WELCOME TO 350 Canada. Our plan:


We are building a people-powered movement for climate action. That means stopping fossil fuel expansion and passing bold just transition legislation. We need as many people as possible on board.

On November 3 and 4 people across Canada and around world will rise up to show that a global renewable energy revolution is within our reach. Learn more about the Power Up Day of Action and RSVP for an event near you.

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Canada Is Burning:

Don’t let Big Oil write Canada's sustainable jobs plan

After tens of thousands demanded a Just Transition, the Trudeau government finally announced the Sustainable Jobs Act. Unfortunately, the legislation leaves much to be desired. It has no specificity, no urgency, and does not refer to a "just transition" once. Worst of all, it leaves the door wide open for fossil fuel industry influence. Let’s make it clear to Trudeau and his ministers: Big Oil has no place in the plan for a sustainable future.

Instead, let’s build a plan that is led by communities, Indigenous peoples, and workers.


Dear Prime Minister and Ministers, Big Oil has no place in the plan for a better future. 

We are in a climate emergency. We just suffered through the worst wildfire "season" in Canada's history. Millions of people were exposed to toxic smoke and tens of thousands were evacuated from their homes. We call on your government to take this crisis seriously.

The most important first step you can take is to strengthen the Sustainable Jobs Act by taking these actions: 

Don’t give Big Oil a seat on the Sustainable Jobs Partnership Council, which will advise Ministers on the plan — instead prioritize the voices of workers, Indigenous peoples, and climate-impacted communities.

Accelerate the timeline and define "sustainable jobs" to ensure they will enable a just transition to 100% renewable energy while urgently decarbonizing our economy in line with science. There are no sustainable jobs in fossil fuels or false solutions.

Ensure justice for all by following Indigenous leadership, resourcing community-based climate solutions, and ensuring "sustainable jobs" offer decent, unionized work.

The Sustainable Jobs Act is just the first step. Moving forward, we’re calling on you to act urgently to deliver a Just Transition to 100% renewable energy that leaves no one behind.

Dear Prime Minister and Ministers, Big Oil has no place in the plan for a better future. 

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Truth and Reconciliation

Here are some ways that we encourage you to show your support and solidarity today:

3 Things to watch out for in Budget 2023

In just two weeks, the federal government will announce its 2023 budget. It comes on the heels of a sobering new IPCC report that reminds us just how urgently Canada needs to take bolder climate action.


Help us win bold climate action and a just transition that puts workers and communities first.

By signing up with the 350 Canada Climate Corps, you will join a nationwide network of volunteers organizing every city and town in this country until we win a Just Transition.

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For media inquiries please contact:

Chris Gusen
Senior Digital and Communications Specialist
[email protected]

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