Archives – bis  


BIS WEEK: How Bis Are Responsible For Twilight
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The short answer would be the Secret Vampire Soundtrack, but it would only be a superficial answer. Sure Secret Vampires makes explicit the link between vampirism and pop music, but you would be hard pushed to think that it is any particular clarion […]


BIS WEEK: Which Is The Best Bis?
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It has been the question on everyones lips this week, which exactly is the Best Bis? We bring you the final of this hard fought battle below:
(Note: The department of Business & Information and Skills had a hard fought battle to third place, mai[…]

That plan of action in full
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In the late 90s, in Action and Drama, Bis cast themselves as meta-pop activists:

Pop music’s not gonna die / It just has no direction / We need a plan of action
But what was their plan of action? The accompanying track Eurodisco (a worry about[…]

BIS Week: What Is Bis’s Favourite BIScuit
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Often in scholarly discussions of the revolutionary impact of Bis on the cultural scene in the late nineties, little notice is taken of the trivial. Nevertheless to understand exactly how the Teen-C revolution came about, sometimes the trivial become[…]


The Apple iTablet: BIS SPEAK OUT
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The self publishing revolution was of course started by Bis in the 1990s with their Teen-C fanzines, so it’s only fair that we go back in time to 1997 and ask them their opinions on today’s rumoured launch of the Apple Tablet which seems […]


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Here at Freaky Trigger we have realised that January has been a bit slow with output. A new year can put new strains upon our writers and what with Tom’s Guardian column and me embarking on a year without cinema, pickings have been slim. What w[…]

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  1. when considering those films (including Harry Potter), it's noticeable that the ones achieving success feature British children in lead roles,…