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[–]john7071 Extended Universe 3633 points3634 points  (239 children)

One last chance at the 152 rank in Halo 5 lmao

[–][deleted] 897 points898 points  (173 children)

How long would that take me if I haven't played the game since it launched? Lol

[–][deleted] 986 points987 points  (103 children)

The entire year.

[–]Ifinishfast42 620 points621 points  (92 children)

Fr I have 500 hrs and I’m only lvl 126

[–][deleted] 375 points376 points  (17 children)

I'm at 1500 hours I believe and almost 147 which is still 1/4 of the way to 152 lol

[–]CLSosa 83 points84 points  (5 children)

1650 hours and level 144 never realized how hard this was

[–]DragonBornLuke 15 points16 points  (1 child)

There's a difference between hard and time consuming.

[–]llamajuice1v1 lockout is how all disputes should be settled 42 points43 points  (0 children)

I'm level 146, which means that I'm about 20% of the way to level 152.

[–]rookie-mistakeLast Face 306 points307 points  (41 children)

i still think of that as max level just from spending too much time in runescape back in the day lol

[–]HatManToTheRescue 182 points183 points  (36 children)

I’m still spending too much time on Runescape

edit: 2k+ total on osrs, I'd have maxed on rs3 if I spent too much time on there, cmon

[–]Ifinishfast42 97 points98 points  (9 children)

Runescape is the shit

[–]GuineaPigHackySack 49 points50 points  (11 children)

I’ve got two RS3 clients open and an OSRS client open as I type this lmao

[–]skintay12High Impact Halo 💕 21 points22 points  (2 children)

Around 1300 hours and I believe I’m partially between 150-151? The last two levels are fucking ridiculous, I believe 1-150 is 26m exp and 150-152 is 24m exp.

[–]Moshambi 26 points27 points  (1 child)

Iirc 150-152 is the same amount of xp as from 1-150

[–]kekoslice 152 points153 points  (44 children)

It's a grind for sure.. I'm at like 150 and been playing since H5 launch. Albiet I go months without playing when I get burnt out

[–]eggs_are_funny Halo 2 188 points189 points  (31 children)

And isn't 150 like halfway lol? The amount of XP needed from 150 to 152 is absurd, i played since launch and am like a 147. I'll never see 152

[–]kekoslice 79 points80 points  (25 children)

I certainly hope not.... I'm too scared to actually google it. :(

[–]manualCAD 180 points181 points  (13 children)

It is a bit less than halfway. The levels are on a log scale, so if I remember correctly then level 1-148 is the same as 149-152 lol.

[–]the_fuegoHalo: MCC 116 points117 points  (10 children)

Fuck me that's intense. You'd think at that point the devs would be like: "You've played for HOW long? Fuck it here's 152" and make it like 10 XP to rank lol.

[–]DarthNihilusHalo CE is the best one 72 points73 points  (5 children)

Check out the MCC max rank experience. OverNear 1.3 billion. Almost nobody is ever even going to get close.

[–]zMyNameIsDuckyz 34 points35 points  (0 children)

There’s a lot of issues with the MCC XP system that I looked to start a conversation about recently if anyone wants to read about it

[–]eggs_are_funny Halo 2 12 points13 points  (0 children)

I wish the best for you, I hope I'm wrong!

[–]JackRourke343 Halo 2 45 points46 points  (11 children)

Brother reached 147 on the first year playing around 17 hours per week. Is it true that the grind for the higher levels equals going from 0 to 140-ish?

[–]The7ruth 79 points80 points  (4 children)

150-152 is the same as 1-150.

[–]AceDrummer 14 points15 points  (2 children)

Fuck. Me. I just hit 130 last night.

[–]kekoslice 25 points26 points  (1 child)

It certainly feels that way. I've been stuck between levels 145-150 for the last 2~3 years.

[–]DARKDevastat0rI think we're just getting started. 34 points35 points  (0 children)

Pretty sure 150 -152 is the same as 1-150

[–][deleted] 19 points20 points  (0 children)

until the next Halo

[–]Iceman9161Halo Wars 2 16 points17 points  (0 children)

For fuckin ever. The gap between 150 and 152 is the same as 1 to 150 iirc

[–]Smallville730Halo 2 78 points79 points  (13 children)

The very least 343 can do is offer some triple XP weeks or something to help us reach 152 to ease our pain.... been grinding and I’m still 30 ranks away....

[–]BrobaFett1121Champion 24 points25 points  (0 children)

99% chance it’s an emblem. People are over here expecting Hayabusa for completing 152 but you already know it isn’t going to be worth it.

