Former child star Evan Ellingson's official cause of death has been revealed ... and fentanyl is to blame.

The San Bernardino County Sheriff-Coroner Department finished its investigation, telling TMZ the late actor died from an accidental fentanyl overdose.

We broke the story ... Evan was found dead Nov. 5 at a sober-living home in San Bernardino County, officials said there was no foul play involved and law enforcement found drug paraphernalia at the scene.

Cops looked at the case as a possible OD ... and Ellingson's autopsy and toxicology report revealed fentanyl as the culprit.

While Ellingson struggled with drugs in the past, his father Michael told us he was doing better as of late.

Evan is best remembered starring opposite Cameron Diaz in the 2009 movie, "My Sister's Keeper," where he plays her teenage son. Ellingson was also famous for his recurring role as Kyle Harmon on "CSI: Miami" ... appearing in 18 episodes over 3 years.

Despite getting his Hollywood career started at 13, Evan died at 35 and did not have any acting credits since 2010.

Evan Ellingson Muere de una sobredosis de fentanilo ... La muerte fue accidental

La causa oficial de muerte de la ex estrella infantil Evan Ellingson ha sido revelada y el culpable es el fentanilo.

El Departamento del Sheriff del Condado de San Bernardino terminó su investigación y le dijo a TMZ que el fallecido actor murió de una sobredosis accidental de fentanilo.

Fuimos los primeros en contar la historia, Evan fue encontrado sin vida el 5 de noviembre en una casa para personas que lidian con la adicción al alcohol en el condado de San Bernardino. Las autoridades dijeron que no había delitos violentos involucrados y la policía encontró parafernalia de drogas en la escena.

Los policías miraron el caso como una posible sobredosis y la autopsia de Ellingson y el informe toxicológico reveló que el fentanilo fue el responsable.

Aunque Ellingson había estado luchando con las drogas en el pasado, su padre Michael nos dijo que estaba mucho mejor en el último tiempo.

Evan es mejor recordado por la película junto a Cameron Diaz, "My Sister's Keeper", de 2009, en donde interpreta a su hijo adolescente. Ellingson también fue famoso por su papel como Kyle Harmon en "CSI: Miami". Apareció en 18 episodios en 3 años.

A pesar de haber logrado una temprana carrera en Hollywood, a los 13 años, Evan murió a los 35 y no tenía ningún crédito de actuación desde 2010.


En un trágico incidente en alta mar, un joven pasajero perdió la vida a bordo de un crucero de Royal Caribbean.

TMZ recibió informes de un testigo que relató que un chico de 16 años falleció luego de caer desde un balcón hasta la cubierta, el pasado sábado. El incidente ocurrió mientras el barco 'Allure of the Seas' se dirigía desde Port Canaveral en Florida hacia Nassau, Bahamas, a primera hora. No está claro si la caída fue accidental.

Nos informan que se realizaron esfuerzos exhaustivos para salvar su vida… con un anuncio instando a los pasajeros a donar sangre en la tienda médica.

Sin embargo, una fuente con conocimiento nos dice que el joven falleció más tarde en el hospital, no en el barco.

Las fotos que obtuvimos también muestran las secuelas de la escena devastadora… con cinta de precaución en el balcón y una carpa en la cubierta visible.

Un representante de Royal Caribbean le comentó a TMZ "Lamentamos enterarnos del fallecimiento de un pasajero y enviamos nuestras condolencias a la familia. Por respeto a ellos, no proporcionaremos más comentarios".


Tragedy struck on the high seas as a passenger tragically died aboard a Royal Caribbean cruise ship.

A passenger tells TMZ that a 16-year-old boy lost his life after falling from the balcony to the deck Saturday ... as the 'Allure of the Seas' vessel headed from Port Canaveral in Florida to Nassau, Bahamas, in the early hours. It’s unclear if the fall was accidental.

We're told extensive efforts were made to save his life ... with an announcement urging passengers to donate blood at the medical tent.

However, a source with knowledge tells us the boy passed away later at the hospital ... not on the ship.

Photos we obtained also show the aftermath of the devastating scene ... with caution tape on the balcony and a tent on the deck visible.

