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Eric Ritskes
Stay at home dad; occasional writer and editor; M.Ed finisher & PhD leaver; but you'll likely find me in the kitchen these days .
Unceded Quw'utsun territoryericritskes.comJoined August 2010

Eric Ritskes’s Tweets

El Jones on desire & abolition. Needed this one.
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"No, it is not that we want to persecute desire. It is that we want those things not to have to be desired, because they are a given."
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Too many times that Dr. Henry was willing to carry water for this government, pushing half-truths or outright lies that cost the most vulnerable in our communities, that cost all of us. We're a healthy community when our most vulnerable are healthy, safe, and thriving. #bcpoli
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Today I asked @AdrianDix to explain how we can trust his or the PHO’s word after this @CapitalDailyVic & @bbybeacon story. BCers have been misled about #COVID19 transmissions in schools. There needs to be accountability. 1/ #bcpoli #bced #COVID19BC
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"It’s possible to seize freedom, to enjoy it, to create space for it, without necessarily overthrowing the government... there are ways to achieve it that we need to seize and embrace, even if they are momentary." RDG Kelley on freedom:
Cops' lip service to reconciliation is one of the funniest things. That people believe it is one of the saddest things. #abolition
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JUST IN: The Vancouver Police Board has confirmed the constables who handcuffed Maxwell Johnson and his then 12-year-old granddaughter will not be attending the Heiltsuk apology feast.
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This is my first local election in this area, and it's been an interesting one in many ways. But, this. This is not interesting or novel. It's just hate. And anyone living in #NorthCowichan needs to be actively out against this.
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We need to be aware and mindful of the concerted effort of far-right organizers to take control of local governments this weekend. This is a huge dynamic in the region I'm from, and I encourage everyone, everywhere, to get out vote against it. #bcpoli
See, like this is the kind of bold action should be taking. Materially & ideologically. But, instead they're intent on fighting it. I'm going to need to go get myself my first NDP membership ever... 😉 😆
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NEW - BC NDP leadership candidate Anjali Appadurai is promising an immediate pay raises of 25% for nurses and to push back against the privatization of primary care services if she wins the leadership. #bcpoli
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It blows me away how widely that paper has been read, shared & debated (even more than a decade later). (Also, some of the things people say on here are WILD). just saying.
"I don't think it's sustainable for Indigenous peoples to have to trot out our trauma year after year. And I don't think that it's OK for Canadians to just sit back and consume our hardships,” Dr. Eva Jewell, , on the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.
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Despite the clearly-stated goal of the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, there is evidence that not all Canadians know either what the day is for or how it can be best used to advance reconciliation.
One of my favorite things about baseball is that you don't have to have a particular body type to succeed. From Manoah to Kirk to Stroman to McKenzie to the Big Sexy himself: all great baseball players. Also, is the best. #bluejays
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Just step aside from the keyboard and let KIRK inspire those kids to continue to chase their dreams and chase greatness.
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That donors (wealthy people) have the ability to stifle dissent at universities (so many examples) is terrifying.
"every empire falls, and this little settler dumpster fire one is no different."
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“How do you maintain faith in anthropology while doing abolitionist work?” I don’t. This new article by @savannahshange on the gears of abolition and doing abolitionist work in anthropology and the academy is SO good. Just go read it.
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Especially with my partner working shift work, the best fit is something I can flexibly fit into our schedules. If you have anything, or have any connections or leads to something like this, let me know in the DMs or at - Thanks!
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I've got lots of experience editing non-fiction, especially academic work; some experience in other areas. I'm committed to staying home with my kids, something I missed out on while I was pursuing my grad studies. Doing some freelance work on the side helps me do this.
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Hey friends, I know I'm not on here as much and it's been a while since I've seen many of you in person (moving, COVID, etc) but I have something to ask: I'm looking for some freelance editing work.
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Gaza is violently attacked every single day, because Israeli siege, blockade and occupation IS violence. Today, on top of all of that, Israel massacred 9 Palestinians, including a 5 year old girl, and injured 55 others. This is the uninterrupted status quo in Gaza.
A jaunt into the forest from our new home, and a moment of beauty that made me glad to be alive, to have eyes to see it, to have legs to bring me there, and that such moments exist.
Random recommendation request: can anyone recommend a good general history book of the Ottoman empire?
"...what I really want to say is, I don't want no fucking country, here or there and all the way back, I don't like it, none of it, easy as that." -dionne brand
Do. Not. Give. Genocide. Deniers. More. Airtime.
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I have issues with @TerryGlavin's article, "The year of the graves." Terry has long had issues with me. But he's agreed to come on to Canadaland to discuss it all with me. I appreciate his willingness to be challenged. Wait for it.
Deleted tweets; words feel inadequate. The shock and horror of Columbine feels like a lifetime ago. I wasn't a parent then, but I am now and the horror is different. More visceral. It's so far away, and yet feels so close. No words can bear how those families feel.