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2023 Candidate Survey Results

Member Senate of Virginia
Member Senate of Virginia
Member Virginia House of Delegates
Membe Hous of Delegates
Chair Board of Supervisors
Chairman Board of Supervisors
Board of Supervisors
Member Board of Supervisors
  • Algonkian District Debbie K. Rose - R (No response yet)

  • Algonkian District Juli E. Briskman - D (Click here for response)

  • Ashburn District Tumay D. Harding - R (No response yet)

  • Ashburn District Michael R. "Mike" Turner - D (No response yet)

  • Broad Run District Michelle M. Suttle - R (No response yet - email bounced back)

  • Broad Run District Sylvia R. Glass - D (No response yet)

  • Catoctin District Caleb A. Kershner - R (No response yet)

  • Catoctin District John G. Ellis - I (No response yet)

  • Dulles District Matthew F. Letourneau - R (No response yet)

  • Dulles District Puja Khanna - D (No response yet)

  • Leesburg District Kristen C. Umstattd - D (No response yet - email bounced back)

  • Leesburg District No second 

  • Little River District Ram Venkatachalam - R (No response yet)

  • Little River District Laura A. TeKrony - D (Click for response)

  • Sterling District Koran T. Saines - D (No response yet)

  • Sterling District No second

School Board at large
School Board
Member School Board at large


Member School Board
Clerk of Court
Commonwealth's Attorney
Commissioner of Revenue
Soil & Water Conservation
Clerk of Court

Commonwealth's Attorney
  • R.D. "Bob" Anderson - R (No response yet)

  • Buta Biberaj - D (No response yet)

  • Michael L. "Mike" Chapman - R (No response yet)

  • Craig M. Buckley (No response yet)

Commissioner of Revenue

  • Henry C. Eickelberg - R (No response yet)

  • Robin Andrew Roopnarine - D (No response yet)


Soil and Water Conservation Director
  • John P. Flannery II - I (No response yet) (No response yet)

  • Peter R. Holden - I (No response yet) (No response yet)

  • Marina R. Schumacher - I (No response yet) (No response yet)

  • Jonathan Keith Erickson - I  Response: "Delete me from your email list!"

  • Derrick D. Clarke - I (No response yet) (No response yet)

  • Uzma A. Rasheed - I (No response yet) (No response yet)

Suhas Subramanyam
Candidate Responses
Member Senate of Virginia


32nd District Candidate Suhas Subramanyam - D

1. Do you support policies in Virginia public schools protecting students, teachers, and staff from discrimination based on sexual orientation and/or gender identity?


1a. Why or why not?

I have championed this during my time as a Delegate because it is the right thing to do.

2. Do you endorse the Model Policies on Ensuring Privacy, Dignity, and Respect for All Students and Parents in Virginia’s Public Schools as written?


2a. Why or why not?

I have championed this during my time as a Delegate because it is the right thing to do. I also do not support the Governor's changes to it.

3. Do you endorse Loudoun County Public Schools’ (LCPS) Policy: 8040 Rights Of Transgender And Gender-Expansive Students?


3a. Why or why not?

This policy is a step forward in protecting LGBTQ+ students.

4. Do you support mandatory training for LCPS administrators, teachers, and staff on how best to support LGBTQ+ students?


4a. Why or why not?

no response

5. Do you support full equality and protections for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer individuals, couples, and families in Loudoun County?


5a. Why or why not?

no response

6. Will you commit to protecting Loudoun County students’ right to intellectual freedom and access to free-choice reading books that represent LGBTQ+ identities and lived experiences?


6a. Why or why not?

no response

7. How will you address the increasing incidents of hate speech and actions in Loudoun County and in schools specifically?

I have championed using both my legislative and soft power to champion addressing hate speech and actions, and I will continue to do so in the General Assembly working with groups like yours.

8. Do you commit to acknowledging June as LGBTQ+ Pride month by attending a Pride event, supporting a Pride Proclamation and/or posting about Pride month on social media?


8a. Why or why not?

My family always attends Loudoun Pride and we love being a part of it. I spoke in 2022.

9. Is there anything else you want voters to know regarding your stances on LGBTQ+ issues?

Let me know how I can help!

Member Virginia House of Delegates

28th District Candidate David A. Reid - D

1. Do you support policies in Virginia public schools protecting students, teachers, and staff from discrimination based on sexual orientation and/or gender identity?


1a. Why or why not?

It is imperative that we ensure all our students, teachers, and staff have the right to a safe place to pursue academic excellence. This is a baseline right.

2. Do you endorse the Model Policies on Ensuring Privacy, Dignity, and Respect for All Students and Parents in Virginia’s Public Schools as written?


2a. Why or why not?

While the adoption of the “Model Policies” is primarily a School Board decision, we must understand that Governor Youngkin’s meanspirited approach puts the smallest, most vulnerable minority in the Commonwealth at greater risk of harm and suicide.


A well-respected study from UCLA identified there are potentially 4150 transgender students in the entire Commonwealth. Which means there might be 256 in the 80,000+ LCPS school system, but Governor Youngkin has used attacks on these children as a way to divide our communities and for political gain.


Model Policies should be based upon mutual respect and an understanding of the vulnerability of these children. Not as a way to score political points.

