
Stadium design has changed considerably over the last two decades to allow the better usage and management of concourses.  Management teams have seen the benefits of better utilising these areas, not only for the provision of facilities and refreshment areas, but the marketing and commercial opportunities they present.

The SGSA’s Concourses guidance draws upon the views and experience of safety officers, leading stadia architects and engineers in addition to the survey work of the Core Cities group of local authorities. It examines how floor space factors are applied in other similar venues and contains clear advice on concourse occupancy levels and floor space factors which will provide an invaluable source of information for sports ground managers, designers, safety advisors and interested agencies when upgrading existing or designing new facilities at sports grounds.

The latest guidance on the concourses is included in the sixth edition of the Guide to Safety at Sports Grounds (Green Guide).

To order a copy of Concourses for £23 (excluding postage) use the link below.

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