Youth Counselling and Support services

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Confidential alcohol & drug counselling

Concerned about your drinking or drug use?

Find solutions to get out of your addiction problems. Our counselors will help you fight your way out and help you lead a better life. 

How we can help

Counselling & Support

We provide support 24*7 to help you battle the struggles you are facing with addiction.

Rehab Programs

The rehab programs we conduct are excellent, and many people have found it beneficial.

Medical Prescribing

We have a specialist who also helps in providing you medications if necessary.

Harm Reduction

The counseling we give you are positioned in a way that will help you fight your problems in the easiest manner.

We love to see you smile
Online counselling now available

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About YDS

At YDS our main motive is to help people fight their addictions and lead a better life. 

  • We take care of people and provide counseling so that they will be able to know that they are not alone in this fight.
  • Our counselors are experts in helping people cope up with the withdrawal symptoms, and they are always there to provide help in every possible manner.

Recovery journeys

Take a look for yourself and see how we have brought about smiles in people’s lives.

Mary J. Gupton

My life has changed after I went to YDS. The staffs there are extremely supportive, and I can happily say that I don’t smoke anymore. 

Bradford G. Mauldin

Going to YDS has been a life changing experience for me, and I was able to face a lot of my fears boldly. Thank you is all I can say to the counselors who helped me fight my battles. 

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How to find us

Fill up the form and ask your queries

4491 Crim Lane
Dayton, OH 45402



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