3. Do you endorse Loudoun County Public Schools’ (LCPS) Policy: 8040 Rights Of Transgender And Gender-Expansive Students?


3a. Why or why not?

All students including those who identify as transgender and gender-expansive have the right to exist freely and without fear in their classrooms.

4. Do you support mandatory training for LCPS administrators, teachers, and staff on how best to support LGBTQ+ students?


4a. Why or why not?

While impressive that students can advocate for themselves, it is also incredibly important to ensure those in positions of authority in academic environments have the training, language, and empathy necessary to advocate for all their students, including LGBTQ+ students.

5. Do you support full equality and protections for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer individuals, couples, and families in Loudoun County?


5a. Why or why not?

It is important to me that all members of the Loudoun County community feel safe, equal, and protected under the law. This includes the entire LGBTQ+ community.

6. Will you commit to protecting Loudoun County students’ right to intellectual freedom and access to free-choice reading books that represent LGBTQ+ identities and lived experiences?


6a. Why or why not?

The right to information and different viewpoints is imperative to protect, not just for the nourishment of intellectual curiosity, but also for the perpetuation of democracy. It is critically important to me that all students retain the right to pursue books across all spectrums, including those that represent LGBTQ+ identities and lived experiences.

7. How will you address the increasing incidents of hate speech and actions in Loudoun County and in schools specifically?

I and my team are committed to bringing legislation to the house floor that constituents are behind. It is very important to me to be an advocate for those in my district and community who want to introduce legislation. I am also prepared to work alongside the school boards to ensure they have the space to make appropriate decisions in regards to hate speech and associated actions in our schools, where behavior like this is never acceptable.

8. Do you commit to acknowledging June as LGBTQ+ Pride month by attending a Pride event, supporting a Pride Proclamation and/or posting about Pride month on social media?


8a. Why or why not?

Representation is important! That’s why my team and I post every June and continue to support the LGBTQ+ community throughout the year.

9. Is there anything else you want voters to know regarding your stances on LGBTQ+ issues?

I'm grateful for the opportunity to represent all members of the district and advocate for those who have been previously marginalized.

29th District Candidate Fernando J. "Marty" Martinez - D  

1. Do you support policies in Virginia public schools protecting students, teachers, and staff from discrimination based on sexual orientation and/or gender identity?
1a. Why or why not?
Absolutely no one should be discriminated against for who they are or who they love. This is
especially true in our public schools where every teacher, student, and staff member
deserves to feel welcome and safe.
2. Do you endorse the Model Policies on Ensuring Privacy, Dignity, and Respect for All Students and Parents in Virginia’s Public Schools as written?
2a. Why or why not?
I do support the 2023 Model Policies and its overall goal of making sure that "All students...
attend school in an environment free from discrimination, harassment, or bullying". If there
are specific recommendations from the education community or the LGBTQ+ community of
changes they would like to see in the 2023 Model Policies, I am more than open to hearing
those concerns, but overall I do support it.
3. Do you endorse Loudoun County Public Schools’ (LCPS) Policy: 8040 Rights Of Transgender And Gender-Expansive Students?
3a. Why or why not?
Students deserve to feel safe and welcome at school, regardless of their transgender status.
These policies help ensure that students are referred to by the correct pronouns, have
access to the facilities they need, and in general feel safe in school.
4. Do you support mandatory training for LCPS administrators, teachers, and staff on how best to support LGBTQ+ stude
4a. Why or why not?
We must do what we can to make sure every LGBTQ+ students feels supported at school. If
a training for LCPS administrators, teachers, and staff can lead to more support for LGBTQ+
students, we should make it mandatory.
5. Do you support full equality and protections for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer individuals, couples, and families in Loudoun County?
5a. Why or why not?
No one in Loudoun County should face any discrimination for their sexual orientation or
gender identity--it's as simple as that.
6. Will you commit to protecting Loudoun County students’ right to intellectual freedom and access to free-choice reading books that represent LGBTQ+ identities and lived experiences?
6a. Why or why not?
Absolutely. In a free and open society like ours, we should not be banning books. It's also
important that students have access to reading that represents the lived experiences of the
LGBTQ+ community.
7. How will you address the increasing incidents of hate speech and actions in Loudoun County and in schools specifically?
I believe that elected officials can address this in two ways, both of which I plan to do: First,
we can address this by using our voice and public platform to call attentions to these acts
of hate while also using our voice to uplift and support the LGBTQ+ community. Second, we
must work legislatively to help prevent both hate speech and hate actions by making sure
we have the proper legal repercussions for offenders in place.
8. Do you commit to acknowledging June as LGBTQ+ Pride month by attending a Pride event, supporting a Pride Proclamation and/or posting about Pride month on social media?
8a. Why or why not?
I have always recognized Pride month by attending events and posting about it on social
media. Elected officials have a responsibility to support the LGBTQ+ community in any way
that we can.
9. Is there anything else you want voters to know regarding your stances on LGBTQ+ issues?
No response

David Reid
Fernando J. "Marty" Martinez
Sam Kroiz
Juli Briskman
Chairman Board of Supervisors

​Candidate Sam R. Kroiz - I 

Response received 10/3/23: “Thanks for the opportunity but I’m not interested in participating. I participated when I ran in 2019 and the only thing that was shared with the public was an unfair score on my answers and not the questions and answers themselves. I’m happy to engage with your organization however else you’d like to though, just not a questionnaire again. Thanks again. -Sam” 

Equality Loudoun responded with: “To clarify - we will be publishing each respondent’s answers in entirety in case you would like to reconsider. Answers appear on this page: 2023 Candidate Survey Results” 

We will be happy to publish his response to the survey if he decides to complete it. 

