Monitoring local authorities

The SGSA carries out its statutory review function by a combination of:

  • meetings with the certifying authority and other appropriate parties;
  • attendance at meetings of the safety advisory group;
  • monitoring of the safety certificate and records required to be kept under the terms and conditions of the safety certificate; and
  • sample checks and observations at the sports grounds concerned on match and non match days.

The SGSA has published guidance on Safety Certification which provides a single source of reference on the principles and procedures governing the safety certification of sports grounds. The SGSA uses this document as a yardstick when keeping under review local authorities which come within its regulatory oversight. However, the document will also be of value to all local authorities who issue safety certificates under the Safety of Sports Grounds Act 1975 and/or the Fire Safety and Safety of Places of Sport Act 1987.

Under the provisions of the Football Spectators Act 1989 the SGSA has the power to insert conditions into any safety certificate by issued in respect of any Premier or Football League ground, Wembley or Principality Stadium. However, the SGSA seeks at all times to proceed by means of advice, persuasion and agreement and our statutory powers will only be used as a last resort.