A rep from Royal Caribbean tells TMZ, "We are saddened to learn of the passing of a guest, and our hearts go out to the family. Out of respect for them, we won't provide any further comment."

WWE Legend Tammy Sytch Sentenced To 17 Years In Prison ... For Fatal Car Crash


WWE legend Tammy Sytch has been ordered to spend roughly the next decade and a half in prison for her role in a 2022 car crash that killed a 75-year-old man.

Sytch learned her fate inside of a Volusia County courtroom on Monday morning ... three months after she pled no contest to, among other charges, one felony count of DUI causing death.

Sytch -- wearing an orange jumpsuit and shackles on her wrists -- addressed the courtroom for a few minutes during the hearing, which lasted several hours and featured testimonies from people affiliated with the case, including a medical expert who evaluated the former wrestling personality in the spring.


Sytch broke down in tears during her speech and apologized for her actions. At one point, the 50-year-old also turned to the victim's family and said, "I know my words are not enough but please know that I think about you every day."

When the judge ultimately sentenced her to 17 years in prison, Sytch appeared stoic -- before she was taken out of the courtroom by officials.

Sytch -- also known as "Sunny" in the ring -- has been locked behind bars since May 2022 ... after prosecutors claimed she drunkenly slammed her car into Julian Lasseter's, killing him during a horrific March 2022 crash in Florida.

According to authorities, Sytch barreled into Lasseter while he was stopped at a traffic light. They alleged that at the time of the wreck, she had a blood alcohol content of .08 or higher.

Sytch was hit with eight total charges over the incident ... and, at first, she pled not guilty to all of the charges, though she changed her pleas in August after reaching an agreement with prosecutors.

Following the plea deal, she had been facing a prison sentence of up to 25 years.

The judge also said during Tuesday's proceedings that Sytch will be required to serve 8 years of probation following her prison sentence ... and her driver's license has been permanently revoked.

The case was not the first time Sytch -- who was elected into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2011 -- had been accused of drinking and driving ... she had previously been arrested at least six times prior for impaired driving.



La leyenda de la WWE, Tammy Sytch, ha sido condenada a pasar casi década y media en prisión por su papel en un accidente automovilístico en 2022 que causó la muerte de un hombre de 75 años.

Sytch conoció su destino dentro de una sala de la corte del condado de Volusia el lunes por la mañana, tres meses después de declararse sin oposición a, entre otros cargos, el delito grave de conducir bajo los efectos del alcohol, ocasionando una muerte.

Sytch, vistiendo un mono naranja y grilletes en sus muñecas, se dirigió a la sala de audiencias durante unos minutos, duró varias horas y contó con testimonios de personas vinculadas al caso, incluyendo un experto médico que evaluó a la ex personalidad de la lucha libre en la primavera.


Sytch se quebró en lágrimas durante su discurso y se disculpó por sus acciones. También se dirigió a la familia de la víctima y dijo: "Sé que mis palabras no son suficientes, pero por favor, sepan qué pienso en ustedes todos los días".

Cuando el juez finalmente la condenó a 17 años de prisión, Sytch lució estoica, antes de ser sacada de la sala por los oficiales.

Sytch, también conocida como "Sunny" en el ring, ha estado tras las rejas desde mayo de 2022, después de que los fiscales afirmaran que chocó su automóvil contra el de Julian Lasseter, matándolo durante un aparatoso accidente en marzo de 2022 en Florida.

De acuerdo con las autoridades, Sytch embistió a Lasseter mientras estaba detenido en un semáforo. Alegaron que al momento del accidente, tenía un contenido de alcohol en sangre de .08 o superior.

Sytch enfrentó un total de ocho cargos por el incidente… e inicialmente, se declaró no culpable de todos los cargos, aunque cambió sus declaraciones en agosto después de llegar a un acuerdo con los fiscales.

Después del acuerdo de culpabilidad, se enfrentaba a una sentencia de prisión de hasta 25 años.

El juez también dijo durante la audiencia del martes que Sytch deberá cumplir 8 años de libertad condicional después de su condena a prisión… y su licencia de conducir ha sido revocada permanentemente.

