Bay Area, California, United States
Jesus Barraza is an interdisciplinary artist and is pursuing an MFA in Social Practice and a Masters in Visual Critical Studies. He holds a BA in Raza Studies from San Francisco State University. He is a co-founder of Dignidad Rebelde a graphic arts collaboration that produces screen prints, political posters and multimedia projects and a member of JustSeeds Artists Cooperative a decentralized group of political artists based in Canada, the United States and Mexico. From 2003-2010 he was a partner at Tumis design studio where he worked as web developer, graphic designer and project manager. Barraza has worked closely with numerous community organizations to create prints that visualize struggles for immigration rights, housing, education, and international solidarity. Printmaking has allowed Barraza to produce relevant images that can be put back into the hands of his community and spread throughout the world. He believes that through this work and the work of Dignidad Rebelde, he is playing a role in keeping the history of graphic art activism alive. He proudly continues the tradition of graphic art in the spirit of Jose Gaudalupe Posada, OSPAAAL and Juan R. Fuentes, whose artwork has been part a pivotal part of social movements. Barraza prides himself on his continued connection to his community and his availability as an activist artist who can be relied on for help.
Other Media
THE PALESTINIAN YOUTH MOVEMENT’S POLITICAL POSTER PROJECT This set of posters is part of a larger resistance arts project, Nakba 75: Reclamation and Resistance, created by the Palestinian Youth Movement…
These past few weeks have been difficult being a human being in this world and seeing all the pain we’re all experiencing. Reading about governments around the world taking care…
After some informal surveys on social media to help me gauge interest, gather topics and get a sense for timing I am happy to announce my first FREE online lecture:…
As a Xicanx I’m always in solidarity with Palestinians, because like indigenous people in the Americas they’ve had their ancestral lands taken from them. Right now they are dealing with…
Please considering donating to #helpmelaniecervantes fight cancer! Dear family, friends and supporters, I want to give thanks to everyone who has sent me good energy, made a contribution and shared…
Standing in solidarity with Standing Rock and the struggle to stop the building of the Dakota Access Pipeline. #noDAPL #standingwithStandingRock #WaterIsLife #Rezpect We are selling a limited number of posters…
If you haven’t been to the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts to check out their latest exhibit you need to get down there before it cloeses August 14th! The…
On the fourth of July weekend while many people were celebrating Independence day, the folks at Homefullnes in East Oakland, California were celebrating their interdependence. A group of Black, Brown,…
In early July we traveled to Arizona as part of a project we started, "Justicia y Dignidad", to work deepen the connections we have to three grassroots community organizations. We…
In June i was invited to lead a screen printing workshop at the Ruckus Society’s Action Camp for Migrant Rights that was coordinated with the National Day Laborer Organizing Network….
These English and Spanish posters are two of four poster designs we will be giving away on May Day in Oakland and San Francisco. If you’re out there look for…
This coming weekend we will be visiting Santa Fe, New Mexico with a few presentations and workshops. These are in conjunction with the “Counting Coup” exhibit at the Museum of…