[–]AttackoftheMuffins 2235 points2236 points  (201 children)

This is probably a good thing

[–]ar243 Halo 2 1074 points1075 points  (109 children)

I’m happy for Halo, I’m bummed for Xbox.

This will be a great Halo game but a rocky launch for the new console. But 343i made a hard decision and they made it to make their fans happy at the expense of their parent company’s success.

[–]grimoireviper 516 points517 points  (33 children)

Well tbf, this decision had to be accepted by their parent company first so both sides probably saw it as beneficial.

[–]zMyNameIsDuckyz 231 points232 points  (4 children)

This is great news in my opinion, when I saw the presentation I was hoping for a delay. The lack of marketing really gave the indication to me this was not ready for 2020. I’d rather a true next gen experience whenever it comes around than something forever tainted.

[–]covert_ops_47 Halo 3 138 points139 points  (20 children)

People think 343i do things without Microsofts input.

Microsoft literally owns 343i. They are literally one and the same*.

[–]covert_ops_47 Halo 3 144 points145 points  (40 children)

It's going to be okay. Halo 3 came out in 2007. The Xbox 360 came out in 2005.

A good Halo game is all that's needed. No matter when it comes out.

[–]Wes___Mantooth Halo 3 52 points53 points  (8 children)

Yeah I don't know why it would NEED to be there right at launch, I had the same thought about Halo 3.

[–]WaffleBoi014 42 points43 points  (3 children)

Honestly this will work for the long run. If Microsoft has an amazing halo for the next 10 years, they will win the long game. Also this helps build trust in their community

[–]RameezTheEliteRameezz - Creator of Mastur Cheef Pls 86 points87 points  (12 children)

The hell are you on about. This was Microsoft’s call ultimately, under the recommendations of 343

[–]ar243 Halo 2 35 points36 points  (11 children)

I know. Microsoft (more specifically the Series X) will still be hurt by this decision even if they agreed to it. That’s what I was trying to point out.

[–][deleted] 118 points119 points  (8 children)

u/chunkythepotato owes me $50. Time to pay up, my friend! The writing has been on the wall for like a year. We saw the first gameplay a few months before launch, that’s usually the best tell.

** Edit: He payed in full. Thanks man! Let us hope the game is better as a result of this delay.

[–]ChunkyThePotatoHCS 47 points48 points  (3 children)

I gotchu. Send me your PayPal.

Also fuck rona lol

[–][deleted] 41 points42 points  (0 children)

Pay the fuck up chunky potato

[–]soybean1996 87 points88 points  (41 children)

The question is how late into 2021 will it be delayed to

[–]Venom_is_an_aceHalo 3 186 points187 points  (12 children)

March 43rd so 3/43/21

[–]tbenz9 94 points95 points  (9 children)

Hopefully it's January 17th, so it's 1/17/21.

[–]KerbalCommander117 57 points58 points  (1 child)

Unless they run into major problems, I'm betting they will be launching in the first half of 2021.

[–]wetz1091 48 points49 points  (13 children)

Holiday 2021

Cries in Craig

Edit: this was a joke. I hope it’s not delayed this long.

[–]InpenXb1 Halo 3 40 points41 points  (1 child)

My guess is 1st quarter. Maybe we will see some actual advertising now lol

[–]EnderLOL 3913 points3914 points  (283 children)

This is a good thing for Halo Infinite as a game and experience. But this is a terrible thing for the Xbox Series X. Halo literally opened their Series X trailer with Holiday 2020 stated since LAST YEARs E3. Obviously COVID has caused significant delays across all industries, but there's no way sales don't significantly dip for the new console now.

[–]Mormonator8 1432 points1433 points  (191 children)

Good thing Xbox isn’t too focused on selling consoles, they’ll be ok. I’m still getting a series x at launch.

[–]EnderLOL 600 points601 points  (82 children)

I agree, I already have a One X and a baller PC but there's definitely a portion of the market that views Xbox as the Halo machine.

[–]Professor_RegressorHalo: CE 365 points366 points  (54 children)

Isn't Infinite launching on PC anyway? I really had no problem with Microsoft turning Xbox into just, an option for PCs rather than a direct competitor with Playstation.

I mean it's in the name 'Xbox' it always was a 'DirectX Box' making Xbox and PC interchangeable platforms seems like it holds true to the Xbox philosophy of putting the PC experience on the couch with your controllers and buddies

[–]lasthopel Halo: MCC 79 points80 points  (0 children)

It's launching on very current and next gen xbox and pc it's not a launch title exclusive and its part of the smart delivery system I believe so you get a free upgrade

[–]DirectArtichoke1RollCats 74 points75 points  (50 children)

Do you have a One X already? What games are you getting the Series X for at launch. Legitimately asking. I was day one committed but now without Halo I'm not sure.