Este no fue el primer caso en el que Sytch, quien fue incluida en el Salón de la Fama de la WWE en 2011, fue acusada de conducir bajo los efectos del alcohol… anteriormente, había sido arrestada al menos seis veces por conducir alcoholizada.

N.W.A's DJ Yella The Beatles AI Comeback Was Great ... No Music Left for Us to Do The Same!!!


DJ Yella says he'd love to hear AI technology resurrect Eazy-E's vocals and his beloved N.W.A for a new generation ... but he says there's nothing left in the music vault to recycle!!!

TMZ Hip Hop caught up with Yella outside Eazy's street sign unveiling in Compton last week where he revealed all the "World's Most Dangerous Group" master recordings fell into his lap after Eazy's death in 1995.

The Beatles just proved to the world that deceased musicians can still make an impact with the release of their final song, which used AI to boost John Lennon's vocals from a 1978 demo tape.

Yella and Eazy remained tight until the end, and he admits he's sitting on a bunch of unreleased instrumentals, likely produced by him and Dr. Dre, but says everything with rapping has already been used.


You gotta imagine Eazy's oldest daughter, Erica, would also be on board -- she recently told us she's focused on burying the narrative around his AIDS-related death -- and show who he was as a person.


El Príncipe Harry fue dejado en visto horas antes de la muerte de su abuela, la Reina Isabel II, el año pasado, y la persona que lo ignoró no fue otra que su hermano William.

Un nuevo libro del experto real Omid Scobie hace una sorprendente afirmación: en particular, que Bill ignoró por completo los mensajes de Harry mientras intentaba planear un viaje para volar desde California al Reino Unido con la esperanza de ver a la Reina Isabel II antes de su fallecimiento.

Una fuente asegura que todos los mensajes de Harry a su hermano quedaron sin respuesta, con la aparente razón de que… "Claramente, no quería ver a su hermano".

Ya que William no estaba comunicándose con Harry… el libro de Scobie, "Endgame: Dentro de la familia real y la lucha de la monarquía por la supervivencia", afirma que el Duque de Sussex tuvo que descubrir lo que estaba sucediendo por su cuenta… lo que requirió que reservara un costoso jet privado.

Scobie alega que Harry tuvo que desembolsar $30,000 para volar solo… esto mientras PW estaba en su propio vuelo privado con el Príncipe Edward y su propia esposa. El libro afirma que Harry no tenía idea de si la Reina ya había fallecido o no… y la noticia de su muerte se dio a conocer mientras él estaba en el aire.

Sobre cómo supuestamente se sintió Harry al respecto… Scobie cita a una fuente que menciona: "Harry estaba destrozado. Su relación con la Reina lo era todo para él. Ella habría querido que él lo supiera antes de que saliera al mundo".

Este amigo anónimo de Harry agrega: "Podrían haber esperado un poco más, no habría sido nada en el gran esquema de las cosas, pero nadie respetó eso en absoluto".

Por supuesto, cuando Harry finalmente llegó a Escocia, donde la Reina estaba en su lecho de muerte antes de fallecer, ya era demasiado tarde… y no tuvo la oportunidad de despedirse.

Su presencia en el Reino Unido en ese momento fue solemne… y aunque él y William mostraron un frente unido para conmemorar a su abuela… este libro sugiere que las cosas estaban increíblemente frías entre ellos tras bambalinas. Ahora, con su reciente historial en mente… eso no es sorpresa.

La realidad es que… las famosas afirmaciones de Harry y Meghan sobre el racismo dentro de la institución real incluyeron la insinuación de que tal vez el mismo William había participado, algo que el Príncipe de Gales negó rotundamente en su momento. Es decir, poco decir que… a Will no le gustó cómo manejó Harry su salida como miembro senior de la realeza, y todo lo demás que ocurrió después… Al público y de otras maneras.


Incluso ahora, su relación parece helada, en el mejor de los casos… hay reportes que afirman que William no "derramará una lágrima" si Harry y Meg no logran estar en las festividades navideñas en el Reino Unido.


Taylor Swift tuvo unos invitados muy especiales en su concierto del domingo en Brasil... la familia de la mujer que recientemente falleció mientras asistía a su espectáculo en Río de Janeiro.

