David Lynch 'Twin Peaks' Wife Files for Divorce

David Lynch, the man behind "Twin Peaks," "Mulholland Drive" and "Blue Velvet," is on the receiving end of a divorce petition.

David's wife, Emily, has filed to end their 14-year marriage, and it doesn't seem all that amicable.

The 77-year-old directing legend's wife is asking for sole legal and physical custody of their 11-year-old daughter. Emily wants David to have visitation rights, but that's it.

Emily is also asking for spousal support and attorney's fees.

There's no evidence of a prenup, but David has been a major force in Hollywood for decades. He's also directed "The Elephant Man," "Wild at Heart," "Lost Highway," and "Inland Empire."

This is David's fourth marriage.

Derek Chauvin Policía que mató a George Floyd Fue apuñalado 22 veces en un ataque en prisión

Derek Chauvin, el policía condenado por asesinar a George Floyd, fue apuñalado 22 veces en un brutal ataque en prisión y el recluso responsable dice que quería matarlo.

Los fiscales federales anunciaron este viernes que el recluso John Turscak fue acusado de intento de asesinato por el apuñalamiento en prisión. Con un cuchillo improvisado, Turscak atacó a Chauvin el 24 de noviembre en la biblioteca jurídica de la Institución Correccional Federal de Tucson, Arizona.

Según los fiscales, Turscak, de 52 años, le dijo a los funcionarios de la prisión que habría matado a Chauvin si no hubieran intervenido.

Como hemos informado, la familia de Chauvin no había tenido mayores detalles en los días siguientes al ataque. Los funcionarios de la prisión cabreados no les habrían ofrecido más información que el hecho de que Chauvin estaba en estado crítico pero estable.

Chauvin fue declarado culpable del asesinato de Floyd y condenado a más de 22 años de prisión. También se le dio un plazo de 20 años en un cargo federal separado por violar los derechos civiles de Floyd, que es lo que está cumpliendo en Arizona.

Por cierto, el 24 de noviembre, el día del ataque, también fue el Black Friday y Turscak le dijo a los agentes que eligió la fecha como una conexión con el movimiento Black Lives Matter y el símbolo de la "Mano Negra" asociado con la banda de la mafia mexicana.

Derek Chauvin George Floyd Killer Cop Stabbed 22 Times in Prison Attack

Derek Chauvin -- the cop convicted of murdering George Floyd -- was stabbed 22 times in a brutal attack behind bars ... and the inmate responsible says he wanted Chauvin dead.

Federal prosecutors announced Friday inmate John Turscak was charged with attempted murder in the prison stabbing. Using an improvised knife, Turscak attacked Chauvin on November 24 in the law library at the Federal Correctional Institution in Tucson, Arizona.

According to prosecutors, 52-year-old Turscak told corrections officers he would've killed Chauvin if they hadn't intervened.

As we reported, Chauvin's family had been left in the dark in the days following the attack ... pissed prison officials hadn't offered them more info other than the fact Chauvin was in critical but stable condition.

Chauvin was convicted of Floyd's murder and sentenced to more than 22 years in prison. He was also given a 20-year term on a separate federal charge of violating Floyd's civil rights ... which is what he's serving in Arizona.

BTW ... November 24, the day of the attack, was also Black Friday -- and Turscak told agents he chose the date as a connection to the Black Lives Matter movement and the "Black Hand" symbol associated with the Mexican Mafia gang.

Casanova Early Prison Release DENIED

Casanova just came up empty in his push for an early release from his 15-year prison sentence ... a judge denied the Roc Nation rapper's plea after admitting responsibility to his crime.

A federal court ruling handed down on Friday denied Casanova's motion for a compassionate release, noting he already got a sentence at the bottom of the sentencing range and has yet to even serve 20% of it.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

You'll recall, Cas pled guilty to robbery in August 2020. He distanced himself from his previous associations with the Gorilla Stone Nation gang in a passionate letter to the judge ahead of sentencing, but the judge said Cas hasn't proven he's no longer a danger to anyone in the community, and the 188-month sentence imposed is still warranted.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Cas posted on IG that he was "bomfortable" in his cell ... and it seems, at least for now, he'll stay there.

Jussie Smollett Workin' the System Hard ... Jail May be a LONG Way Off

Jussie Smollett has lost his big appeal in his fake attack case, but that doesn't mean he's going straight to jail to serve his sentence ... not by a long shot.

As we reported, an Illinois appeals court ruled by a 2-1 vote to uphold his conviction for faking an "attack" on the streets of Chicago back in January 2019. He was sentenced to 150 days in jail, but only served 6 days before being freed pending appeal.