[–]BearWrap 20 points21 points  (7 children)

Legit, there is no reason for me to upgrade from my One X to Series X at all. There are no true Series X exclusives that are going to push the bar for at least 2 years so I’m going to wait it out until then.

[–]JackRourke343 Halo 2 90 points91 points  (18 children)

Yeah, this is going to suck hard for the Series X. I was planning on getting it day one precisely for Infinite, now I'm not so sure about it.

Edit: [...] not so sure about getting it day one, I meant.

[–]PM_ME_UR_LOGIN_INFO_ 2363 points2364 points  (219 children)

I'm not upset. I want Infinite to be good. Godspeed. MCC will tide me over at least.

[–]OSUfan88 705 points706 points  (72 children)

Yeah, there was an interview with some Xbox heads a couple months ago. They said that they were fairly confident with Xbox hardware being release on time, but sort of were uneasy about software. I had a suspicion that Halo would be delayed.

Fast forward to the backlash Halo had across the world after the recent reveal of Craig, and I was 95% positive they would delay it until they felt like it was fixed.

My guess is that the major graphics issues are due to lighting, and they want to release it with Ray Tracing from the start.

[–]PM_ME_UR_LOGIN_INFO_ 393 points394 points  (42 children)

Honestly releasing ray tracing from the start would be their best bet to make the game look great.

[–]dbbk 302 points303 points  (32 children)

Never made sense to me to release that as a post-launch update. This is your flagship game for a new device, and it's not going to utilise that full power from the jump?

[–]Noblechris Halo: Reach 61 points62 points  (0 children)

That and by the time everyone finishes the campaign it really isn't going to matter.

[–]TheHangedKing 83 points84 points  (6 children)

Especially when you tone down texture detail and put most of your eggs in the lighting/effects basket

[–]MVPizzleONI 126 points127 points  (17 children)

It's now evident that the trailer was from a latest version of the game. That game was nowhere near ready to launch and I'm happy 343 dealt with whatever bullshit they had to from microsoft to get this delayed.

[–]AKAFallow 47 points48 points  (4 children)

It also means more time to test things, hell, they could even sneak in a new weapon if they want to... or old ones.

[–]Honztastic 23 points24 points  (0 children)

Hint fucking hint

[–]StarbuckTheDeer 30 points31 points  (3 children)

They've also mentioned how they weren't going to be able to do public flight testing for halo infinite multiplayer because of everything going on. I'd expect this delay means that there will be some public testing of the multiplayer and they will be able to get feedback from the community before launch.

That and the whole issue of ray tracing being released in a patch post-launch (along with whatever other behind the scenes issues we are unaware of) really makes the delay seem like a good idea for the game. Let's see it looking it's best on day 1 and have high quality, feature rich multiplayer that people enjoy.

[–]donquixote1991 111 points112 points  (6 children)

don't pin this on my boy Craig, he did his best


[–]Picard2331 17 points18 points  (0 children)

Craig is the best meme to come out of Halo in years, he did nothing wrong.

[–]pancakeQueue 189 points190 points  (77 children)

20 bucks halo 5 comes to PC now to hold us over. I’d take it just for the forge.

[–]neverhadlambchops 63 points64 points  (14 children)

It fits the time frame so perfectly Halo 5 into MCC

[–]zMyNameIsDuckyz 26 points27 points  (13 children)

That would be perfect for PC, and whilst it wouldn’t be possible on the Xbox One it certainly would for the Series X and could be at least some (admittedly not much) incentive to pick up the console. A complete MCC on PC/Series X

[–]Shawn_Faux_98 14 points15 points  (12 children)

whilst it wouldn’t be possible on the Xbox One

Yeah, I remember a development blog mentioning that the MCC on the Xbox One couldn't handle any more games.

Would they really be willing to add Halo 5 to the MCC if only one version would get it?

[–]earle117 111 points112 points  (51 children)

It's not the full MP, but Halo 5 Forge and custom games has been out on PC for several years actually.

[–]pancakeQueue 38 points39 points  (49 children)

I thought the keyboard and mouse support for that sucked?

[–]KFC_Gaming 179 points180 points  (41 children)

Honestly mcc has been really good these past months. Best thing 343 has done recently

[–]Jippynms 99 points100 points  (36 children)

only going to get better since they plan to add custom browser by the end of this year. we should be fine.

