The Cameron Doctrine Revisited

What Cameron really brings to the role is reassurance that the status quo is secure. He is a safe pair of hands for certain sections of the political and media establishment. But we can better understand Cameron’s foreign policy via a series of snapshots. More

Targeting the Messenger to Kill the Message

As in any conflict, the media war is a major influencer in swaying public opinion, a fact that has long been understood by the powers that be. As British minister David Lloyd George said in December 1917 of the bloodbath of World War I and the need to keep such horror out of the press: “If people really knew [the truth], the war would be stopped tomorrow. But of course they don’t know, and can’t know.” More

When is ‘a Humanitarian Pause’ Genocidal?

We know something about ‘the fog of war,’ its hidden motivations, its devious methods and justifications, and its subtle unacknowledged change of goals, but most of us trust mainstream media despite the ‘discourse fog,’ that is, the partisan use of language and ‘facts’ to twist ‘the hearts and minds’ of viewers and readers in. Even when, as during this period since October 7th, the events and images are so rending, there is a deliberate, unacknowledged, perhaps automatic, to create perceptions of ethical symmetry between antagonists and indulge ‘war is hell’ reactions in which both sides are locked in a death dance. More

End the Insanity: For Nuclear Disarmament and Global Demilitarization

No one believed Katrina would happen before Katrina happened. No one believed Fukushima would happen before Fukushima happened. Virtually no one believes a nuclear war will happen before it happens. But a nuclear war happening is not a disaster: it is a holocaust. Nuclear war must be averted, and most countries have already taken steps to opt out of nuclear madness. However, nine nation-states cling to their nuclear arsenals, throwing the planet and all its beings into devastation’s way. More