Un video publicado en X mostró a cinco familiares de Ana Clara Benevides Machado disfrutando de la actuación de Taylor dentro de una carpa VIP en el estadio Allianz Parque en São Paulo la noche anterior.


Todos los familiares lucían camisetas con el rostro de Ana, incluso su padre, Weiny.

Una fuente le mencionó a la revista People que Taylor invitó a la familia a su show del domingo y se tomó una foto grupal con ellos. La imagen fue posteriormente publicada en X.

Tal como informamos, Ana se encontraba en el concierto de Taylor en el Estadio Olímpico Nilton Santos en Río el 17 de noviembre, cuando comenzó a sentirse mal durante una ola de calor. La fanática de 23 años fue llevada de urgencia a un hospital, donde fue declarada muerta.

Las autoridades de Brazil siguen investigando la causa de muerte mientras indagan sobre los organizadores del concierto para determinar si cometieron algun acto de negligencia.

Prince William Ghosted Harry Before QE2 Died ... New Books Claims

Prince Harry was left on read in the hours before his grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II, died last year -- and the person ghosting him was none than his brother ... William.

A new book from Royal insider Omid Scobie makes the shocking claim ... namely, that Bill completely ignored Harry's texts as he was attempting to make travel plans to fly from California to the UK in hopes of seeing QE2 before she passed.

One source says all of Harry's messages to his old sibling went unanswered -- with the apparent rationale being ... "He clearly didn't want to see his brother."

Since William wasn't communicating with Harry ... Scobie's book -- "Endgame: Inside the Royal Family and the Monarchy's Fight for Survival" -- says the Duke of Sussex had to figure out what was going on all on his own ... which required him to book a pricey private jet.

Scobie alleges Harry had to shell out $30k to fly over solo ... this as PW was on his own private flight with Prince Edward and his own wife. The book claims Harry had no idea if the Queen had died already or not ... and word of her death actually broke while he was in the air.

As far as how Harry supposedly felt about this .... Scobie cites a source as saying, "Harry was crushed. His relationship with the Queen was everything to him. She would have wanted him to know before it went out to the world."

This anonymous pal of Harry's adds, "They could have waited just a little longer, it would have been nothing in the grand scheme of things, but no one respected that at all."

Of course, when Harry did finally arrive in Scotland -- where the Queen was on her deathbed before eventually passing on -- it was too late ... and he hadn't had a chance to say goodbye.

His presence in the UK at the time was solemn -- and while he and Will put on a united front to commemorate their grandma ... this book now suggests things were incredibly frost between them behind the scenes. Now, with their recent history in mind ... that's no shock.

Fact is ... Harry and Meghan's infamous claims of racism within the Royal institution included a hint that perhaps William himself had partaken in all that -- something the Prince of Wales firmly denied at the time. It's an understatement to say ... Will didn't like how Harry handled his exit as a Senior Royal, and everything else that came afterward -- public and otherwise.


Even now, their relationship seems icy at best ... there are reports that claim William won't "shed a tear" if Harry and Meg don't make it for Christmas time festivities in the UK.

Taylor Swift Hosts Family Of Deceased Fan at Brazil Concert ... Gives Them VIP Treatment

Taylor Swift hosted some special guests at her Sunday concert in Brazil … the family of the woman who recently died attending her Rio de Janeiro show.

Video posted to X showed five relatives of Ana Clara Benevides Machado enjoying Taylor’s performance from inside a VIP tent at Allianz Parque stadium in São Paulo last evening.


The kin were all sporting t-shirts emblazoned with Ana’s face, including her dad, Weiny.


A source told People magazine Taylor invited the family to her Sunday show and took a group photo with them. The picture was later posted to X.

As we reported, Ana was attending Taylor's concert at Nilton Santos Olympic Stadium in Rio on November 17, when she began feeling sick during a heat wave. The 23-year-old fan was rushed to a hospital, where she was pronounced dead.

Brazilian authorities are still looking into her cause of death while investigating the organizers of the concert to determine if they committed any wrongdoing.