Member Board of Supervisors​

Little River District Candidate Laura A. TeKrony - D 

1. Do you support policies in Virginia public schools protecting students, teachers, and staff from discrimination based on sexual orientation and/or gender identity? 


1a. Why or why not?

I believe it is a fundamental right that there should be no discrimination and would support policies in schools or County government to protect from discrimination based on sexual orientation and/or gender identity.

2. Do you endorse the Model Policies on Ensuring Privacy, Dignity, and Respect for All Students and Parents in Virginia’s Public Schools as written? 

2 a. Why or why not?

I support the Model Policies before they were changed by our current Governor. The new changes are a step backwards and remove some of the protections for LGBTQ+ students. For example, not all LGBTQ+ students have a support system at home and rely on school for guidance, support, and recognition. According to the Trevor Project, their 2022 National Survey on LGBTQ Youth Mental Health found that 45% of LGBTQ youth seriously considered attempting suicide in the past year, including more than half of transgender and nonbinary youth. Being properly addressed and recognized by gender pronouns and their preferred name is beneficial to a student who may not find that acceptance at home. The new Model 2023 requires parental approval for pronoun and name changes. The Virginia state policy adopted in 2021 did not have these requirements. I would support going back to that policy.

3. Do you endorse Loudoun County Public Schools’ (LCPS) Policy: 8040 Rights Of Transgender And Gender-Expansive Students


3a. Why or why not?

This policy increased the protections for LGBTQ+ students.

4. Do you support mandatory training for LCPS administrators, teachers, and staff on how best to support LGBTQ+ students?


4a. Why or why not?

It is important for our schools to be a welcoming and inclusive environment for all students. Having mandatory training provides an opportunity for administrators, teachers, and staff to learn how to provide a nondiscriminatory educational environment and recognize signs of bullying or mental health problems which happen more frequently in the LGBTQ+ community.

5. Do you support full equality and protections for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer individuals, couples, and families in Loudoun County?


5a. Why or why not?

One of my core beliefs is that everyone should be treated equally.

6. Will you commit to protecting Loudoun County students’ right to intellectual freedom and access to free-choice reading books that represent LGBTQ+ identities and lived experiences? 


6a. Why or why not? 

Loudoun County Public Schools' goal for the Diverse Classroom Libraries is to build book collections that reflect the lives of all our students. Books are one of the safest and most valuable ways to learn about differences and build empathy.

7. How will you address the increasing incidents of hate speech and actions in Loudoun County and in schools specifically?

Increasing incidents of hate speech and actions in our County are a serious problem. As Supervisor, I would advocate for policies that address these issues so that all residents feel welcome in Loudoun.

8. Do you commit to acknowledging June as LGBTQ+ Pride month by attending a

Pride event, supporting a Pride Proclamation and/or posting about Pride month

on social media? 


8a. Why or why not?

I would be proud to support the Pride Proclamation and to attend the Loudoun Pride event (I attended the event in June 2023). I believe it is important for the Board of Supervisors to pass the Pride Proclamation to show the LGBTQ+ community that Loudoun is a welcoming and inclusive County to live, work, learn and play.

9. Is there anything else you want voters to know regarding your stances on LGBTQ+ issues?

I am a supporter of LGBTQ+ community. My door will always be open to your organization or similar ones, so let me know if there are ways I can be helpful.