[–]OmisakePrepare To Drop :Superintendent: 56 points57 points  (30 children)

A customs browser paired with crossplay between PC and Xbox is honestly a dream come true. So excited for that!

[–]xTheLeprechaun 23 points24 points  (4 children)

I’m looking forward to MCC getting crossplay and custom game browser more anyway.

[–]JonWood007 Halo: MCC 21 points22 points  (1 child)

Yeah mcc is a strong enough product that I can wait. If anything I thought infinite was coming too soon because it should be out like RIGHT after 4 releases on mcc right?

[–]KarlBux 1207 points1208 points  (131 children)

Here’s to another year of playing Halo MCC.

[–]RichardDickWintersOnyx 489 points490 points  (94 children)

Not the worst thing as long as the PC population stays high

[–]Jice151 423 points424 points  (74 children)

They are working on adding crossplay with Xbox. Population should be fine.

[–]No_Manners 162 points163 points  (63 children)

They also said input-based matchmaking, so I would imagine controller-based input population will be fine but Mouse and Keyboard populations might take a hit.

[–]ScottPilgrim-182MasterChief3218 57 points58 points  (3 children)

I imagine once they add cross-play between PC and Xbox the population will be fine. I’ll certainly be playing more once the Custom Games Browser is released.

[–]usetheforce_gaming Extended Universe 49 points50 points  (1 child)

Actually a tiny bit relieving. I'm having a lot of fun on MCC right now and trying to catch up on the season points.

[–]Greenskeeper37 46 points47 points  (2 children)

2021 doesn’t mean a year. Could just be March 2021

[–]soybean1996 29 points30 points  (0 children)

Could make a lot of sense to launch infinite during tax return season

[–]Protheon520 653 points654 points  (18 children)

“A good game is good, but a bad game is bad” -Man

[–]TheBigLaheyThe Halo Forum 228 points229 points  (3 children)

"wort wort wort" - dinoboi

[–]The_MAZZTer Gold Brigadier General 53 points54 points  (1 child)

"HONK" - Tucker Jr.

[–]Ifinishfast42 62 points63 points  (0 children)

Facts big

[–]SilentPizzaKiller 28 points29 points  (1 child)

“A rushed game is kinda cringe bro, a delayed game is based” - Japan man

[–]The_R3medyGT: The R3medy 1342 points1343 points  (70 children)

Wow, genuinely unexpected but for the best. Hope the team isn't worked to the bone or anything as a result of this delay. Take your time, and release it when it's ready.

Good on Microsoft as well for being willing to let this delay happen.

[–]galactix100 390 points391 points  (34 children)

Hope the team isn't worked to the bone or anything as a result of this delay.

I think avoiding crunch will probably have been a factor in this decision. There's an interview with Bonnie Ross from a year or 2 ago where she says a part of the reason for Infinite's new engine was to help avoid the crunch periods of Halos 4 and 5 that were at least partly due to an aging engine.

I don't think they could make decisions like that and get away with still forcing devs to crunch, especially in current conditions.

[–]omarrabide 170 points171 points  (20 children)

Though I hope you're right, most video game delays cause more crunch, developers for games like cp2077 and the last of us 2 had more crunch because of their delay, not less.

Also Jason Schreier said he's working on an article about 343i development and he's now implying on Twitter that things aren't going well at 343 and the delay is going to cause more crunch.

I hope he's wrong though.

[–]arod13134 59 points60 points  (1 child)

The devs probably have internal deadlines, where the game needs to have certain requirements finished by the deadline. This likely means a lot of crunch leading up to the deadline. And if they don’t meet the requirements, they delay and go through the process again.

[–]galactix100 47 points48 points  (7 children)

I'll admit it's a hope as much as anything. I don't think for a second that there won't be a lot of hard work done during this delay that'll probably suck for a lot of staff, but there's a difference between an intense shift at work and full on crunch.

I think the fact that this is the first delay announced, and there's no hard date given is cause to hope. If they'd given a date like 10 February, say, I'd be more immediately worried about crunch. The fact that there's no public deadline will hopefully reduce the chance that there's crunch because there's less pressure to finish the work. That, and the fact that the delay seems to be a response to criticisms about textures/lighting gives me hope that there's not a huge amount of work, if any, beyond that.

When you look at CD Projekt and Naughty Dog delaying their games and causing more crunch, I think it speaks to the culture of the studios. CD Projekt clearly don't give a shit. They keep doing it and are fairly brazen about it too.

Then there's Naughty Dog. When you look at Schreier's article on The Last of Us 2, the thing that strikes me is that the delays and resultant crunch appear to be down to Druckmann making fairly substantial changes to the game's narrative after criticisms about the writing and it just spiraled from there with constant chopping and changing. There's also clearly a culture at that studio that means some are far more affected by crunch than others and it's the lower level employees and contractors who get the worst of it, so it'll never change.

You've also got to consider the games themselves. CD Projekt are known for making games so demanding they even give high end PCs a real hard time. As Schreir notes in his TLOU2 article, Uncharted 4 had bags of grain which would realistically deflate when shot. It's like RDR 2's realistic horse bollocks, ludicrous extravegance for its own sake.

Halo Infinite doesn't strike me as being the same as those games. I don't think it was ever going to be a boundry pushing game in terms of visuals etc. even before the demo last month. I think Infinite's delay is more down to the fact that the pandemic has completely fucked their production schedule and so they just can't finish the work they're doing on getting textures and lighting to an acceptable, if not mind blowing, standard in time for the XSX launch.

However, all that might be wishful thinking and rationalising. It may be the case that the studio's already been crunching to finish in time for the XSX launch and this delay means another month or two of crunch. Hopefully not though.

[–]shrekcurry502 664 points665 points  (88 children)

Good decision but isn’t it meant to be the main launch title for the new Xbox? This is crazy lol. Happy they’ve delayed it though, can only make the game better

[–]peanutdakidnappa 296 points297 points  (75 children)

Ya this hurts the new console launch, I’m honestly surprised this happened, I’m sure there was alot of pressure on them from MS to release this game with the console.

[–]TheRavenRisejameson locke is my daddy 189 points190 points  (19 children)

and now microsoft is letting them delay the game

if only microsoft let them delay the MCC or halo 5, too

[–]DudeWTHHalo: MCC 232 points233 points  (16 children)

Understandable but damn this was my most hyped game this year

[–]Domestic_AA_Battery ONI 87 points88 points  (10 children)

My most hyped game in the past like 4 years lmao. Oh well, very good news for us.

[–]AlecsYs 246 points247 points  (5 children)

343i: Sir, permission to delay the launch date.
Microsoft: For what purpose, 343i?
343i: To finish the game.
Microsoft: Permission granted.

[–][deleted] 107 points108 points  (7 children)

u/chunkythepotato owes me $50. Time to pay up, my friend!

** Edit: He payed in full. Thanks man! Let us hope the game is better as a result of this delay.

[–]EirikurG 19 points20 points  (0 children)

hohohoho that's amazing
I'm hoping you get the cash!

[–]GloryCloudHalo 2 12 points13 points  (0 children)

Fulfill your oath chunky tater!

[–]SgtPepper2000Final Boss 237 points238 points  (104 children)

Considering this is the Series X launch title, development must be pretty behind. Good on 343 and I hope this leads to a great game.

[–]MChammer707 140 points141 points  (24 children)

This reminds me of the Doom Eternal delay. The fans were chomping at the bit for a new entry, but the finished product was absolutely incredible. I have faith that Infinite will turn out similarly.

[–]JonWood007 Halo: MCC 61 points62 points  (20 children)

Yep. I'm gonna be honest. Doom eternal is gonna be goty 2020 for me probably now.

[–]laddlemkckey 22 points23 points  (6 children)

I'm going to be honest, but Eternal might be my favorite FPS of the entire generation, maybe even of all time, atleast for campaign stuff.

Titanfall 2 and Halo 2 have my favorite multiplayers though.

[–]JonWood007 Halo: MCC 21 points22 points  (4 children)

Honestly replaying mcc I feel like single player games are a lost art these days. I liked doom 2016 better than eternal but I would say the doom franchise is the only one that's put out anything decent recently that grabs me enough where I actually wanna play it more than once.

[–]RazgrizInfinity 588 points589 points  (70 children)

I honestly feel like the negative reception to the graphics was the final catalyst to delay it, among other reasons. I'm okay with that though as I would rather have it delayed and polished up versus the rush we've seen in many games, Halo and non-Halo, before.

Edit: With the delay, it makes me look forward to the game more. Until then, I have a TON of backlog to play through. I'm more than content to wait. I am curious if Xbox will delay though.

[–]GlutenFremous 187 points188 points  (17 children)

I too think that played a big part, it was obvious the response to it was tepid and below expectations. Kindof happy to hear it's delayed.

[–]RazgrizInfinity 94 points95 points  (16 children)

Me too. I really do believe deep down that that was the final product.

[–]BagOnutsFilthy Casual 143 points144 points  (30 children)

I honestly feel like the negative reception to the graphics was the final catalyst to delay it

Oh, it 100% was that.

[–]covert_ops_47 Halo 3 174 points175 points  (24 children)

When you don't even have time to animate the Phantom flying in...clearly they were having issues with time.

Anyone who saw that Phantom knew instantly that the game needed to be delayed.

Anyone who saw that Phantom and thought " Wow this looks like a finished product" needed to pull their heads out of the sand.

[–]cwhiterun 108 points109 points  (10 children)

The whole thing looked like it was made in Forge mode.

[–]scrubulba123Mark V Gang 248 points249 points  (20 children)

This is good. The devs need all the time they need to make a game worthy of the Halo name. I wish them the best and I can’t wait to play the game!

[–]S3xyTrap H5 Bronze 1 369 points370 points  (37 children)

it's disappointing, but that means the game is getting more polish and we can actually get flights/beta now

[–]superlinkx Halo 3: ODST 69 points70 points  (2 children)

I'm really hoping with the more nebulous launch date we'll see a flight schedule by January. Would be an excellent way to create the breathing room this game needs.

[–]ApproximateKnowlegeKilo23 312 points313 points  (34 children)

EVERYONE: Hey 343, will COVID have any effect on Infinite's release date?

343i: None whatsoever, we're very much on schedule, as a matter of fact, here's some gameplay!

EVERYONE: Wow, looks shit.

343i: Due to COVID, we're delaying Infinite's release to 2021.

All in all, I really want it to be good, so this delay may be a good thing. We shall see.

[–]bearhound 207 points208 points  (12 children)

Great news IMO

[–]archaelleon 43 points44 points  (6 children)

For sure. That gameplay trailer showed they have a lot of work to do. I think they nailed it from a combat loop perspective, which is the most important thing, but even graphics aside it showed some glaring technical issues.

[–]JBurton90 Halo: MCC 124 points125 points  (49 children)

I would rather have a good game ship in Spring 2021 than a half game ship in Holiday 2020. This is still surprising though... They have had 5 years between H5's launch and now. There are positives though:

  • MCC gets room to breathe after Halo 4 launches and after it gets a Custom Game Browser and Crossplay.
  • Halo players get more time to finish the SR 152 grind on Halo 5
  • Gives some players time to beat Halo Wars 2 and learn about the Banished.
  • We could potentially get Halo 5 on PC somehow which would actually be good since CE-4 are on PC and 5 isn't.
  • More polish for Infinite.
  • Potential for public flights now.
  • Infinite doesn't have to go up against CoD 2020 and Co.

[–]JonWood007 Halo: MCC 44 points45 points  (2 children)

Yeah I'm gonna be honest I wasn't super thrilled with halo infinite launching in November given halo 4 isn't gonna be out before october at the earliest.

[–]ArtooFeva Halo 5: Guardians 25 points26 points  (2 children)

Just means we should accept a big game when it launches and not much else. Red Dead 2 took somewhere close to 8 years to develop and it ended up with a massive game. 5 and a half years should equate to, well their words, “the most ambitious Halo title”.

[–]Weslg96 66 points67 points  (7 children)

I’m glad they talk about how hard it is on the team, with all the crunch horror stories that have come out over the past few years I hope the working environment gets better

[–]ChetDuchessManly Halo 3 23 points24 points  (1 child)

Good. I think many fans were hoping for a delay. Hopefully, this gives them enough time to maybe rethink some designs and really polish the look of the game. This game is pretty much their last chance to instill confidence into the Halo community, so best they take their time with it.

Hope they still show us some multiplayer though.

[–]Cheesewithmold Halo 3 82 points83 points  (37 children)

Oof. I'm surprised Microsoft let them do it. They're really giving them free reign.

What launch titles do we even have for the Series X now?

[–]TheRavenRisejameson locke is my daddy 125 points126 points  (8 children)

gta 5, probably? lmfao

[–]KarateKid917 41 points42 points  (6 children)

GTA V’s next gen version is confirmed for fall 2021

[–]TheRavenRisejameson locke is my daddy 16 points17 points  (3 children)


so fuckin dumb that it’s even happening in the first place, but fuckin come on lmfaoooo

[–]KarateKid917 14 points15 points  (2 children)

They did the same thing with the PS4 and XO versions. They launched a year after the systems did.

[–]TheRavenRisejameson locke is my daddy 24 points25 points  (1 child)

that one actually made sense because the original versions of the games dropped a very short time before the XONE/PS4 dropped

rockstar has presumably known they’ve been gonna do this for years now and they couldn’t even have it ready for console launch lmao

[–]Jice151 32 points33 points  (5 children)

For exclusives? None

AAAs? CP2077, AC Valhalla, Watch Dogs Legion, CoD

[–]Cheesewithmold Halo 3 26 points27 points  (4 children)

Not the start they probably want.

[–][deleted] 295 points296 points  (93 children)

I see no downside. The developers get time to polish and refine the game. No matter where you are on the graphic debate or sprint debate, this is a good thing. A polished game has a better chance of being successful than a rushed one.

[–]JoeDelVek 208 points209 points  (11 children)

The downside is a longer void in my heart

[–][deleted] 72 points73 points  (4 children)

The bigger that void becomes, the more Infinite will fill that void when it eventually releases :)

[–]RoyShavRick 18 points19 points  (2 children)

That is a perfect way of putting it. And hey, if you need your halo fix, there's always MCC, which they have said they plan to fill out with new content and reasons to play.

[–]SlipperyThong Halo 3 144 points145 points  (6 children)

I understand completely, but FUCK am I disappointed.

[–]KerbalCommander117 43 points44 points  (2 children)

Same. I wonder if they will instead start the public beta testing and flight testing for the multiplayer this November. Would help tide over the disappointment all while giving very valuable data to 343i to tweak and polish any issues so that multiplayer can also have a great launch.

[–]LAfreak 56 points57 points  (0 children)

Fuuuuuuck! But a good fuck. Nonetheless.. fuuuuuuck!!!!

[–][deleted] 39 points40 points  (5 children)

Thank god. I can wait longer, I do not want a bad game.

[–]Makispi 19 points20 points  (2 children)

I would rather it be delayed and released when it's ready and not rushed to market. It's already mid-august and we still haven't seen multiplayer, so I'm cool with a delay

[–]Jeremy24Fan 37 points38 points  (3 children)

release the multiplayer beta on the same day the new xbox drops?

[–]TheNegroMenace 68 points69 points  (3 children)

Saw this one coming a mile away. Better than a rushed product though.

[–]ecxetra H5 Diamond 1 69 points70 points  (1 child)

Good, the game definitely needed it. Surprised though considering it’s their big launch title for Series X.

Please just scrap the original Xbox One version, it’s 7 year old hardware now, it’s just going to hold the game back.

[–]GOP_:) 132 points133 points  (30 children)

Pretty disappointed, but imagine how good MCC and Halo 5 would've been if they had just delayed as well. This will all be worth it in the end.

[–]Mr_Sarcasum Halo 2 124 points125 points  (28 children)

MCC yes, but Halo 5’s biggest problems were story related. And you can’t judge a story until after it comes out.

[–]GOP_:) 125 points126 points  (8 children)

To be fair, Halo 5 still released with entire game modes missing. Even though it was playable, it was incomplete.

[–]Ghostise Halo 2 52 points53 points  (3 children)

Halo 5 probably would have launched with Infection, Grifball, Assault, and hopefully some BTB maps if it was delayed.

[–]FinalForerunner Halo 3: ODST 25 points26 points  (2 children)

Halo campaign's don't sustain a community, I would say the lack of content at the start contributed to it's failures.

[–]globulararc5 89 points90 points  (6 children)

This is phenomenal. I am very pleased. The game is not at the state it should be at, and Microsoft didn't force their hand. While it can be disappointing for some, I think it is for the best.

[–]daddyyeslegs 13 points14 points  (1 child)

The more time the better. Halo 1, 2, 5, and MCC all could have benefitted enourmously from just having more time to finish things off. Time is starting to feel like a luxury when reading about game development under a big studio.

[–]Biggieboii14 169 points170 points  (12 children)

This year sucks

[–]JoeDelVek 125 points126 points  (1 child)

“This is the worst year of my life” “The worst year of your life...so far”

[–][deleted] 49 points50 points  (3 children)

since everything's getting delayed to next year, 2021 might have a chance at being good

[–]Benito7 53 points54 points  (0 children)

Covid will be delayed to 2021

[–]connorman83169Halo: CE 98 points99 points  (11 children)

I hope we get a beta now

[–][deleted] 48 points49 points  (0 children)

Yeah, no excuse not to hold a beta now.

[–]dem0n0cracyXBL: dem0n0cracy 45 points46 points  (13 children)

Gives me more time to read the books.

[–]FrannyDoubleA#TeamChief 15 points16 points  (0 children)

Man, I had hoped that what we had seen was really early builds but after hearing that it was only WEEKS old, man am I glad to see it being delayed. As much as this sucks for the series X, having a shitty Halo again would absolutely kill the franchise.

[–]A_CharmandurHalo 3: ODST 17 points18 points  (4 children)

This is 100% the right decision, but I still adamantly believe they messed up their development cycle in house even without the restrictions put on the studio with COVID-19.

[–]ZeUberSandvitch Halo 3 40 points41 points  (0 children)

Honestly, I'm glad to hear this. I think they should take as much time as they need to make this game as good as they can (:

[–]kekoslice 41 points42 points  (13 children)

Hope this means ray tracing comes from day 1 on series x. This gives me a couple months to upgrade entertainment /av setup for 120hz 4k.

[–]Sky3HouseParty 23 points24 points  (10 children)

While I am grateful that this decision was made, I really do think a larger conversation needs to be had about 343i and the mismanagement of the Halo franchise. You could make excuses, tenuous as they are, about the states of their previous entries being the result of not enough time, too much meddling by the higher ups of MS etc, but this was a game that has been in development for the past five years. The fact that it has even gotten to this point should be a huge wake up call to XGS that there is something horribly wrong going on at 343i.

Someone needs to come out and talk about what the environment is like working at that studio, because there are some glaring issues there. It may come down to completely restructuring the studio, and getting rid of some of the talking heads driving the bizarre decision making over the years.

[–]PianoNyan 35 points36 points  (0 children)

Not even mad. Do it right.

[–]skip_leg_day 11 points12 points  (1 child)

After all the backlash they got, this is great news. This gives them time to address everything the community criticized them for.

[–]Jahaadu 23 points24 points  (3 children)

I would much rather the game be delayed than for it to be released broken. Just ignore those who are going to complain about this, they are the same group who would complain if it had any issue at release.

[–]RagingFeather 10 points11 points  (0 children)

I don't mind playing MCC for a couple more months

[–]DeeBangerCC Halo 3 9 points10 points  (0 children)

Wondering how bad the behind the scenes has to be for a launch title to be delayed. Especially since it’s a console seller title

[–]ashes1032 38 points39 points  (0 children)

Understandable. Have a nice day.

[–]SupermanJLA 20 points21 points  (4 children)

2021 is kind of vague.

[–]xandwacky2 Halo: MCC 27 points28 points  (0 children)

Honestly? This is a good thing

[–]I_wanna_ask 19 points20 points  (0 children)

A sad, but good thing. I expect the game will be dynamite by 2021. Looking forward to it!

[–]Dervishone 8 points9 points  (1 child)

It'll be a massive disappointment if this game STILL releases on the Xbox One in 2013. A 10 year platform running on an 8 year old console sounds horrible.

[–]MajorasMask3D 10 points11 points  (0 children)

It’s probably going to as the whole game was designed for it. Possible the worst decision they could’ve possibly made.

[–]moviebuff87 9 points10 points  (1 child)

New management needed. This goes beyond just covid related.

[–][deleted] 9 points10 points  (0 children)

I'm on board with them taking time to make sure the game is great, but this is pretty rough for Xbox Series X's launch.

Even with COVID, I'm not quite sure how things went this poorly.

[–]Captain_Saftey 51 points52 points  (15 children)

"A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad," -Che Guevara

[–]BANDlCOOT Halo 3 25 points26 points  (2 children)

Very surprised. Due to the lack of info on dates/price etc it wouldn't surprise me to see the PS5 and XSX consoles being delayed too. If one gets it out earlier it will have much better sales I think, like the 360 and the PS3 as Sony missed that Christmas window.

I'm undecided which to buy on launch, was leaning more towards the Xbox because of Halo but now it isn't a launch title I must admit the PS5 does look more appealing of the two to me.

It's crazy how little we know about consoles supposedly launching by holiday 2020!

[–]KyleTheWalrus Halo: Reach 13 points14 points  (0 children)

Not that it matters much, but the main reason the 360 outsold the PS3 at first was mostly because the 360 was significantly cheaper and it had more compelling exclusives for years (hard to believe nowadays, I know).

Additionally, almost every multiplatform game looked and performed better on 360. Granted, I'm sure the 360's one-year head start still helped, but the PS3 sucked for a LOT of reasons until the 2010s.

EDIT: Forgot to mention this but the Xbox Series is NOT being delayed and it's officially coming out in November. No word on the PS5 yet though. Both consoles still have mystery prices, too.