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International Communist League
Home Spartacist, theoretical and documentary repository of the ICL, incorporating Women & Revolution Workers Vanguard, biweekly organ of the Spartacist League/U.S. Periodicals and directory of the sections of the ICL ICL Declaration of Principles in multiple languages Other literature of the ICL ICL events

International Center: Box 7429 GPO, New York, NY 10116, USA
Click on mastheads for articles and subscription information

Spartacist League of Australia

Spartacist ANZ Publishing Co.
PO Box 967 North Melbourne VIC 3051, Australia
Australasian Spartacist
Marxist newspaper of the Spartacist League of Australia
A$5/3 issues in Australia
International rate: A$7/3 issues
Click here for local directory

Spartacist League/Britain

Spartacist Publications
PO Box 42886, London N19 5WY, Britain
Workers Hammer
Marxist newspaper of the Spartacist League/Britain
£3/4 issues
International rates: Europe outside Britain and Ireland £5, rest of the world £7
Click here for contact information

Spartakist-Arbeiterpartei Deutschlands

SpAD, c/o Verlag Avantgarde
Postfach 2 35 55, 10127 Berlin, Deutschland
Herausgegeben von der Spartakist-Arbeiterpartei Deutschlands
Abo (3 Ausgaben): € 3,–
Auslandsabo: € 6,–

Ligue trotskyste de France

Le Bolchévik, BP 135-10, 75463 Paris Cedex 10, France
Le Bolchévik
Publication de la Ligue trotskyste de France
4 numéros  : 3 €
Europe  : 4,50 €
Hors Europe  : 6 €
Chèques à l'ordre de : Société d'édition 3L
Nos adresses et comment nous contacter (cliquez ici)

Τροτσκιστική Ομάδα της Ελλάδας
Trotskyist Group of Greece

Τ.Θ. 8274, Τ.Κ. 10210, Αθήνα, Ελλάδα
Box 8274, Athens 10210, Greece
Le Bolchévik
Όργανο της Τροτσκιστικής Ομάδας της Ελλάδας

Συνδρομή 2 €/4 τεύχη

Lega trotskista d'Italia

Walter Fidacaro, Ufficio Milano Cordusio
Casella postale 430, 20123 Milano (MI), Italia
Organo della Lega trotskista d'Italia
Abbonamento a 4 numeri: € 5
Europa: € 6
Paesi extraeuropei: € 8
Per informazioni/contatti cliccare qui

Spartacist Group Japan


PO Box 49, Akabane Yubinkyoku, Kita-ku
Tokyo 115-0091, Japan
Spartacist Japan
2年間の料金:300円(国内) • 600円(国際)

Publication of the Spartacist Group Japan
Subscription (2 years): ¥300
International: ¥600

Contact Us/ Click here for contact information

Grupo Espartaquista de México

Escribe sólo:
Ángel Briseño, Apdo. Postal 006, Admón. Postal 13,
CP 03501, Ciudad de México, México
Publicación del Grupo Espartaquista de México
México: Méx. $40/4 números
Extranjero: US $2 o 2 €/4 números

Haz clic aquí información de contacto

Ligue trotskyste au Québec et au Canada/
Trotskyist League in Quebec and Canada

Les Éditions collectives, C.P. 583, Succ. Place d'Armes,
Montréal QC H2Y 3H8, Canada

République ouvrière
Journal en français de la Ligue trotskyste

Spartacist Canada
English-language newspaper of the Trotskyist League

3 numéros de République ouvrière : 3­ $Cdn
3 issues of Workers Tribune: Cdn$­3

Chèques à l'ordre de : Les Éditions collectives
Pay to: Collective Publications


Nos adresses et comment nous contacter (cliquez ici) 

Click here for contact information

Spartacist/South Africa

Spartacist, P.O. Box 61574
Marshalltown, Johannesburg 2107, South Africa
Spartacist South Africa
Marxist publication of Spartacist/South Africa
South Africa: R10/4 issues
International rate: R20
Click here for contact information

Spartacist League/U.S.

Box 1377 GPO, New York, NY 10116, USA
Workers Vanguard
Organ of the Spartacist League/U.S.
US $5/10 issues
International rate: US $15/10 issues
Click here for local directory and public offices