Jean Knight 'Mr. Big Stuff' Singer Dead at 80


8:23 PM PT -- TMZ has confirmed Jean passed away Wednesday, and we've confirmed the authenticity of the press release circulating on social media ... which we're told comes from her family. Her publicist also tells us Jean died from natural causes.

Her family released a statement, which notes her long storied career which started at JetStream Records and eventually jumped to Stax Records ... and all the tunes she produced in between, ending with her starting her own label (Comstar).

The statement ends ... "Jean Knight's legacy is not just a musical one; it is a testament to the enduring love between an artist, her hometown, and the fans who adored her. As we bid farewell to this iconic soulstress, New Orleans and her global fan base join together in gratitude for the indelible mark she left on the world." The family requests privacy at this time.

Jean Knight -- most famous for her hit 'Mr. Big Stuff' -- has died ... this according to reports.

An unattributed press release purporting to be the soul singer and New Orleans native's obituary is making the rounds online -- and if it's to be believed ... it says JK passed away last Wednesday, although the circumstances surrounding her death are unclear for now.

Knight's 1971 song is easily her biggest claim to fame, but it's a huge contribution to music and pop culture. 'Mr. Big Stuff' not only performed incredibly well on the charts when it came out -- including five weeks at #1 on the Billboard Soul Singles chart, and peaking at No. 2 on the Billboard Hot 100 -- but it ended up being featured in numerous films and TV shows.

Just a handful of series that used 'MBS' ... 'Family Guy,' 'black-ish,' 'The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel,' 'Everwood' and 'The Deuce' -- just to name a few. On the movie front, it got played in Will Ferrell's 'Semi-Pro.' Beyond that ... the track got remixed/sampled a ton over the years.

Some of that notable acts who flipped this gem ... Heavy D & The Boyz, Eazy-E, TLC, Queen Latifah, Everclear, Girl Talk, Beastie Boys and John Legend. 'Mr. Big Stuff' had also been covered a handful of times ... famously by Precious Metal, Lyn Collins and many others.

Jean had recorded lots of other songs throughout her career ... but none ever reached the success of 'Big Stuff.' Some of her other notable singles ... "My Toot Toot," "You Think You're Hot Stuff," "Carry On," "Helping Man," "Do Me," "Jesse Joe (You Got to Go)" ... and more.

She was 80.


Originally Published -- 6:19 PM PT



La noche del sábado, Hamás liberó más rehenes, luego de que el intercambio de prisioneros estuviera al borde del colapso.

Un total de 13 israelíes y 4 ciudadanos tailandeses fueron escoltados a través de la frontera hacia Israel, tras una demora interminable. Hamás acusó a Israel de violar los términos del acuerdo de alto al fuego, y varios países, incluyendo Estados Unidos, intervinieron para revivirlo.

En el video publicado por Hamás, se observa a los rehenes despidiéndose de quienes los capturaron desde el 7 de octubre. Aún no está claro si lo hicieron por voluntad propia o no.

Este es el segundo intercambio de prisioneros desde que entró en vigor el alto al fuego, y se espera que más rehenes sean liberados hoy. Hasta ahora, no se han liberado a los estadounidenses que fueron retenidos.

Como parte del segundo intercambio, Israel también liberó a 39 palestinos.


En total, se espera que se liberen 50 rehenes y que 150 prisioneros palestinos sean liberados de Israel como parte del acuerdo.

Hamás tomó alrededor de 240 rehenes durante el ataque terrorista del 7 de octubre.

Derek Chauvin Family Slams Prison Officials ... Why'd We Have to Learn About Stabbing From Media?

Derek Chauvin's family is angry they learned from the media their imprisoned son was stabbed and not from prison officials.

Carolyn Pawlenty, the mother of the cop who murdered George Floyd, told Alpha News, "How the hell do these news agencies know and his own mother doesn't even know?" She adds the prison had an emergency contact number -- her number -- but no one called.

She went on ... “I can’t even think what to say. I haven’t been to bed and made a path in my kitchen and living room floor by pacing."

Chauvin’s attorney, Bill Mohrman, says he got involved and tried calling the prison for information but hasn't heard back.

