The astounding amount of corruption now catching up with the GOP is almost impossible to keep up with at this point. (Especially when your humble blogmaster is on the road supposedly to be enjoying a few days of R&R...How's that going, Brad?...Yeesh...)

Two stories of note from today and yesterday...

YESTERDAY: Thomas Noe, former head of the Lucas County, OH GOP and a "Pioneer" level (responsible for more than $100,000 in contributions) fundraiser for Bush/Cheney '04 has pled guilty to three charges including funnelling more than $45,000 in illegal contributions to the Bush/Cheney re-election effort in Ohio. He faces still faces more than four dozen other charges related to stealing more several million dollars from a rare-coin pension fund he managed for the state. Noe's wife, Bernadette, was the head of the Lucas County board of elections and was forced to step down after "irregularities" were found in their management of the 2004 election. Some of those points are discussed in Bobby Kennedy's Rolling Stone article on the gaming of the 2004 election today.

TODAY: The FEC finds that Republican Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist broke the law by not declaring some $1.4 million in personal loans for his campaign. He's being fined $11,000. Just another day for Republicans who seem to have lost their once-vaunted interest in "the rule of law."

What will TOMORROW bring?...Place your bets...