Algonkian District Candidate Juli E. Briskman - D

1. Do you support policies in Virginia public schools protecting students, teachers, and staff from discrimination based on sexual orientation and/or gender identity?
1a. Why or why not?
Everyone should feel safe at school.  We must have an inclusive learning environment that honors each individual if we expect our students, teachers ,staff, admin to thrive.
2. Do you endorse the Model Policies on Ensuring Privacy, Dignity, and Respect for All Students and Parents in Virginia’s Public Schools as written?
2a. Why or why not?
These new policies do not protect children or families. It makes school a dangerous place for many. Nor do they recognize the schools' role in education, inclusiveness and equity so that we raise compassionate and empathetic adults. Sometimes school is the only safe place for students to express themselves and BE themselves and this actually can save lives. In my experience in public schools (2 LCPS grads), I have never been shut out of the building, shut out of a classroom, denied access to curriculum if requested, denied the ability to opt my child out of movies, materials that I might deem inappropriate. I almost got tired of the movie permission forms.  The parents' rights culture war has a hidden agenda and that is to bring religion back into schools and/or siphon public funds out of education coffers meant for the public good and fund private education for certain individuals. This nation was founded on the basic tenet of separation of church and state and I will fight every day to keep it that way!
3. Do you endorse Loudoun County Public Schools’ (LCPS) Policy: 8040 Rights Of Transgender And Gender-Expansive Students?
3a. Why or why not?
This policy was crafted by legislators and our school board with students' welfare at the heart of it. I attended the meeting in support when it passed and I will continue to support such policies. I believe in our teachers and administrators who are professionally trained to teach our kids and care for our kids.  I will not with hubris pretend I know better than our public educators.
4. Do you support mandatory training for LCPS administrators, teachers, and staff on how best to support LGBTQ+ students?
4a. Why or why not?
This will shed some light on those who do not understand the LGBTQIA community. Just as I was able to change our SRO policy in joint committee to make sure SROs are trauma-informed trained specifically for the age group they work with. I would want to see similar in our training programs for teachers and staff.  Additionally, I would hope these training programs will provide resources that teachers and administrators can share with students if they feel the issues are above their paygrade.  Like Trevor Project, Casa BruMar etc.
5. Do you support full equality and protections for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer individuals, couples, and families in Loudoun County?
5a. Why or why not?
Because everyone has the right to feel safe in their community.  However, this hinges a lot on having the right values in our Sheriff's Department! If deputies do not take cases seriously, it doesn't do us any good. I have seen friends in Purcellville suffer threats and intimidation and I am still not sure the problem has been resolved.  Neighbors in  Sugarland have told me their Pride flags have been ripped down.  There should be consequences for such bullying tactics.
6. Will you commit to protecting Loudoun County students’ right to intellectual freedom and access to free-choice reading books that represent LGBTQ+ identities and lived experiences?
6a. Why or why not?
I think being able to see yourself in a narrative increases confidence and helps to alleviate feelings of isolation and loneliness. Additionally, allowing others to learn that everyone does not fit into one mold helps students develop empathy and compassion for others.
7. How will you address the increasing incidents of hate speech and actions in Loudoun County and in schools specifically?
I am not running for a school board seat, so I cannot dictate or directly influence school policy on hate speech and hate incidents.  However, if I remain on the joint school board committee, we can discuss policy and even the SRO role in this area.  I have also hosted an anti-hate town hall with ACLU, a Pride Month virtual town hall, a black history month town hall.  We know that hate speech leads to hate violence and I will do everything I can to call it out.
8. Do you commit to acknowledging June as LGBTQ+ Pride month by attending a Pride event, supporting a Pride Proclamation and/or posting about Pride month on social media?
8a. Why or why not?
I will continue to attend events and co-sponsor the LGBTQ+ proclamation because everyone should be seen and feel safe in their communities.
9. Is there anything else you want voters to know regarding your stances on LGBTQ+ issues?
I am proud to work with Equality Loudoun and will continue to do so in my next term.  My office is always open

Little River District Candidate Laura A. TeKrony - D 

Laura TeKrony
April Moore Chandler
Member School Board at large​


Candidate Anne P. Donohue - D 

1. Do you support policies in Virginia public schools protecting students, teachers, and staff from discrimination based on sexual orientation and/or gender identity?

Yes, absolutely.

1a. Why or why not?

Public schools are and should be available to everyone, should welcome diversity and inclusivity, and need to ensure the physical, mental, and emotional safety of all students and staff.
It is especially important to be proactive to support the safety and equality of students and staff who are members of historically minority and/or marginalized communities.

2. Do you endorse the Model Policies on Ensuring Privacy, Dignity, and Respect for All Students and Parents in Virginia’s Public Schools as written?


2a. Why or why not?

I have grave concerns about the legal validity of Gov. Youngkin's new proposed Model Policies. I have reviewed the entirety of those proposed Model Policies, as well as the Virginia Constitution
and various anti-discrimination laws and judicial decisions, including the Fourth Circuit's ruling in the Gavin Grimm case. I detect a tension between the Model Policies and these other legal authorities. In addition, the 2021 proposed Model Policies relied
upon a statute that made them mandatory to be implemented in our schools. That statute required proposed rules to be based on scientific evidence. The 2023 proposed Model Policies direct the schools to take actions contrary to the majority consensus of medical
and mental health professionals. But aside from the question of whether the new Model Policies are legally valid and binding on Virginia public schools, they are troubling because they target the least secure, most marginalized group of students in our community
and single them out for further stigmatization. 
3. Do you endorse Loudoun County Public Schools’ (LCPS) Policy: 8040  Rights Of Transgender And Gender-Expansive Students?


3a.Why or why not?

Contrary to Gov. Youngkin's 2023 Model Policies discussed above, LCPS Policy 8040 follows majority consensus recommendations from medical and mental health professionals, and takes steps to ensure that LGBTQ+ students are welcome and included in our community and have their existence affirmed. Some parents have reported that their cisgender children are uncomfortable using specific gender communal bathrooms or locker rooms knowing that trans students may be present. I support Policy 8040 and allowing trans students to use the bathrooms and locker rooms that correspond with their gender identities, however, we need to take steps to address the concerns of cisgender students as well, because we need to make sure EVERY student feels safe, welcome, and included in our LCPS community.
4. Do you support mandatory training for LCPS administrators, teachers, and staff on how best to support LGBTQ+ students?


4a. Why or why not?

