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Welcome to Our Team’s P2 Demo

Hi, we’re team Lighthouse! We’re excited to be building P2. We created this demo so that you can see how our team communicates and collaborates using the very product we’re developing. This site collects some of our own project communication and offers some insight into how we work at Automattic. Scroll around and get inspired, then create your own P2 to start experimenting.

Why P2?

According to an Okta Business Study, employees spend 36% of their day searching for information. Nearly half the time, they can’t find the information they’re looking for. P2 is your organization’s collective brain. It holds your team’s vision, project plans, status, discussions, and important decisions. What’s more, Elastic search helps you find what you need, exactly when you need it.

This P2 is designed to show you: 

🏁 How to prioritize communication and transparency in team project work.

👭 How project teams can plan, organize, and share project status.

📖 How project teams can document opportunities and decisions. At Automattic, we’ve been using P2 for a decade.

🔐  How project teams can collaborate on projects asynchronously, so that you benefit by every team member’s input and thinking, regardless of where in the world they work or if they are on vacation or are new to the company and can use P2’s history to on-board.

👍️ How P2 uses collaboration tools such as Figma, Polls, Google Calendar, and to-do lists to help your team accomplish its goals.

Want to take P2 for a test drive? Create your own P2.

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Our Team’s Top Three Priorities

Here’s what we’re planning to accomplish in the next few weeks:

1. Launch new P2 version (Project Plan)

Deploy the new navigation
New global search
Team directory feature (Single-page description)

2. Create Demo Site Content (Project Plan)

  • Launch a P2 demonstration site to help new and existing customers to understand how P2 can improve team communication, transparency, and productivity.

3. Update P2 Landing Page (Project Plan)

  • Collaborate with Marketing to create new P2 messaging. 
  • Launch a contact form to help generate interested users get in touch.

#product #team-goals

Priority 1: Launch New Version of P2

Our goal: update P2 to add capability for multiple instances so that it mirrors the network of P2s that we use ourselves at Automattic.

Key updates

  • New navigation to move between P2s.
  • New search capabilities that span all P2s in the network.
  • New P2 hub that allows users to manage P2 subscriptions.

Design Updates

Iterate on the toolbar navigation and the layout of the pages.

Animate and polish the confirmation screen once you’ve upgraded to P2. We wanted to make it as delightful as possible.


WireframesIn progress
DesignsIn progress
Update Support pagesIn progress
Ship it!


Start date: June 1, 2021
ETA: June 25, 2021

#status-in-progress #product #marketing

Priority 2: Demo Site Content

Our goal: create a new demo that showcases P2’s features and the benefits of running multiple P2s. We want to tell a clear story, free of jargon.

Key content:

  • Showcase P2’s third-party integrations, including Google, Figma, .gifs, video, to-do lists, and project management blocks.
  • Showcase the ways in which we use P2 at Automattic so that users can get a better sense of how P2 can work for them.

How will we use this demo?

We will share this demo site:

  • In live sales calls to showcase the product to prospective customers.
  • On our marketing site, featured prominently.
  • In a “welcome” email to users to help them get inspired.


We will include all of these elements.


Write first draftsIn progress
EditIn progress
Invite team to comment
Link to demo
Ship it!


Start date: June 1, 2021


  • Increase the number of P2s in the wild!

#status-in-progress #marketing

Priority 3: Update to the P2 Landing Page

Our goal: refresh the landing page messaging and content to reflect new features and functionality.

Key content to be included:

  • Use cases, features, and product images that help prospective customers more clearly understand how P2 can help teams to be more productive.
  • How to get help and support with P2.
  • P2 examples from our user community.



WireframesIn progress
DesignsIn progress
Prepare dev toolingIn progress
Ship it!


Start date: June 1, 2021
ETA: June 25, 2021


  • Increase the number of P2 Signups, and P2s with more than one user.

#status-in-progress #marketing #integrations

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