Well now the appeals court has spoken, but it's not the only appeals court. Jussie can, and has vowed, to file a petition with the Illinois Supreme Court to review his case. The High Court is not required to hear it -- it's discretionary -- but while he pushes for the Court to hear his case, he won't go back to jail.

We did some digging, and here's the way it works. Jussie has 35 days to file his appeal with the Illinois Supreme Court. It usually takes around 2 months for the court to decide whether it wants to hear a case. If they reject Jussie's, his appeals are pretty much over, and that would mean he'd be back in the pokey by late February or March.


Now if the appeal is granted, it would take around a year for the court to hear the case and make a decision. During that time, Jussie would be free. So if the Supreme Court hears the case and upholds the verdict, Jussie would go to jail, but that wouldn't happen until mid-2025!

In other words, Jussie could dodge jail for three and a half years after his conviction under that scenario.

The wheels of justice ... they grind slowly.

Lil Wayne Sued Former Bodyguard Claims Rapper Hit & Threatened Him With Gun

Lil Wayne is being dragged to court a former bodyguard who is suing the rapper after telling cops Wayne allegedly brandished a gun and punched him in the ear.

According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Carlos Christian claims Weezy threatened to shoot him with a semiautomatic rifle ... a threat he says he took seriously considering Wayne once spent time in prison on weapons charges.

TMZ broke the story ... Christian called cops back in December 2021, claiming Lil Wayne pulled an assault rifle on him during a dispute at the rapper's Hidden Hills, CA home.

The bodyguard told police an altercation escalated to physical violence and Weezy ended up brandishing an AR-15, but sources close to Weezy denied the incident ever happened and claimed Wayne didn't even own a gun.

In the docs, the guard says he incurred medical expenses, lost wages, and suffered emotional distress as a result of the alleged incident ... and he's going after Lil Wayne for compensatory and punitive damages.

We reached out to Wayne's camp ... so far no word back.

Ex-UFC Champion Jamahal Hill Arrested For Domestic Violence ... After Alleged Altercation With Brother


11:18 AM PT -- Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ Sports ... James Anthony Hill Jr. is Jamahal Hill's brother.

Former UFC light heavyweight champion Jamahal Hill was arrested in Michigan for domestic violence earlier this week ... TMZ Sports has learned.

According to records, the fighter was booked at a Kent County jail on Monday at around 1 AM ... and released later that evening, at 7:35 PM. That same day, prosecutors formally charged the 32-year-old with one count of misdemeanor aggravated domestic violence.

In court documents we obtained, officials allege Hill assaulted James Anthony Hill Jr., inflicting "serious or aggravated injury upon him."

It's unclear if the two Hills are related, though officials said in the docs James is "a resident or former resident" of Jamahal's household.

Further details surrounding the allegations were not made immediately available. Hill is due in court in January for a hearing on the matter.

We've reached out to Jamahal's reps for comment, but so far, no word back.

Jamahal just recently earned his light heavyweight crown in January with a win over Glover Teixeira at UFC 283 -- though he relinquished the title in July after he ruptured his Achilles while playing basketball.

Once healed, Jamahal is expected to get another crack at regaining his belt in a fight with the division's current champ, Alex Pereira.

Originally Published -- 11:04 AM PT

Jussie Smollett Pierde la apelación ... De vuelta a la cárcel?!?


10:05 AM PT -- Jussie Smollett y su equipo no van a caer sin antes luchar, un representante nos dice: "Queremos destacar que la decisión fue dividida, con el juez Lyle ofreciendo un análisis detallado a favor de Smollett. Nos estamos preparando para elevar este asunto al Tribunal Supremo, armados con un conjunto sustancial de pruebas".

Jussie Smollett acaba de recibir un gran portazo en los tribunales, pues su condena por haber falseado un ataque acaba de ser confirmada.

Un tribunal de apelaciones de Illinois emitió el fallo el viernes. El panel de tres jueces votó 2-1 para mantener la condena de Jussie, de acuerdo con nuevos documentos legales obtenidos por TMZ.

La clave de la apelación de Jussie era el argumento de que él no puede ser procesado porque, después de la acusación inicial, la Fiscal del Estado del Condado de Cook, Kim Foxx, decidió no procesar el caso. Ello suscitó enormes críticas y se nombró a un fiscal especial que, en última instancia, acudió al gran jurado que lo volvió a acusar.

Liberado y listo
Fox 32 Chicago

Los dos jueces que confirmaron la condena dijeron que no era relevante que se hubiese retirado la acusación inicial. El juez que discrepó, en tanto, dijo que la decisión de Foxx de no procesar el caso era en realidad una promesa a Jussie de que este había terminado.

