Stop Fossil Fuels.

Build 100% Renewables.

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To solve the climate crisis, we need a movement more powerful than those who wish to pollute our planet. Sign up here and you’ll be part of a movement to take back our democracy from the hands of the fossil fuel lobby, so we can get on with building 100% renewable energy:

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Go Fossil Free!

Together we're cutting the flow of money to new gas projects and undermining the social license of the industry.

Across the continent, activists are working together to shift financial institutions away from oil & gas so we can stop massive gas basins that threaten our climate and communities.

We know that tax-dodging gas companies have too much power over our politicians, and our community events, so we're also fighting end partnerships with fossil gas companies on arts and sports events, and shifting the gas industry's narrative that their toxic product has any role in the transition to renewable energy.

Our Islands Our Home

Zenadth Kes (the Torres Strait Islands & surrounding seas) is home to Traditional Owners who have lived with a deep connection to land, sea, sky and culture for over 60,000 years.

Right now, Torres Strait Islanders are on the frontlines of the climate crisis and urgent action is needed to ensure they can remain on their homelands. Advancing seas are already threatening homes, as well as damaging fresh water supplies, crops, burial grounds and sacred cultural sites.

Our Islands Our Home is a campaign led by Torres Strait Islanders to protect their island homes.

Take action now

Our Mission Australia aims to rapidly end fossil fuels by building a global climate movement.

The number 350 means climate safety: to preserve a liveable planet, scientists tell us we must reduce the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere from its current level of 415 parts per million to below 350 ppm.

We believe that a global grassroots movement can hold our leaders accountable to the realities of science and the principles of justice. The movement is rising from the ground up all over the world and is uniting to create the solutions that will create a better future for all. Australia is a not-for-profit project helping build this movement from our corner of the globe.

Together we can build our collective power to win campaigns

Contribute directly to cutting-edge campaigns to address the climate crisis.


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Latest News

350 Australia Joins the Call for a Permanent Ceasefire

As a grassroots movement committed to climate justice, we call for the Albanese Government to support a permanent ceasefire, humanitarian aid, and freedom and justice for Palestinians. In doing so we join with the Palestinians, Jewish people and organisations, civil society organisations, trade unions, and hundreds of thousands of everyday people attending demonstrations around the world.

Palestine: A Climate Justice Issue

As a climate justice movement our vision for the world is one where everyone can live freely, have access to all resources they need to survive and thrive, and where everyone is protected from the worst impacts of climate change. We strive for justice and work for not only a carbon emissions free future, but a world free of the injustice that has caused the crisis – and this includes militarism and imperialism.

Detailed policy guide to all-electric, gas-free new homes and businesses

Why is 350 working specifically with NSW councils? 350 Australia have conducted extensive analysis of the planning systems in each state and territory across the country. We’ve identified that councils in NSW are the only councils with the power to ban gas from new developments via their planning systems. In every other state and territory where councils have some role in the planning process, any changes to planning rules all require state government approval.

Electrify Your Council FAQs

Why is 350 working only with councils in NSW and not other councils? NSW councils have the power to change their planning laws to ensure that new developments are all-electric without gas. There’s a growing movement led by NSW councils to create all-electric, gas-free homes and businesses. 350 has decided to join this movement by working with councils and local communities in NSW as part of a broader push to ensure the NSW state government takes the action needed to get off gas.

Electrify Your Council Council Tracker

City of Newcastle On 26 September 2023, the council voted unanimously to begin the process of changing its planning controls to require new residential development to include all-electric indoor appliances (stoves, cooktops and heaters), very similar to the Waverley Council approach.  Lane Cove Council At its 21 September Council meeting, Lave Cove passed new planning rules which prohibit the installation of gas appliances in all new development (residential and non-residential).

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