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Saiyare Refaei

Tacoma, WA, United States

Saiyare Refaei (they/them/she/her) is a Chinese Iranian artist based in Tacoma, Washington. Their mediums mostly include community murals, printmaking and meticulous pointillism drawings mostly. Saiyare strives to utilize art as a means of community building, education and healing. They enjoy working collaboratively and being a conduit to visualize the stories that need to be told in our communities.

Updates: Iran’s impending revolution

Updates: Iran’s impending revolution

October 26, 2022

October 26, 2022 marks forty days since the death of Mahsa Jina Amini by Iran’s morality police. From all around the country, thousands of people marched to her gravesite despite road blockades. Students in universities across the county and well as refinery workers continue their strikes against the current oppressive regime.

Women, Life, Freedom!

Women, Life, Freedom!

September 25, 2022

Within a weeks’ time trending posts of 22 year old Halle Bailey having red locs in the upcoming new little mermaid movie and inspiring little black girls everywhere became overshadowed…

White Supremacy Culture Kills

White Supremacy Culture Kills

March 20, 2021

These drawings were made amidst much grief and frustration this past week in part of the continued targeted violence and erasure of Asian community experience that continues to uphold a status…

Listening As a Radical Act

Listening As a Radical Act

January 14, 2021

As we witness the world around us in transformation, remediation, some may say chaos, in this fight for our lives, and while the whole world is ablaze (literally and figuratively)…

Free West Papua

Free West Papua

August 12, 2020

I am truly honored to be joining Justseeds Artists’ Cooperative with an opportunity to uplift issues tied to my heart strings. In our pivotal moment in history for Black lives…