LCPS needs to focus on supporting the mental and emotional health of all students, and certainly this includes students who are part of marginalized communities and/or otherwise potential targets of bullying behavior.  LCPS staff should receive training on how to recognize not just indicators that a student might be dealing with a mental health challenge, but also what constitutes bullying behavior in different communities.  It is also important for LCPS staff to receive training on what supports will be most helpful for specific communities, including students who identify as LGBTQ+.
5. Do you support full equality and protections for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer individuals, couples, and families in Loudoun County?


5a.Why or why not?

All students deserve to be welcome, safe, and included in LCPS and the broader Loudoun community because every human is entitled to basic dignity and respect, and the autonomy to live their lives the way they choose, unless they are actively causing actual harm to others.  
6. Will you commit to protecting Loudoun County students’ right to intellectual freedom and access to free-choice reading books that represent LGBTQ+ identities and lived experiences?


6a. Why or why not?

I am against censorship and against banning books.  For many reasons, it is critical that our students have access to a wide variety of reading material, that depict diverse characters and experiences, and are written by authors backgrounds.  It is necessary for out students to access a truly well-rounded and comprehensive education, and to adequately prepare them to enter the diverse global economy.  It is also incredibly important for
all students to see and understand that stories from diverse and marginalized communities are worth telling and studying, that they deserve as much attention as the stories written by white, cis-het men that have dominated school curricula for decades.  It is also incredibly important for all students to see specific examples of people from diverse and marginalized communities who have been successful in their careers and made positive contributions to their communities and broader culture.
7. How will you address the increasing incidents of hate speech and actions in Loudoun County and in schools specifically?  

The recent rise of hate speech and other incidents in LCPS and the broader community is extremely troubling.  The School Board, administrators, and staff, as well as other elected officials and community leaders, need to state publicly, clearly, and unequivocally that this hate mentality is not welcome in Loudoun.  We all need to follow that up with consistent action, which means accepting people who look, think, believe, act, and lead lives differently than we do, even if we disagree.  This means not attacking other verbally or physically for being different.  This means allowing others to lead their lives and express their opinions, so long as they are not actively causing actual harm to others.  In a community with over 400,000 residents, there are a lot of different attitudes in our county, and each of us needs to allow for that diversity.
8. Do you commit to acknowledging June as LGBTQ+ Pride month by attending a Pride event, supporting a Pride Proclamation and/or posting about Pride month on social media?


8a. Why or why not?

My own elementary school age kids enjoy attending the Loudoun Pride festival.  I spoke at a School Board meeting earlier this year in support of the proclamation to acknowledge June as PRIDE month. I have discussions with my kids about the history of oppression and discrimination against the LGBTQ+ community and the many examples of the discrimination that still targets that community.  I would also like to explore the possibility of designating an LGBTQ+ history month, separate from PRIDE month, as it was rightly pointed out to me that teaching about PRIDE in June means that our students are only receiving a couple of weeks of instruction, and during a time of year when it can be difficult for them to focus as they are dealing with final exams and projects and summer break is approaching.
9.  Is there anything else you want voters to know regarding your stances on LGBTQ+ issues?

I grew up in a conservative, rural area during the 1980s, where no one talked about being gay or what that meant, except to say that gays were evil, sick, pedophiles.  My own parents did not explain what being gay meant until I was around 12 years old, even though I had two sets of aunts (one on my mother's side and one on my father's) who were openly gay.  My classmates often thought I was gay, and bullied me because of it.  I saw my friends who were gay be bullied in school and rejected by their parents.  I myself identify as cis-het, so have not ever claimed to be part of the LGBTQ+ community, but I do view myself as, and hope others view me as, an ally.


Member Loudoun County School Board

Algonkian District (term ends 12/31/25) Candidate April Moore Chandler - D

1. Do you support policies in Virginia public schools protecting students, teachers, and staff from discrimination based on sexual orientation and/or gender identity?


1a. Why or why not?

I fully support policies that affirm the rights and full inclusion of LGBTQ+ youth and staff. Public schools are for everyone, and everyone should feel safe, seen, and respected in our local schools. School districts and school boards are responsible for ensuring that the school environment is welcoming and inclusive. Protecting students, teachers, and staff from discrimination is our collective responsibility.

2. Do you endorse the Model Policies on Ensuring Privacy, Dignity, and Respect for All Students and Parents in Virginia’s Public Schools as written?


2a. Why or why not?

The 2023 Virginia Department of Education model policies put everyone in a tough spot. The policy is expected to be followed yet does not change the obligations of school boards under existing federal and state law. In Virginia, as well as under federal law, students are protected from discrimination on the basis of gender identity. I do not support the 2023 model policies because I believe in equality and do not believe anyone should be discriminated against in our public schools.

3. Do you endorse Loudoun County Public Schools’ (LCPS) Policy: 8040 Rights Of Transgender And Gender-Expansive Students?


3a. Why or why not?

Policy 8040 is important as it outlines our commitment to ensuring all students are treated

with dignity and respect and defines how we will meet the commitment.

4. Do you support mandatory training for LCPS administrators, teachers, and staff on how best to support LGBTQ+ students?


4a. Why or why not?

I support all efforts that empower our community to better understand and support our students.

5. Do you support full equality and protections for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer individuals, couples, and families in Loudoun County?


5a. Why or why not?

I support full equality and protections for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer individuals, couples, and families in Loudoun County.

6. Will you commit to protecting Loudoun County students’ right to intellectual freedom and access to free-choice reading books that represent LGBTQ+ identities and lived experiences?


