
"You're a funny man, Sully ...

that's why I'm going to kill you last."


Friday, August 22, 2003


At 4:35 p.m. U.S. Eastern Daylight Time today, a reader from, referrer unknown, clicked on here.

Whoever this was, they were the 100,000th recorded visitor to this blog.

The beautiful vista between here and one million sprawls before us.

Thank you all, folks, for your support. Thank you so much.

posted by Sully 8/22/2003 04:41:00 PM

Thursday, August 21, 2003


OK. We now have a new address set up for your cards and letters (see side).

Yes, we've moved that part of the operation overseas, to beautiful downtown Sofia, where the sun glints gold off the dome of Alexander Nevsky cathedral, the highlight of a minimal post-Communist skyline utterly dwarfed by the bulk of Mt. Vitosha south of the city.

Actually, it mainly had to do with two things: it had many of the same features as did, largely because the people at designed the interface in the first place; and the desire to have an email domain that we used exclusively for this blog (which ruled out yahoo and hotmail).

We recommend that, if you too are in the market for web-based email, do check out the Free Email Provider Guide (Link fixed 8/23). Although Yahoo and Hotmail do get high ratings, there's a huge universe of other ones out there for those seeking that unique touch.

So, for those of you who have email waiting for us, send away.


While watching VH-1�s I Love The �70s earlier this week, we fell to a fit of hysterical laughter when one of us chanced to suggest what it would have sounded like if the late Howard Cosell had read Sullivan�s way of remembering the �70s out loud.

posted by Sully 8/21/2003 09:55:00 AM


From TAPped we learn of this Josh Chafetz article in the Weekly Standard basically summing up the conservative case, such as it is, against the BBC ... and, just as importantly, Kevin Drum�s evisceration of it.


And Andrew Gilligan, when he reported that he didn�t see any American tanks in central Baghdad on April 5, was quite correct to say that the army had a habit of making �premature announcements� about such things. In fact, this particular story, which was played up in newspapers around the country, was premature. All that happened that day was a single lightning thrust that lasted a couple of hours, and it was several more days before Baghdad was entered in force.

Also, Zizka has this to say in the comments:

Kaus, Sullivan, and now Chafetz (who I just have scratched off my short �rational conservative� list) have made a cottage industry out of this kind of attack. In the context of the actual weakness and actual bias of the media available to most Americans, these attacks are sinister. If the Guardian, the BBC, and the Times were succeeding in making Kaus, Sullivan, and Chafetz happy, we would essentially have a one-party press and probably a one-party state too (Rove�s expressed goal, BTW). Packaging their ideological attacks as a concern for professionalism and accuracy adds an additional level of dishonesty to what they're doing.

posted by Sully 8/21/2003 09:32:00 AM

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Blogging the Blog Queen


“appl[ying] a magnifying glass to Andrew Sullivan’s performing-flea antics” – James Wolcott, Vanity Fair, April 2004.

Passionate rebuttal to Andrew Sullivan's frequent rants.

The Guardian

sullywatch AT

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There Is No Crisis: Protecting the Integrity of Social Security

Also see:

Smarter Andrew Sullivan (on hiatus, alas)

More blogs about Andrew Sullivan.

And for satire:

Neal Pollack (on hiatus as well)

Our inspiration:

Media Whores Online (presently out to pasture, but hopefully to return soon now that they are needed again)

Other watchers:


WarBlogger Watch

LGF Watch




DeCal (Cal Thomas)



The Daily Howler

Media Matters


The small village of bloggers who try to keep Sullivan honest (among other things):


Democratic Veteran

By the Bayou


Best of Both Worlds

Steve Brady

Other blogs of interest:



The Daily Kos

The Rittenhouse Review

Roger Ailes


Max Sawicky

Very Very Happy

Talking Points Memo



No More Mister Nice Blog

Steve Gilliard



Abu Aardvark

Ted Barlow (now at

Crooked Timber)

CalPundit (now at the Washington Monthly as Political Animal)

David Ehrenstein

Brad Delong

World O’ Crap

Tom Tomorrow

Oliver Willis

skippy the bush kangaroo

Public Nuisance

Bruce Garrett

are you effin’ kidding me?

Light of Reason


Onanism Today

The Suicide Letters

The Antic Muse (now Wonkette)

Sadly, No!


Anonymous Blogger

Scoobie Davis


Baghdad Burning

Whiskey Bar

Busy Busy Busy

We Report, You Deride


The Tooney Bin

Adam Kotsko

Nasty Riffraff

A Brooklyn Bridge

Suburban Guerrilla

Dave Cullen

Approximately Perfect

Trust me, you have no idea how much I hate Bush.

Beautiful Atrocities




Also worth checking out


The Cursor

Journal of American Politics

The George Bush AWOL Project

The Daily Kos



Greatest Hits (ours):


The Alaskan climate graph examined

Proof positive that Sullivan cannot, and should not, be trusted as a journalist to get his facts right.


The fisking of Norah Vincent

How we drove her out of Blogistan almost all by ourselves.


Excerpts from Lee Siegel's 2001 Harper's piece

Online here exclusively.


Why we blog the way we blog

A reply to some legitimate and friendly criticisms from Andrew Edwards


Why we blog the way we blog, Part II.

A reply to some of the same criticisms from the less friendly (back then) Arthur Silber


Bush-hating and proud of it

Our response to David Brooks.


Who Was That Masked Man?

The Horse remembered.


How the media lynched O.J. Simpson

Off-topic and our most controversial post ever.


Journalists behaving badly, updated.

Our wedding gift to Ruth Shalit, former TNR It Girl




Eve Tushnet's classic zinger

Sullivan has never quite been put in his place like this. Even Mickey Kaus thought it was funny.


"Bush reveals his poisonous colours"

Diane E. goes digging through the memory hole and finds a Times of London column Sullivan would prefer be forgotten.


The Datalounge list of potential titles for his memoirs

As reposted by Atrios


"The Princess of Provincetown"

Jim Capozzola goes further in that direction than we would ever dare.


Sullivan urges the Bush Administration to lie to the public

Brendan and Ben catch him in the act.


The Washington Times: An irredeemably left-wing rag

Bob Somerby shows the consequences of Sullivan's own logic of media bias


The Central Tenets of the Blogosphere

Derived from Sullivan’s blogging by s.z. of World O’ Crap and posted as a comment at Sadly, No!
