
Was it necessary to Dox her like that? It's just a viral clip, watch it and move on. by Gamer4Lyph in facepalm

[–]pinceycrustacean 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Exactly my point. People would wise up if there were consequences for being an idiot.

Definitely is a brand new sentence by IdkWhatImEvenDoing69 in BrandNewSentence

[–]pinceycrustacean 0 points1 point  (0 children)

It’s been posted everywhere for the past year quit lying. So annoying seeing the same garbage being played off like it’s new.

Imagine having this little empathy. by ExpertAccident in facepalm

[–]pinceycrustacean 2 points3 points  (0 children)

The narrative of all white people are evil is so childish and simple minded. I hope you change.

Was it necessary to Dox her like that? It's just a viral clip, watch it and move on. by Gamer4Lyph in facepalm

[–]pinceycrustacean 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Oh sorry my bad I didn’t realise it was our responsibility to protect other people from potential psychopaths that may or may not be after them. Unfortunately when you post shit online and it goes viral or you have a public meltdown and someone films you, this is a very real possibility. So maybe next time she’ll think twice before doing something like this in public where everyone has a smartphone and is hungry for internet points. Being blatantly unaware of the world we live should not be rewarded. I’m sorry but I don’t experience this all encompassing love for every other human where their well-being becomes my concern. Unless it’s me or mine I can’t even pretend to care.

Was it necessary to Dox her like that? It's just a viral clip, watch it and move on. by Gamer4Lyph in facepalm

[–]pinceycrustacean 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Oh ok and what you gonna do with that info? Like who the fuck cares if her house is worth a million or what her career is? If I told you my house is worth half that and I work in HR what you gonna do with that? Fuck all that’s what. I maintain it’s not doxxing.

Was it necessary to Dox her like that? It's just a viral clip, watch it and move on. by Gamer4Lyph in facepalm

[–]pinceycrustacean 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Most people actually don’t have public freak outs though. So much weird shit has become normal because of the internet like people acting the maggot with no repercussions.

I saw a video (unrelated) of a couple beating up an old man in the cinema cause he asked them to move out of his seat, and boy I would have loved for them to get doxxed and then dragged through the streets by the public.

I guarantee if that was the normal repercussions people would fucking behave.

Was it necessary to Dox her like that? It's just a viral clip, watch it and move on. by Gamer4Lyph in facepalm

[–]pinceycrustacean 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Makes sense to be honest don’t know why you got downvoted. With everyone and everything already online and available people would be less likely to post certain stuff if they feared getting revealed.

Was it necessary to Dox her like that? It's just a viral clip, watch it and move on. by Gamer4Lyph in facepalm

[–]pinceycrustacean 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Exactly what I said! You can’t just redefine a word (although nowadays it seems you can) to mean whatever you want it to. No confidential personal info = not doxxing

Was it necessary to Dox her like that? It's just a viral clip, watch it and move on. by Gamer4Lyph in facepalm

[–]pinceycrustacean 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I literally do not understand or care why some rando woman who went viral for screaming is now being snooped on, but it’s not doxxing. Anyone wealthy could fit that criteria of living in a mansion and working in marketing. And her name is already out there like I said, so this is hardly a leak of information.

Imagine having this little empathy. by ExpertAccident in facepalm

[–]pinceycrustacean 5 points6 points  (0 children)

It’s like you’re everything you claim to hate…you know, a racist?

Imagine having this little empathy. by ExpertAccident in facepalm

[–]pinceycrustacean 56 points57 points  (0 children)

What a psycho. Thanks for explaining. Fingers crossed she goes missing.

Imagine having this little empathy. by ExpertAccident in facepalm

[–]pinceycrustacean 11 points12 points  (0 children)

I don’t get what she’s saying though? Is she saying she wants to know when black kids go missing or not know when they go missing? Or what? Like what’s her point??

Was it necessary to Dox her like that? It's just a viral clip, watch it and move on. by Gamer4Lyph in facepalm

[–]pinceycrustacean 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Don’t post shit online with the intent of going viral and then act like a fucking priss cause people get curious and snoop. Her own actions resulted in people finding out her info so she can stfu and so can you.

Was it necessary to Dox her like that? It's just a viral clip, watch it and move on. by Gamer4Lyph in facepalm

[–]pinceycrustacean 11 points12 points  (0 children)

I thought doxxing was when you post personal details? Saying she’s a marketing executive and lives a million dollar house isn’t specific enough to be doxxing, besides her full name is already out there so who gives a shit.

Imagine having this little empathy. by ExpertAccident in facepalm

[–]pinceycrustacean 27 points28 points  (0 children)

I don’t understand what that means - can someone explain? What is an “Amber alert” and how would you go about changing it or why even?

Definitely is a brand new sentence by IdkWhatImEvenDoing69 in BrandNewSentence

[–]pinceycrustacean 4 points5 points  (0 children)

This shit is so annoying I’ve seen it reposted like a million times. OP is trash fr

the determination in the research by aCasualReddittor in oddlyspecific

[–]pinceycrustacean 0 points1 point  (0 children)

This is false and has been proven to be fake. Stop reposting this shit.

Too busy in her phone 🤣but I agreed by Solopeerless in facepalm

[–]pinceycrustacean 0 points1 point  (0 children)

What a cunt, I would have just moved past her and brought the rest of the line with me. The fuck she gonna do?? Bitch.

0-100 real quick. by [deleted] in facepalm

[–]pinceycrustacean 9 points10 points  (0 children)

Water is free in restaurants here though

I See Where This Is Going… by Lennaesh in preyingmantis

[–]pinceycrustacean 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Thanks the context helps, I just remember those purple messages from hinge, never heard of whisper.

Makes sense now that you’ve added background info.

I See Where This Is Going… by Lennaesh in preyingmantis

[–]pinceycrustacean -52 points-51 points  (0 children)

Is this hinge? Not sure why you kicked off on him like that, if it’s a dating app sometimes you’ll get sexual or horny messages, that’s not uncommon. This isn’t really r/preyingmantis worthy unless it’s persistent unwanted messaging. Dating apps are for messaging strangers and getting to know them so not sure this fits buddy.

Verysmart engineer ponders unsalted butter better than you. by Shanbo88 in iamverysmart

[–]pinceycrustacean 2 points3 points  (0 children)

It actually annoys me that he got downvoted, he wasn’t angry or mean or call anyone out. It’s like as soon as someone has their own ideas and dares to talk about them the downvote mob gets called.