6a. Why or why not?

Our libraries should be diverse, age-appropriate, and representative of all kinds of human experiences. Every student should be able to see themselves in our book collections. Removing books that some people deem divisive deprives our students of access to information, new ideas, and other educational experiences. Districts and school boards must support building and maintaining libraries and classroom book collections that are representative of and relevant to the interests of the school population they serve, including LGBTQ+ identities and lived experiences.

7. How will you address the increasing incidents of hate speech and actions in Loudoun County and in schools specifically?

Unfortunately, we’ve seen an increase in hate speech graffiti across Loudoun in the past year, and it is prevalent on the Internet and on social media platforms. The School Board should continue to counter this by nurturing safe and positive school climates and focusing on teaching students to identify one-sided narratives and be critical thinkers. We must embrace collaborative, culturally responsive, and inclusive practices that develop the knowledge and competence to embrace our differences and respectfully engage with each other in our diverse community.

8. Do you commit to acknowledging June as LGBTQ+ Pride month by attending a Pride event, supporting a Pride Proclamation and/or posting about Pride month on social media?


8a. Why or why not?

I am happy to commit to acknowledging June as LGBTQ+ Pride month by attending a Pride event, supporting a Pride Proclamation and/or posting about Pride month on social media.

9. Is there anything else you want voters to know regarding your stances on LGBTQ+ issues?

I believe deeply in equality and live these values in my daily life: I will always stand in support of those who are marginalized and do not have the same rights and privileges in our society. Protecting all children from bullying and discrimination, including those who are LGBTQ+, is a commitment I do not make lightly and I will work hard to ensure that all children feel safe, seen, and respected at school.

Catoctin District Candidate Megan E. Lockwood - D

1. Do you support policies in Virginia public schools protecting students, teachers, and staff from discrimination based on sexual orientation and/or gender identity?
1a. Why or why not?
All students and staff deserve to feel safe and fully part of their school community.
2. Do you endorse the Model Policies on Ensuring Privacy, Dignity, and Respect for All Students and Parents in Virginia’s Public Schools as written?
2a. Why or why not?
The policies as written are overly broad, discriminatory, and not evidence-based.
3. Do you endorse Loudoun County Public Schools’ (LCPS) Policy: 8040 Rights Of Transgender And Gender-Expansive Students?
3a. Why or why not?
ALL students deserve to be treated with dignity, respect and care for their safety.
4. Do you support mandatory training for LCPS administrators, teachers, and staff on how best to support LGBTQ+ students?
4a. Why or why not?
Staff should be trained on supporting students with various needs and vulnerabilities, including LGBTQ+, BIPOC, learning challenges, etc. I believe in expanded training for equity across a range of issues, to accomplish student support without overly increasing teacher burden.
5. Do you support full equality and protections for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer individuals, couples, and families in Loudoun County?
5a. Why or why not?
No response
6. Will you commit to protecting Loudoun County students’ right to intellectual freedom and access to free-choice reading books that represent LGBTQ+ identities and lived experiences?
6a. Why or why not?
Students have the right to see themselves reflected in art and literature, and gain wisdom and understanding of other cultures and lifestyles they may not otherwise be exposed to.
7. How will you address the increasing incidents of hate speech and actions in Loudoun County and in schools specifically?
We need to be firm, clear and consistent in treating these episodes as the serious violations that they are. We should be creating a culture in our schools where students embrace diversity and understand the pain caused by hate speech and violence.
8. Do you commit to acknowledging June as LGBTQ+ Pride month by attending a Pride event, supporting a Pride Proclamation and/or posting about Pride month on social media?
8a. Why or why not?
I already do this, and that will not change if I am elected.
9. Is there anything else you want voters to know regarding your stances on LGBTQ+ issues?
Every individual deserves equal protection under the law AND to be fully accepted and included in the larger community.

Dulles District (term ends 12/31/25) Candidate Melinda M. Mansfield - D

1. Do you support policies in Virginia public schools protecting students, teachers, and staff from discrimination based on sexual orientation and/or gender identity?


1a. Why or why not?

Students, teachers, and staff members have the right to feel included, affirmed, safe from harassment and bullying, and protected in our public schools.

2. Do you endorse the Model Policies on Ensuring Privacy, Dignity, and Respect for All Students and Parents in Virginia’s Public Schools as written?


2a. Why or why not?

I do not endorse the recent VDOE 2023 guidance and feel it is discriminatory according to federal and state law and not evidence-based. All students should be able to learn and grow in a school environment free of bullying and harassment. School Board members have a clear duty and responsibility to put policies in place that decrease students’ experiences of societal discrimination in our public schools. The recent VDOE guidance goes against recommendations of the National Association of School Psychologists, American Psychological Association, American Medical Association, American Academy of Pediatrics, and Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network and, therefore, cannot possibly be evidence-based according to the requirements of Virginia Code. 

Model school policies focusing on the well-being of all students do not rob transgender individuals of the personal choice of whether and when to reveal their status, do not misgender and deadname them, and do not illegally discriminate by sex-segregating any activity, athletics, accommodations, travel, bathrooms, and counseling. All students deserve to feel welcomed in our schools and treated with privacy, dignity, and respect.

