Website Backups: How to Choose the Right Tool or Service

Let’s talk about websites. No, we’re not talking about flashy designs, catchy content on homepages, or intricate site functionalities. Our topic is often unseen and overlooked, but is so critical that it can save sites and businesses of any size from a catastrophic loss. We’re going to talk about website backups.

Imagine building a magnificent castle, each brick placed with meticulous precision. You dedicate years of effort, resources, and passion to this towering marvel only for a storm to dismantle it overnight. You’re left with wreckage, the aftermath of lost time and resources, and the daunting task of rebuilding. In the digital world, a website is your castle, and a website backup is your protection from a devastating loss. 

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How to Improve WordPress Site Speed on Mobile & Desktop

Slow websites are painful — and not just when you’re waiting for that recipe to load while balancing a boiling pot and a hungry toddler. 

If you own a WordPress site or are in charge of managing one, a slow website can be painful to your goals. Visitors will get tired of waiting for pages to load, and leave your site without making a purchase or inquiry, and they may not come back to give you a second chance.

But if you’re tired of poor performance, it’s not all gloom and doom. You don’t need to be an expert in web development to make your WordPress website run faster. You don’t need hours of extra time or a huge budget approval from management. 

There are plenty of optimization strategies that are easy to implement and highly effective! And, in many cases, you can install a WordPress plugin to do most of the work.

Below, we’ll take a look at the main causes of slow WordPress websites and discuss the importance of prioritizing page speed for mobile visitors. Then, we’ll show you how to measure your WordPress site speed and walk you through a 22-step guide to improve it. 

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Block Themes: The Key to Full Site Editing in WordPress

Whether you’ve been working in the WordPress community for a while or are new to the platform, you’ve probably heard the term “block themes”. Perhaps you’re currently using a classic theme on your site and are curious about switching to a block theme. Or maybe you’re not sure where to start when it comes to choosing a theme to begin with.

So let’s dive into the topic of block themes. In this post, we’ll talk about what they are and explore their benefits. Then, we’ll briefly touch on how to switch to a block theme, see some examples, and learn how to set up and use a block theme. 

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10 Affordable CRM Options for Small Businesses & Sales Teams

We’re living in an era when even the best-laid business plans can be disrupted by something as simple as lack of organization. Client relationships, customer engagement, and business growth are determined by how well organizations understand, serve, and maintain communications with customers. 

Now ask yourself: is your small business equipped to survive — or, better yet, thrive — in such an environment? 

If the answer isn’t an immediate “yes!” you’re not alone. Most businesses have room to improve. Thankfully, this post is here to help.

In the vast world of small businesses, sales teams, and startups, one tool can help tame the chaos — a customer relationship management (CRM) system. CRM systems are designed to manage, track, and analyze your interactions with customers. They’re the glue that holds your sales, marketing, and customer service efforts together. 

Over the course of this article, we’ll take a deep dive into ten affordable CRM options that small business and sales teams should consider. As we look through the various options, we’ll provide a detailed breakdown of the key features and benefits each one offers and help navigate you towards the right decision.

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31 Real Estate Social Media Post Ideas to Attract New Clients

With a whopping four billion social media users worldwide, the shift towards digital is non-negotiable in the real estate industry. It’s where your clients live, laugh, and learn, and so it’s where you need to make your mark. It’s no longer an optional tool for agents; it’s a must-have to run a successful business. 

Understanding that social media is important is one thing, but knowing how to leverage it effectively for your real estate business is another. That’s how this article will help. 

Today, we’ll look at 31 thoughtfully-curated real estate social media post ideas that will not only increase engagement but will set you apart in the ever-evolving digital landscape. We’ll then introduce you to Jetpack Social, a powerful social media plugin for WordPress that enables you to effortlessly post on all your social media channels from one place.

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A image with the Jetpack logo and the text Jetpack 12.8 underneath.

Jetpack 12.8 – Jetpack Creator launch and more

This month, we’re launching Jetpack Creator and several smaller product improvements. Read on to learn more.

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Take Your Content To The Next Level With Jetpack Creator

Craft stunning content, boost your subscriber base, and monetize your online presence with Jetpack Creator. A new offering from Jetpack that helps you produce compelling content for your website in no time.

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Upcoming Update: Jetpack’s Lazy Loading Feature Deprecation

Jetpack and Jetpack Boost have long been champions of optimizing site performance, with features like lazy loading images being instrumental in reducing load times. However, in light of recent technological advancements, we’re here to inform you about the deprecation of this feature to align with the latest web standards.

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SMBs to Enterprises: 10 CRM Examples for Businesses of All Sizes

Despite the ever-shifting landscape of business in today’s world, staying on top of customer relationships remains the lifeblood of any successful organization. More often than not, the gap between thriving and surviving is bridged by how well a business understands, interacts with, and values its customers. 

The secret sauce? An efficient customer relationship management (CRM) system. Take the plunge with us as we chart the oceans of CRM possibilities for businesses both small and large.

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Elevating Site Cloning Experience: Say Goodbye to Repeated Credentials Entries for Non-Jetpack Sites

We are thrilled to introduce an exciting enhancement to our Clone to Staging feature. Now, you can securely store server credentials for your staging sites that don’t have a paid Jetpack VaultPress Backup plan. This means you can enjoy a seamless cloning experience without the need to repeatedly enter your credentials every time you clone. Let’s dive into the details of this exciting update.

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