Con el fallo, es probable que Jussie regrese a una cárcel de Chicago para completar su condena de 150 días.

Apegado a su versión

Recordemos, el actor fue condenado inicialmente en 2022 y pasó 6 días en la cárcel del condado de Cook antes de ser puesto en libertad mientras intentaba conseguir que anularan su sentencia.

Ahora, Jussie se ha quedado con las manos vacías, pero su equipo legal tiene la opción de apelar la decisión a la Corte Suprema de Illinois, que luego decidiría si escuchar el caso.

Si lo hubiera hecho...

Durante su apelación, Jussie lanzó nueva música, dirigió una película con Vivica A. Fox, hizo ejercicio con Taraji P. Henson, fue a rehabilitación y se afeitó la cabeza.

Será interesante ver si Jussie apela nuevamente, o bien, si se dirige de otra vez a la cárcel ... Permanezcan atentos.

Publicado originalmente -- 9:02 AM PT

Jussie Smollett Loses Appeal ... Heading Back To Jail?!?


11:51 AM PT -- Special prosecutor, Dan Webb, tells TMZ ... "The appellate court ruled on every issue Mr. Smollett raised in our favor and against him. This was a resounding and profound victory for us today. Having a dissenting voice in the ruling is not uncommon. The decision by the appeals court is final."

He concluded, "What happens next is Mr. Smollett can file a petition for a higher appeal to The Illinois Supreme Court. This is purely discretionary meaning the court does not have to hear this appeal. He lost all legal rights to an appeal with today’s decision. If the Supreme Court decides to hear his appeal, there will be briefs filed and a hearing date set. If not, then the case goes back to the trial court, which will execute his sentence."

10:05 AM PT -- Jussie Smollett and his team aren't going to go down without a fight, a rep tells us, "We wish to highlight that the decision was divided, with Justice Lyle offering a detailed analysis in favor of Smollett. We are preparing to escalate this matter to the Supreme Court, armed with a substantial body of evidence."

Jussie Smollett just took a big L in court ... because his conviction for his hoax attack was just upheld.

An Illinois appeals court handed down the ruling Friday, with the three-judge panel voting 2-1 to uphold Jussie's conviction ... according to new legal docs obtained by TMZ.

The key to Jussie's appeal is the argument he could not be prosecuted because after the initial indictment, Cook County State Attorney Kim Foxx decided not to prosecute the case. That drew enormous criticism, and a special prosecutor was appointed who ultimately went to the grand jury that indicted him again.

Fox 32 Chicago

The 2 justices who upheld the conviction said the decision not to move forward with the case was not equivalent to an agreement never to charge him. The 1 dissenting justice said Foxx's decision to not prosecute was in effect a promise to Jussie the case was over.

With the ruling, Jussie appears likely to return to a Chicago jail to complete his 150-day sentence.


Remember ... Jussie was initially convicted in 2022, spending 6 days in Cook County Jail before being released while trying to get his sentence overturned.

Now, Jussie's come up empty ... but his legal team has the option of appealing this decision to the Illinois Supreme Court, which would then decide on whether to hear the case.


During his appeal, Jussie dropped new music, directed a film with Vivica A. Fox, worked out with Taraji P. Henson, went to rehab and shaved his head.


It will be interesting to see if Jussie appeals again, or heads back to jail ... stay tuned.

Originally Published -- 9:02 AM PT

Fat Joe I Lied In 95% Of My Songs!!! 🤥

Fat Joe says when it comes to his rap lyrics, keeping it real is just a catchphrase ... he's been spinning tall tales in 95% of his music!!!

The Bronx rap star made the shocking confession while defending Young Thug to Gayle King during a CNN special report on Thursday.

According to Joe, he's been able to carve out a career by using his imagination, and not actually committing crimes his "Don Cartegena" persona has historically bragged about.

“I’ve been rapping professionally for 30 years — I’ve lied in almost 95 percent of my songs,” Joe told the panel. “I’m being honest. I write like I feel that day. I’m just being creative. You couldn’t build a jail high enough for the lyrics I’ve said on songs which are all untrue."

The "All The Way Up" rapper went on to criticize the prosecutors overseeing Young Thug's RICO case for enforcing lyrics they know aren't real all the same.

Thug's lawyer Brian Steel recently argued in court that Thug's name was an acronym for "Truly Humble Under God" and denied his lyrics had any coded gang meanings.