And another Chauvin lawyer, Gregory M. Erickson, slammed prison officials for its radio silence ... “It appears to be indicative of a poorly run facility and indicates how Derek’s assault was allowed to happen.”

Erickson added, “How the family members who are in charge of Derek’s decisions regarding his personal medical care and his emergency contact were not informed after his stabbing further indicates the institution’s poor procedures and lack of institutional control.”

As we reported ... Chauvin was stabbed in the federal prison in Arizona where he is currently serving a nearly 21-year sentence after pleading guilty to a federal charge of violating Floyd's civil rights.

Chauvin is in stable condition after he was assaulted Friday at the Federal Correctional Institution in Tucson. The stabbing was reportedly carried out by another inmate.

Prison doctors performed "life-saving" measures on Chauvin. There have been no updates on his condition.


Allison Holker le ha dicho oficialmente adiós a la casa de Encino que compartía con su difunto esposo Stephen "tWitch" Boss, luego de poner un aviso de venta y comprarse una casa de campo ultramoderna el mes pasado en Los Ángeles por $5 millones.

Once meses después del fallecimiento de Stephen, el fallecido DJ del programa de entrevistas de Ellen DeGeneres, era comprensible que Allison quisiera empezar de nuevo. Según los registros de bienes raíces, solo un mes después de listar la casa en $3,795,000, Allison la vendió por $3,525,000.

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Con el capítulo de la propiedad cerrado, el que tenía 6 dormitorios, 7 baños, 4.600 pies cuadrados y donde tuvo recuerdos inolvidables con Stephen, el nuevo propietario ya está instalado para disfrutar.

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Construida en 2018, la casa tiene algunas características particulares como una exhibición de vinos, una despensa de mayordomo en una cocina de chef profesional y una casa en la piscina con su propio baño privado.

Pero después de un año difícil, las cosas parecen ir mejor para Allison. Al parecer se acaba de comprar una casa más grande de 5.800 pies cuadrados, construida recién este año, con 6 cuartos de baño, una sala de cine, iluminación de diseño y puertas de cristal para tener la experiencia de vida interior y exterior perfecta de Cali.

Claramente, la mudanza marca un nuevo y muy necesario comienzo para Allison y sus hijos Weslie, de 15, Maddox, de 7 y Zaia, de 3.

Hablando con Hoda Kotb en mayo, Allison dijo que las conversaciones que tuvo con sus hijos tras la muerte de Stephen es algo que no le desea a nadie.

TMZ fue el primero en informar la noticia, Stephen murió en diciembre de 2022, dejando una nota de suicidio que hacía referencia a desafíos del pasado.

Si tú o alguien que conozcas tiene una crisis o está atravesando por una, hay ayuda disponible. Llama o envía 988 o conversa en 988lifeline.org.


Allison Holker has officially bid adieu to the Encino home she shared with her late husband Stephen "tWitch" Boss ... selling it after purchasing an ultra-modern farmhouse in L.A. last month for $5 mil.

11 months after the passing of Stephen -- the late DJ from Ellen DeGeneres' talk show -- Allison was understandably seeking a fresh start. According to real estate records, just a month after listing the pad for $3,795,000, she's sold it for $3,525,000.

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With Allison's chapter closed on the 6-bedroom and 7-bathroom 4,600-square-foot property where she made unforgettable memories filming dance videos with Stephen, the new owner is in for a treat.

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Built in 2018, it has some defining features such as a wine display, a fully functioning butler's pantry in a pro-chef's kitchen, and a pool house ... with its own private bathroom.

But, after a challenging year, it's only onward and upward for Allison, who has reportedly purchased herself a larger 5,800 square feet home .... newly built this year with 6 bathrooms, a movie theatre, designer lighting, and glass doors for the perfect indoor-outdoor Cali living experience.

Clearly, the move marks a much-needed fresh start for Allison and her children -- Weslie, 15, Maddox, 7, and Zaia, 3.

Speaking to Hoda Kotb in May, heartbroken Allison said the conversations she had with her kids following Stephen's passing were something she didn't wish on anybody.

TMZ broke the story ... Stephen died by suicide back in December 2022 ... leaving a suicide note referencing past challenges.

If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available. Call or text 988 or chat 988lifeline.org.

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