Archive for video

Halloween Countdown: Monster Vitamins (Starring Vincent Price)

Posted in absurd, advertising, animation, halloween, monsters, music, video with tags , , , , , , , on October 14, 2016 by shewalkssoftly

Vincent Price’s voice can make absolutely anything sound ominous with a twist of undeniable sophistication, as evidenced by this 1974 commercial for children’s vitamins.


Some might say he “sold out” with product endorsements like these. But I think he knew how (comically) amazing various products would be with his iconic presence behind them. I like to believe he enjoyed the irony.




If you’re feeling particularly masochistic today, you can listen to one side of the “Monster Vitamins Record.” But…you’ve been warned.


The Bob Baker Marionette Theater

Posted in cats, kitsch, puppets, video with tags , , , on April 11, 2016 by shewalkssoftly

I hope I’m able to get to Los Angeles and visit the The Bob Baker Marionette Theater before it closes down. This landmark theater, created in 1962 out of a run down old shop, may not be anything special on the outside…but has been described as a “giant velvet 1960’s Christmas present” on the inside.



There is no stage, leaving little separation between the audience and the show (many guests sit on the floor). All of the marionettes have so much character, and the theater’s inventory now exceeds 3,000 of them according to a recent article.

Has anyone visited this theater? What did you you think?

The Bob Baker Marionette Theater

The Life of Death

Posted in animation, film, video with tags , , on March 3, 2016 by shewalkssoftly

*Sniff sniff* Oh…what…a cartoon made me a little misty-eyed? *Ahem* Of course not!

Check out Marsha Onderstijn’s beautiful hand drawn animation short about what happens when Death falls in love with life.


Hallowvember: Octopus Eats a Pumpkin

Posted in halloween, sea, video with tags , , on November 6, 2015 by shewalkssoftly

The octopus is, in my opinion, perhaps the most magnificent creature on earth. Smart, mercurial…capable of crushing a jack o’ lantern in its own tentacles. Observe this lovely cephalopod celebrating Halloween.

Halloween Countdown: Vincent the Vegetable Vampire

Posted in absurd, halloween, music, music video, retro, undead with tags , , , , , , , on October 26, 2015 by shewalkssoftly

I urge you to drop everything and watch the inimitable Morgan Freeman in the role of a vegetarian vampire (he starred in The Electric Company 45 years ago). Within 10 seconds, you’ll realize the combination deadpan delivery and exaggerated vaudevillian charm is nearly impossible to describe…but utterly fantastic.

I’ve actually never seen this show. Has anyone watched it?

Cringe Worthy Bible Rap

Posted in humor, music, video with tags , , on August 9, 2015 by shewalkssoftly

I dare you to watch this slice of religious musical embarrassment without cringing. Also, pretend it’s 1984.

Yes, this is real. No, Run DMC and the Beastie Boys, they are not.

Time Lapse Red Sunset

Posted in music, nature, video with tags , , on April 16, 2015 by shewalkssoftly

I’ve always wanted to explore the possibility of living in the Bay area, and seeing this sunset…which aesthetically falls somewhere between the background of a motivational poster and a supernatural thriller where the sky rains blood…certainly sweetened the deal. Throw in a little ethereal Brian Eno, and you’ve got a great soundtrack, too.

Strange Remains Week: Fireworks, Bullets, Hourglasses andTattoos

Posted in absurd, body decoration, death, humor, video with tags , , , , on March 22, 2015 by shewalkssoftly

We’ve come to the final post of Strange Remains Week (I thought it was interesting, but my readership dropped by HALF for these posts only, so I gather others were not as entertained. Sorry!).

So let’s go out with a bang. Literally. Heavens Above Fireworks will shoot cremains into the air. This is great for anyone who is asked “What makes an ideal funeral” and replies “pyrotechnics.”


We offer a variety of professional fired displays. These are planned to meet specific client requests and can be supported by other activities. We also offer other services including rockets for self firing incorporating funeral ashes and these can be supported by other fireworks to create your own mini display and we can provide the service for pets ashes too.

And speaking of bangs…did you know a human body can be turned into a bullet at Holy Smoke?


The process of having cremated ash placed in live ammunition begins when you contact us. Once the caliber, gauge and other ammunition parameters have been selected, we will ask you (by way of your funeral service provider) to send approximately one pound of the decedents ash to us. Upon receiving the ashes our professional and reverent staff will place a measured portion of ash into each shotshell or cartridge.

The bottom of their website features this image, for no discernible reason.


I’ve always had a thing for hourglasses (one day I’d like to have a nice one in my library). They make a rather poignant cremation statement, don’t they? In The Light Urns can do it.


The Rings of Time Hourglass Keepsake Urn makes a statement due to it’s beautiful workmanship and size. It is a wonderful way to reflect on the sands of time and the time that you and your loved one shared.

Hourglass urns for ashes are made differently than a regular hourglass timer. The Rings of Time Hourglass Keepsake Urn is a keepsake and holds a small portion of cremains. They cannot be an exactly timed, due to the consistency of the cremains. However, they are a memorial like no other. The hourglass is the ultimate symbol of the passage of time, and will become an family heirloom, passed down for generations.

Memorial tattoos are nothing new, but using ashes in tattoo ink has gained a bit of ground (it’s only a “microscopic amount” so it’s more of a symbolic gesture).


One tattoo artist made a video about the process:

As Mel Blanc said…that’s all folks.

Rob Cantor: “Shia LaBoeuf”

Posted in humor, video with tags , on March 6, 2015 by shewalkssoftly

Drop everything to watch this video. Trust me. This musical number is a feat of genius on so many levels. I had a blistering migraine yesterday, but I was still laughing out loud during pretty much the entire thing. I could draw you in with absurdist descriptions, but I think the performance should just speak for itself.

(Thank you, B!)

Nikko: Dragon’s Body in One Brush Stroke

Posted in art, creatures, video with tags , , on January 6, 2015 by shewalkssoftly

The face is compromised of multiple strokes, but wait for it. The entire body is done with a single stroke, brilliantly colored and textured via distribution of paint and a series of precise tiny-movements. Watch:
