How I Plan To Survive My Crippling Illness


EDITORIAL: A light email digest today… I’ve just arrived back from Palestine, and have gone to war with jetlag and a Middle Eastern flu. Indeed, it’s a Middle Eastern manflu… the deadliest of them all.

In other news, we’re almost at our goal for the Sparkke Change Beverage Company‘s Pozible fundraising campaign, with just a few hours left. In fact we’re just a few thousand dollars short of the $100,000 goal. No meant feat, and a deeply sincere thanks to NM subscribers who pitched in.

There’s still a few hours left, and the NM exclusive offer for readers only is here – don’t forget you need the password pussygrabsback.

In the meantime… I’m going back to bed. I’ll re-emerge later in the week after I defeat The World’s Greatest Illness (those who know me know I strive at everything in life, including being sicker than everybody else, when the occasion arises). And for those wondering, New Matilda will be taking the briefest of breaks this Christmas – we’ll be publishing sporadically between Christmas and New Year, and then back to normal early in the new year.

There’ll be a digest or two before December 31… your best wishes and my ugly thoughts about 2016 to come.

Cheers, Chris Graham

PS. Emails of pity, gratefully received, sarcastic remarks about the manflu will be responded to accordingly, in line with our new ‘reader abuse business model’.

Chris Graham is the publisher and editor of New Matilda. He is the former founding managing editor of the National Indigenous Times and Tracker magazine. Chris has won a Walkley Award, a Walkley High Commendation and two Human Rights Awards for his reporting.