3. Do you endorse Loudoun County Public Schools’ (LCPS) Policy: 8040 Rights Of Transgender And Gender-Expansive Students?


3a. Why or why not?

Yes. LCPS policy 8040 says that “all students shall be treated with dignity and respect, regardless of their sex, sexual orientation, transgender status, or gender identity/expression. LCPS is committed to supporting student privacy and providing equal education opportunities, including access to LCPS programs, activities, and facilities.” All items in LCPS policy 8040 follow state and federal laws and are supported by recommendations from the National Association of School Psychologists, American Psychological Association, American Medical Association, American Academy of Pediatrics, and Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network and are evidence-based. Board members are duty-bound to make policies that ensure all students feel valued, respected, and protected in our public schools.

4. Do you support mandatory training for LCPS administrators, teachers, and staff on how best to support LGBTQ+ students?

No response 

4a. Why or why not?

LCPS administrators, teachers, and staff have the legal, ethical, and moral duty to protect students from discrimination and harassment. Inservice training provides opportunities for teachers to grow in their knowledge of LGBTQ+ specific issues, including how to protect them from peer bullying and support them best. Compassionate educators who openly support LGBTQ+ students and include LGBTQ+ topics in the curriculum can improve the school experience for our LGBTQ+ students.

5. Do you support full equality and protections for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer individuals, couples, and families in Loudoun County?


5a. Why or why not?

No response

6. Will you commit to protecting Loudoun County students’ right to intellectual freedom and access to free-choice reading books that represent LGBTQ+ identities and lived experiences?


6a. Why or why not?

Yes. Teaching children to read is a large part of my platform. I want children to be able to deeply engage with literature because reading helps us develop our sense of self and empathy for others. I love the quote from Rudine Sims Bishop (2015), “Books are sometimes windows, offering views of worlds that may be real or imagined, familiar or strange. These windows are also sliding glass doors, and readers have only to walk through in imagination to become part of whatever world has been created or recreated by the author. When lighting conditions are just right, however, a window can also be a mirror.” 

7. How will you address the increasing incidents of hate speech and actions in Loudoun County and in schools specifically?

LCPS is revising Policy 8250, “Bullying Prevention and Education,” in the School Board Student Services committee. When this policy is revised and passed, I will continue to request and investigate data on harassment and homophobic incidents and work with school administration, school board advisory committees, and stakeholders to decrease bullying behavior in our schools. It is vital to reduce the stigma and discrimination students and staff feel from the politicization of our schools by providing resources, spaces, and opportunities that are comfortable, validating, and safe.

8. Do you commit to acknowledging June as LGBTQ+ Pride month by attending a Pride event, supporting a Pride Proclamation and/or posting about Pride month on social media?


8a. Why or why not?

No response

9. Is there anything else you want voters to know regarding your stances on LGBTQ+ issues?

I have been and always will be an ally.

Leesburg District (term ends 12/31/25) Candidate Erika R. Ogedegbe - D 

1. Do you support policies in Virginia public schools protecting students, teachers, and staff from discrimination based on sexual orientation and/or gender identity?
1a. Why or why not?
It is the law and we should not condone discrimination of any kind.
2. Do you endorse the Model Policies on Ensuring Privacy, Dignity, and Respect for All Students and Parents in Virginia’s Public Schools as written?
2a. Why or why not?
The new model policy is inconsistent with established anti discrimination laws and would set us back with regard to protections for this group of marginalized students.
3. Do you endorse Loudoun County Public Schools’ (LCPS) Policy: 8040 Rights Of Transgender And Gender-Expansive Students?
3a. Why or why not?
Respecting and honoring identity is a key component to creating welcoming and safe schools. All of our students need to feel safe and seen in order to learn.
4. Do you support mandatory training for LCPS administrators, teachers, and staff on how best to support LGBTQ+ students?
4a. Why or why not?
We have LGBTQ+ students and this is one way in which we can continue to make our schools inclusive spaces.
5. Do you support full equality and protections for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer individuals, couples, and families in Loudoun County?
5a. Why or why not?
Because it’s the right thing to do.
6. Will you commit to protecting Loudoun County students’ right to intellectual freedom and access to free-choice reading books that represent LGBTQ+ identities and lived experiences?
6a. Why or why not?
It’s important that children have the opportunity to see themselves and their families in books and having books that reflect the lives experiences of LGBTQ+ individuals is a reflection of our community.
7. How will you address the increasing incidents of hate speech and actions in Loudoun County and in schools specifically?
Having the data and information is the first step. We need to continue to set the expectation that hate has no home here. Every incident needs to be addressed and parents need to be part of the discussion about expectations for how we expect respect for one another in our schools and community.
8. Do you commit to acknowledging June as LGBTQ+ Pride month by attending a Pride event, supporting a Pride Proclamation and/or posting about Pride month on social media?
8a. Why or why not?
Because June is Pride month and acknowledging that reinforces our commitment of support.
9. Is there anything else you want voters to know regarding your stances on LGBTQ+ issues?
I grew up in Brookline Massachusetts which has a reputation, similar to Loudoun, as being an affluent and well-resourced town, with a diverse population. It was hard for my single mother to make ends meet, but she chose to live there, not only to provide me with the best public education available, but also to instill in me a deep appreciation and understanding of difference as an enriching aspect of life. And as a gay person, my mother prioritized a community that would be welcoming to our family. She worked full time as an office manager and went back to school part time to finish college while I was in high school. Because of her choices and sacrifices, I had the opportunity to attend great schools that were foundational to my success. I’m committed to ensuring continued protections for LGBTQ+ students and staff because this is personal to me and because it’s the right thing to do.

