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Blogger graaf24 said...

Nice to hear you! All the best - Graaf

11 March, 2011 19:04

Blogger Paul the Stockman said...

Looks bad so I'm glad you are safe and well in your home area. My sympathy goes out to those who have suffered.

11 March, 2011 19:25

Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok!!!keep rocking my friend!!
This the second time that i'm worring about you.First was been 4-5 years ago....

11 March, 2011 20:26

Anonymous caoimghin said...

Keep safe friend!

11 March, 2011 23:00

Anonymous Anonymous said...

We're all japanese tonight.

12 March, 2011 02:44

Blogger gilhodges said...

I'm glad to hear you're OK. My prayers for those less fortunate. Be well.

12 March, 2011 03:28

Anonymous Anonymous said...

we are verry glad that you are okay gr jerre dirk's brother , and janny dirk's mom

12 March, 2011 04:47

Blogger Ailis said...

Thank god Lizz that you are ok, my thoughts are with your fellow countrymen that were less lucky.....
Take care !!

12 March, 2011 04:50

Blogger Freg said...

I'm delighted to know you're safe.

12 March, 2011 05:11

Blogger Gonzo said...

Terrible news Lizz, Pleased you are OK. The World seems to be kicking back, I do wonder if any of us are REALLY safe, either from the powers of nature or those more controllable forces within various countries...

12 March, 2011 07:02

Blogger Unknown said...

Glad to know you are ok! take care!

12 March, 2011 07:23

Blogger Unknown said...

glad you're ok.

13 March, 2011 17:00

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Best Wishes...

14 March, 2011 19:58

Anonymous Jaime said...

Muchos saludos desde España. Estamos con vosotros y me alegro de que estés bien. Cheers from Spain.

14 March, 2011 21:08

Anonymous Anonymous said...

much, much love to you. and strength.

14 March, 2011 22:47

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good! Stll, take care of yourself!
all the best,

15 March, 2011 04:56

Blogger Unknown said...

I am so glad to hear you are okay, Lizardson. I am sending good energy your way and to all of those who need help and support over there. Much love to you, your family and your friends (human and animal alike).

16 March, 2011 07:08

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My best wishes for all Japannese people and keep up strong..

Take care liz


16 March, 2011 23:29

Blogger fenyxx said...

Content d'avoir de tes nouvelles au milieu de cette horreur

17 March, 2011 05:29

Blogger Chocoreve said...

Glad to hear everything is fine for you, sorry for everyone involved in this tragedia...

19 March, 2011 01:26

Blogger VaTAga said...

God save you! Let it be the last tragedy in our life.

20 March, 2011 22:01

Blogger The Witchwood Hermit said...

All the best wishes to you, family and friends. Very difficult times indeed.

21 March, 2011 13:02

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good. I'm so pleased. Take care.

23 March, 2011 16:05

Blogger yabanjin said...


30 March, 2011 11:34

Blogger Peter said...

Late in the day, but glad you are well.

Horrible catastrophe.

13 May, 2011 01:38

Blogger zico said...

"To many martyrs and to many dead, to many promises and far to many words. Ah let never be again". I took this loan from one the finest songs the late great Phil Ochs wrote just to say a long overdue "hello and all the best dear friend".

04 August, 2011 20:59

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