's web site Calling All Wingnuts and remembering that he was not a wingnut, so I suspected this had to be satire or mocking the right wing viewpoint.

Gravatar Re: John Hawkins

He's been hired to consult with a media firm for Duncan Hunter's presidential campaign.

Kind of a neat trick how Marcotte and McEwan are turned into "anti-Christian bigots" in order to attack the Edwards campaign, yet not a peep is ever going to be heard about Hawkins working for Hunter. And now and then Hawkins has commenters who want to hang liberals, Democrats, and RINOs.

What is the possible chance that any Democratic candidate could hire a blogger that has such comments and that not become a story on Fox?

Gravatar Okay, cool satire and all. But perhaps a little shame and apology at being taken in, Dave.

It's human to make mistakes and fall for pranks. The whole point of pranks is that we fall for them.

Gravatar While reading it, I was consciously substituting "Jew" for "Liberal" -- on the assumption that it was a deliberate modification of some propaganda piece from the Third Reich, cause it had that feel to it, and Lo.

Sure 'nuff.

However, it did not seem to be satirical at all -- these sorts of things are sometimes done effectively for satirical effect. No. This one appeared to be a quite deliberate effort by a Stalinist/Fascist Cultist, and, based on some of the responses to it at -- wherever it was posted -- and here, it worked at riling up the masses either for or against the elimination of the Jews, er Liberals.

I'm not entirely sure that's what we want to do.

Because by this point there are a lot of folks who don't believe there is anything wrong with Nazi and other eliminationist rhetoric, don't know enough to recognize Nazi rhetoric when they see it, don't see anything wrong with calling for the elimination of the Jews, er Libs, and who thrive on the kind of "inspiration" they get from this sort of thing. It's like a testosterone injection to a right wing "300" fan.

There seem to be plenty of well-meaning folks on our own side who don't recognize the source of this kind of rhetorical sledgehammer, either.

Best not to do it, unless it is clearly stated up front that it is an example of how easily today's eliminationists are duped by simple word substitutions in the fevered propaganda of the Nazis and others of their ilk of the past.

Gravatar But Calipygian soon came clean and pointed out to the VCers how quickly they had agreed with Nazi logic. Hopefully, those who jumped onboard this call for war on liberals will take a second look at their own attitudes.

I mean, it's one thing to be called a nazi by some librul moron you work with, it's another to be incontrovertibly confronted with the fact that you really are fairly comfortable with nazi attitudes.

Gravatar See, that's the thing, prunes. They don't see anything wrong with it.

And being confronted with the nature of their beliefs has no effect on them, except maybe to just jizz them up some more.

That's the problem.




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