Joe's been combatting rappers being prosecuted over the lyrics for several years ... having played a significant role in pushing New York's "Rap Music On Trial" bill as the push for legislation continues.

Rappers like Bobby Shmurda want similar bills passed in Georgia -- which would work greatly to Thug's benefit.

In the meantime, better take everyone's lyrics with a grain of salt.

REP. GEORGE SANTOS Expelled From Congress

Rep. George Santos just got booted from Congress ... after the House voted to expel him following a controversial time in office, which includes multiple felony charges.

Santos is the first member of Congress not convicted of a felony to be expelled since the Civil War. Only 6 members have been expelled in U.S. history.


The vote to expel Santos was 311 - 114. Among those voting to expel ... 105 Republicans.

A defiant Santos refused to resign Thursday before Friday's vote ... but he's out of Congress now nonetheless.

Remember ... Santos was arrested back in May on a variety of felony charges, including lying, wire fraud, money laundering, theft of public funds and making false statements to the House of Representatives.


Santos had escaped two previous votes to expel him from Congress, but the third time was not a charm for him.

Fox News

The difference this time ... a recent House Ethics Committee report claiming evidence of Santos' alleged federal law violations. Among the report's juicy claims -- Santos allegedly used campaign funds for OnlyFans and Botox.

NBC News / Fox News

During his time in office, Santos was surrounded by controversy and accusations of lying his way to Congress ... he made a few friends, but even more enemies ... often sparring with media and, most recently, some anti-Israel protestors.

So long, George, we hardly knew ya. 👋🏽

Representante George Santos Es expulsado del Congreso

El representante George Santos acaba de ser expulsado del Congreso. Esto, después de que la Cámara votara a favor de su expulsión tras un controvertido tiempo en el cargo, el que incluye múltiples cargos por graves delitos.

Santos es el primer miembro del Congreso no condenado por un delito grave en ser expulsado desde la Guerra Civil. Solo seis miembros han sido expulsados en la historia de Estados Unidos.

La votación ha concluido

La votación fue 311 a 114 y entre los votos a favor hubo 105 de republicanos.

Un desafiante Santos se negó a dimitir el jueves antes de la votación del viernes, pero ahora está fuera del Congreso.

Recuerden, Santos fue detenido en mayo por una variedad de cargos por delitos graves, incluyendo la mentira, fraude electrónico, lavado de dinero, robo de fondos públicos y hacer declaraciones falsas a la Cámara de Representantes.

Santos se retira

Santos había escapado de dos votaciones anteriores para ser expulsado del Congreso.

Es una caza de brujas!!!
Fox News

La diferencia, esta vez, la hizo un reciente informe del Comité de Ética de la Cámara de Representantes que afirma tener pruebas de las supuestas violaciones de las leyes federales por parte de Santos. Entre las jugosas afirmaciones del informe está que supuestamente este utilizó fondos de campaña para OnlyFans y Botox.

Haciendo una escena
NBC News / Fox News

Durante su tiempo en el cargo, Santos estuvo rodeado de controversias y acusaciones de mentir para llegar al Congreso. Hizo algunos amigos, pero aún más enemigos y a menudo estuvo en conflicto con los medios de comunicación y, más recientemente, con algunos manifestantes anti-Israel.

Hasta la vista, George, apenas te conocíamos. 👋🏽

Kim Zolciak Vende zapatos de marca de Kroy ... Haciendo $$$ en medio de sus problemas financieros

Kim Zolciak le está diciendo adiós a la impresionante colección de zapatos de Kroy Biermann con la esperanza de obtener algún ingreso en medio de sus problemas financieros y las crecientes demandas por facturas impagas.

Kim acudió a Instagram el viernes y puso en venta 13 zapatos de diseño, cobrando $350 por el más barato, un par Buscemi, y $650 por unos deportivos Christian Louboutin.

Mientras tanto, las zapatillas Givenchy de Kroy le costarán unos 400 dólares a sus nuevos propietarios y sus Rockstud Untitled Valentinos de piel de becerro blanca se están vendiendo por 450 dólares, básicamente, ¡tienes que soltar el dinero para lucir lo mejor en tus pies!

Sin embargo, con la acumulación de demandas por impago de facturas de tarjetas de crédito, no solo están siendo sacrificados los grandes bienes de Kroy. Kim también puso sus tacones Gucci de $1250 a la venta, así como sus botas Jimmy Choo a $500.

Kim claramente espera que esta venta de garaje la ayude con sus problemas financieros y está ofreciendo algunos de sus bolsos de diseño también, con la esperanza de recaudar miles de dólares con sus artículos Chanel, Givenchy y Prada.