Megan Lockwod
Erika Ogedegbe
Anne P. Donohue
Melinda Mansfield
Clerk of Court
Candidate Brian P. Allman - I

1. Do you support policies in Virginia public schools protecting students, teachers, and staff from discrimination based on sexual orientation and/or gender identity?


1a. Why or why not? 
no response

2. Do you endorse the Model Policies on Ensuring Privacy, Dignity, and Respect for All Students and Parents in Virginia’s Public Schools as written?


2a. Why or why not?

no response

3. Do you endorse Loudoun County Public Schools’ (LCPS) Policy: 8040 Rights Of Transgender And Gender-Expansive Students?


3a. Why or why not?

no response

4. Do you support mandatory training for LCPS administrators, teachers, and staff on how best to support LGBTQ+ students?


4a. Why or why not?

no response

5. Do you support full equality and protections for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer individuals, couples, and families in Loudoun County?


5a. Why or why not?

no response

6. Will you commit to protecting Loudoun County students’ right to intellectual freedom and access to free-choice reading books that represent LGBTQ+ identities and lived experiences?


6a. Why or why not?

no response

7. How will you address the increasing incidents of hate speech and actions in Loudoun County and in schools specifically?

If elected clerk of the court, I will only be able to give my support.

8. Do you commit to acknowledging June as LGBTQ+ Pride month by attending a Pride event, supporting a Pride Proclamation and/or posting about Pride month on social media?


8a. Why or why not?

no response

9. Is there anything else you want voters to know regarding your stances on LGBTQ+ issues?

There is no room for discrimination!

Commissioner of Revenue


Candidate Sri S. Amudhanar - D

1. Do you support policies in Virginia public schools protecting students, teachers, and staff from discrimination based on sexual orientation and/or gender identity?


1a. Why or why not?

Equality of persons regardless of gender and sexual identity, is undeniable. Definition of gender and sexual identity, is not simple and binary. Meanwhile every person's right to decide for themselves and not for others is paramount.

2. Do you endorse the Model Policies on Ensuring Privacy, Dignity, and Respect for All Students and Parents in Virginia’s Public Schools as written?


2a. Why or why not?

I support the principle of ensuring privacy, dignity and respect. However this law is not my area of expertise, I have not studied this document enough to understand its strengths and failings for the purpose. I am certain that all, including LGBTQ+ persons are imbued with an inherent right to freedom and equality to pursue their own goals and enjoy their own lives without denying others their own rights and deserve facilities and accommodations to facilitate that without challenge or harassment.

3. Do you endorse Loudoun County Public Schools’ (LCPS) Policy: 8040 Rights Of Transgender And Gender-Expansive Students?


3a. Why or why not?

I support protections to the LGBTQ+ persons. However I am not certain if this document is exhaustive, is underreach or overreach, and in what ways. I do not fully understand what needs to be done to do a good job in allowing LGBTQ+ persons freedom and equality to pursue their goals and enjoy their lives.

4. Do you support mandatory training for LCPS administrators, teachers, and staff on how best to support LGBTQ+ students?


4a. Why or why not?

If the training is written to deny rights to LGBTQ+, causing them harm, I would not support the training. 
Mandatory training done badly can be negative. Who decides this is good training or inadequate training? This needs to be resolved first. I also believe motivation is a better choice than enforcement to attend training. Convincing people takes persistence and acceptance. Even enlightenment doesn't negate deep rooted biases or beliefs. In fact mandatory training inflicted on the unwilling can create new hostility and entrench hate. Converting hearts filled with hate to sympathetic hearts is a great objective, though.

5. Do you support full equality and protections for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer individuals, couples, and families in Loudoun County? 


5a. Why or why not?

All gender and sexual identities are (or should be) equal under law

6. Will you commit to protecting Loudoun County students’ right to intellectual freedom and access to free-choice reading books that represent LGBTQ+ identities and lived experiences?


6a. Why or why not?

Everyone has the right to choose their own intellectual growth and reading.

7. How will you address the increasing incidents of hate speech and actions in Loudoun County and in schools specifically?

I stand firmly against hate and prejudice driven activities.

8. Do you commit to acknowledging June as LGBTQ+ Pride month by attending a Pride event, supporting a Pride Proclamation and/or posting about Pride month on social media?


8a. Why or why not?

If the community through their own representation decided on these proclamations, I would support it. I have attended, organized and supported many such activities already since 1989, when the community was nascent, and also in Loudoun for decade. I have to be sure the community has decided on these asks.

9. Is there anything else you want voters to know regarding your stances on LGBTQ+ issues?

I have shared work life, personal friendships, and even shared homes with the LGBTQ+ persons over many decades. In my own life these identities do not influence my choices in friends, co-workers, personal and business relationships.

Brian P. Allman
Sri S. Amudhanar - D
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