Rick Riding

Email: rick.riding@sgsa.org.uk

Phone: 07977 551013

As Technical Inspector, Rick provides grounds, local authorities and other Inspectors with support and guidance on all technical matters related to sports grounds safety, including infrastructure, demountable stands and building regulations.

Lead responsibilities

  • British and European standards, through BSI and CEN

About Rick

Rick Riding joined the Sports Grounds Safety Authority in 2009 and has over 30 years’ experience in building control and fire engineering.

Rick was previously an Inspector for clubs in the North West, but has since become a Technical Inspector.  His role within the SGSA sees him working internationally advising on sports grounds safety.  This work has included advising on the building of a new stadium in Perth, Australia, as well as working with INTERPOL.  Rick was also part of the team that wrote the sixth edition of the Green Guide and the team that inspected stadia in India for the Under 17 World Cup.   Prior to joining the SGSA, Rick was the Head of Building Control at Blackpool Council.

Rick is Chair of the British Standard committee responsible for spectator facilities, and was a UK representative of the CEN European Committee for Standardisation working group on spectator facilities.  He is also a member of the Institution of Fire Engineers , a Chartered Building Engineer, and a Chartered Surveyor, as well as a member the RICS Building Control Professional Group Board.