Welfare Rights Centre is a community legal centre specialising in social security and family assistance law.

We help people who have a problem with Centrelink.

Claiming Disability Support Pension can be complicated. We have lots of information on our website, including links to the DSP Impairment Tables and template letters for your doctor - https://buff.ly/3S25ZG5.

We also help people in NSW who've had a claim for DSP knocked back - 1800 226 028, or send a message through our website and one of our solicitors will be in touch as soon as possible - welfarerightscentre.org.au/get-advice/ 

#DSP #DisabilitySupportPension #Centrelink
This free online session will outline income support available to victims and survivors of domestic and family violence, including Parenting Payment, Jobseeker Payment, Crisis Payment and Special Benefit. It will cover how to establish entitlement to payment, timeframes for claiming, residential qualifications, and presumptions of shared income under the Member of a Couple rule. ⠀
We'll tackle issues associated with demonstrating ‘care’ of children and removal of children by perpetrators which can impact both qualification and rate of payment. We'll also explain application of special circumstances in relation to debts.⠀
This session will include input from our Domestic Violence Community Worker and information about support services within Centrelink, particularly about how victims of violence can access a Centrelink Social Worker to obtain additional support navigating the Centrelink process.⠀

Target audience: Community workers and social workers who assist victims and survivors of domestic violence⠀ 
When: Tuesday 5 December, 2.00 - 4.00pm AEDT
Register through the link in our bio 💜 Thank you to Ecstra for making our training program possible.  #DFV #Centrelink #SocialSecurity #Ecstra
White Ribbon Day aims to bring people together to commit to action to prevent men’s violence against women. 

Want to access some practical training? We're running a free training session for community workers and others wanting to know more about Centrelink payments and other provisions designed to respond to domestic and family violence. 

Tuesday 6 December 2022, 2 – 4pm AEDT
Via Zoom
Register at https://buff.ly/3XbPac0 

 #WhiteRibbon #Centrelink
This free online session will outline income support available to victims and survivors of domestic and family violence, including Parenting Payment, JobSeeker Payment, Crisis Payment and Special Benefit. It will cover how to establish entitlement to payment, timeframes for claiming, residential qualifications, and presumptions of shared income under the Member of a Couple rule. ⠀
We'll tackle issues associated with demonstrating ‘care’ of children and removal of children by perpetrators which can impact both qualification and rate of payment. We'll also explain application of special circumstances in relation to debts.⠀
This session will include input from our Domestic Violence Community Worker and information about support services within Centrelink, particularly about how victims of violence can access a Centrelink Social Worker to obtain additional support navigating the Centrelink process.⠀

Target audience: Community workers and social workers who assist victims and survivors of domestic violence⠀ 
When: Tuesday 5 December, 2.00 - 4.00pm AEDT
Register through the link in our bio 💜 #Centrelink #DFV #SocialSecurity
Finished TAFE or Uni and travelling home for the holidays? You may be eligible for Fares Allowance to help with travel costs.

Fares Allowance is payable to some people on Youth Allowance (student) or Austudy, and also some people getting the Pensioner Educational Supplement.

While Fares Allowance usually only covers the cost of the least expensive and most available form of public transport, it can sometimes cover pre-booked extra luggage that you need during the holidays, or even private transport if public transport just won't work. So load up that tuba and get in touch with Centrelink to ask whether you're eligible!

More at #YouthAllowance #Austudy #Fares Allowance #Centrelink