La pareja está claramente en graves apuros financieros. Las recientes discusiones relacionadas con ello terminaron con la policía en la puerta de su casa después de que tuvieran una explosiva pelea.

Como informamos por primera vez, Kim fue demandada por Bank of America por más de $50K en deudas de tarjetas de crédito el mes pasado. En agosto, había sido demandada por SAKS / CAPITAL ONE por no pagar una factura de tarjeta de crédito de $156K.

Por su parte, Kroy ha sido demandado por Chase por más de $13,000.


Kim Zolciak is giving the boot to Kroy Biermann's impressive shoe collection ... hoping to make a profit amid the couple's mounting lawsuits and financial troubles.

KZ hopped on Instagram Friday and listed her husband's size 13 designer shoes .. charging $350 for the cheapest Buscemi pair and a whopping $650 for Christian Louboutin sneakers.

Meanwhile, Kroy's Givenchy sneakers will set its new owners back $400 .... while his White Calfskin Rockstud Untitled Valentinos are going for $450 -- basically, you gotta cough up the cash to put your best foot forward!

However, with the piling lawsuits racking up over unpaid credit card bills, it's not just Kroy's big-name goods getting culled ... Kim also put her $1250 Gucci heels and $500 Jimmy Choo boots up for sale.

Kim is clearly banking on her ongoing high-stakes garage sale helping her with her financial woes ... and is covering her tracks by throwing some of her designer bags into the mix -- hoping to rake in thousands with her Chanel, Givenchy, and Prada items.

The on/off couple is clearly in dire financial straits ... with their money-related bickering recently ending with cops being called to their home following an explosive fight.

As we first reported... Kim was sued by Bank of America for over $50K in credit card debt last month ... after being sued in August by SAKS/CAPITAL ONE for failing to pay a $156K credit card bill.

For his part, Kroy has been sued by Chase for over $13,000.

Felicity Huffman Speaks on College Admissions Scandal I Had to Break the Law for My Daughter

Felicity Huffman is finally speaking out about the college admissions scandal that landed her in prison, and she kinda sorta is still justifying what she did, in the name of her daughter's future.

Felicity sat with KABC's Marc Brown and explained she had hired a highly recommended college counselor coach Rick Singer for a year, trying to secure a spot at the college of her choice.

The actress says after a year, he gave her bad news ... she wasn't up to speed and would not get into any of the colleges. Felicity says Singer "slowly" rolled out a criminal scheme which she ultimately bought.

Felicity ended up paying Singer $15k to bribe a proctor into changing her daughter's wrong SAT answers. As for why, she says it felt like the only option to give her daughter a future.

At one point she says, "It was sort of like my daughter's future, which meant I had to break the law."

Huffman spoke of the FBI raid on her home ... "They came into my home, they woke my daughters up at gunpoint - again, nothing new to the Black and brown community - then they put my hands behind my back and handcuffed me."

She continued, "I asked if I could get dressed. I thought it was a hoax. I literally turned to one of the FBI people in a flak jacket and a gun and I go "is this a joke?"

Huffman served 11 days for the crime.

Her daughter, Sophia, was not aware of her mom's shenanigans. Sophia is now studying drama at Carnegie Mellon in Pittsburgh.

As for Felicity, she's now working with A New Way of Life, an org helping incarcerated women to re-enter society.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Justice Sandra Day O'Connor First Woman on Supreme Court Dead at 93

Sandra Day O'Connor, the first female justice on the Supreme Court, has died.

Justice O'Connor passed away Friday morning in Phoenix, AZ ... the court announced her death in a statement, saying she died, "of complications related to advanced dementia, probably Alzheimer’s, and a respiratory illness."

O'Connor made history in 1981 when she was appointed to the High Court by President Ronald Reagan. She was considered a moderate conservative, and often made the difference on the 9-person Court when it came to momentous decisions.

The Stanford Law School grad tackled the biggest social issues in the country, including abortion, affirmative action, and even presidential elections. She voted in 2000 to stop the recount in Florida in the race between Al Gore and George W. Bush ... her vote was part of the majority that secured Bush's election.

After leaving the Court in 2006, she bemoaned how it had swung way to the right, undoing some of her decisions over her 24-year tenure.

Chief Justice John Roberts said of Justice O'Connor, "A daughter of the American Southwest, Sandra Day O’Connor blazed an historic trail as our Nation’s first female Justice. She met that challenge with undaunted determination, indisputable ability, and engaging candor.”

Five women have followed in O'Connor's footsteps ... Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, Amy Coney Barrett and Ketanji Brown Jackson.

O'Connor was 93.


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