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Past Events

20th Anniversary Party

June 17, 2023
5:00pm — 10:00pm

Dorris Ranch, Springfield, OR

In 2023 CLDC turns 20 - join us at our anniversary party!

Biscuit Forest Defense: 20 Years Later

May 4, 2023
3:00 pm PT — 4:30 pm PT


Rebel Revelry 2023: Benefit Event

March 4, 2023
6:00 pm PT — 11:00 pm PT

Eugene Garden Club, 1645 High St., Eugene, OR 97401

Join us at Rebel Revelry for food, drinks, and live music from Moon Mountain String Band, Peter Wilde, and RatieD!  Click here to buy your ticket in advance!

Abolitionist Book Club

January 11, 2023
4:00 pm PT — 5:30 pm PT


Warm up this winter with Abolitionist Book Club! Presented by CLDC & Burning Books. Join CLDC and Burning Books on two chilly Wednesdays in January to warm ourselves up with Derecka Purnell's book Becoming Abolitionists. We will meet on January 11 & 25. 4pm PT/7pm ET. The book club will include facilitated discussion by CLDC staff, Burning Books staff, and special guests. This book is available for purchase through Burning Books and is being offered at a discount to book club registrants. When you register a discount code will be provided to you by email.