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The push for an Arab-Jewish state founded on the principle of equal rights, regardless of race

The red flag over Palestine

In the early 20th century, the Palestine Communist Party regarded the creation of a Jewish state as an imperialist plan to continue to divide and rule. The second world war would put their resolve to the test.

by Shlomo Sand 
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Andrei Gromyko speaks in favour of an immediate vote on the Palestine partition plan, UN General Assembly, New York, 29 November 1947
Bettmann · Getty

Communism in Palestine began in 1919 when some Jewish immigrants left the Zionist movement to set up the Jewish Socialist Workers Party. In 1922 the party adopted the Yiddish name Palestinishe Komunistishe Partei (Palestine Communist Party, PCP). The PCP was a member of the Third International (Comintern) headed by the Soviet Communist Party.

Throughout its existence, the party rejected Zionism, which it regarded as an illegitimate colonialist movement. The communists did not believe that Jews from all over the world constituted a separate nation, nor that they had a historical claim over Palestine after 2,000 years. They rejected the 1917 Balfour Declaration, calling it an act of pure imperialism, and demanded the expulsion of the British from Palestine and the creation of an Arab-majority democratic state, in which Jews, including those who had arrived after 1918, would be citizens with equal rights.

Throughout the British mandate (1922-48) the PCP’s stance caused its members to be politically isolated and hated by the wider Jewish population. It also struggled to win Arab support. However, the Arab revolt in the 1930s helped augment its ranks and brought a modest increase in influence among urban workers. All through this period, the party consistently called for solidarity between the local population and the immigrant Jewish community in the name of ‘proletarian internationalism’.

The party’s isolation from the Jewish community significantly diminished after the USSR entered the war in 1941, and its revised position on Jewish settlement also considerably broadened its appeal. This shift began at the end of the second world war, as knowledge of the Nazis’ campaign of extermination spread. The continued existence of camps in Germany for survivors and refugees whom no Western state was willing to accept created an intolerable situation and led the PCP to change its stance.

Communists divided

In 1943 the PCP split. Its (...)

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Shlomo Sand

Shlomo Sand is a historian and the author of État israélo-palestinien ou apartheid? (An Israeli-Palestinian state or apartheid?), Seuil, forthcoming, January 2024, of which this article is an extract.
Translated by George Miller

(1Kol HaAm (Voice of the People), 11 May 1944.

(2Quoted by Shmuel Dotan, in Reds: the Communist Party in Eretz Israel (in Hebrew), Kfar Saba, Shevna Hasofer, 1991.

(3See Avner Ben-Zaken, Communism as Cultural Imperialism (in Hebrew), Resling, Tel Aviv, 2006.

(4Quoted in Jeffrey Herf, Israel’s Moment: International Support for and Opposition to Establishing the Jewish State, 1945-1949, Cambridge University Press, 2022.

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