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I'd say at least another 30 states. You must not realize how many red states there are. It's going to spread like wildfire. Once states realize that it's what their people want...

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From your comments you make it seem like you would prefer a child be born regardless of the life it is born into, or the situation of it's parents (even if it means the death of it's mother, unsustainable life of the child, unsustainable life for the parents etc etc), you would rather that than have a person decide what they want to do with their own life / body. That's fucking stupid, sorry.

You really believe that huh? You really think that companies are going to just pack everything up and move everything to another state??? The only people who care about Hollywood is Hollywood. What are they going to do when another 30 states enact laws of their own? Who are you going to boycott then???

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The only people who care about Hollywood is Hollywood. What are they going to do when another 30 states enact laws of their own? Who are you going to boycott then???

Do you not understand what the conversation is about? It's not about hollywood, or about states being able to enact laws of their own.

Bro I got a hairy ass, like I got hair all over my body but I still never have had a shit nugget...

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I think the more pressing point is, your bum hole is hidden between your bum cheeks which are pressed together when you stand.

This begs the question of how do you have a clean wipe of your ass when you have to travel through a cheek sandwich to access the wipe zone?

And, how are you not smearing shit up on them cheeks as you drag the tissue through?

I read Goodnight Mood to my 3 year old every night.

That tiny mouse is a scavenger for sure.

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Goodnight nobody.

Someone does not arbitrage...

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As someone who has not arbitraged, can you tell me what im missing - Theres generally always been a big spread between coinbase and bitfinex, (at least there was last time i looked into this) but doesnt the time it takes to move btc from BFX to CB sort of ruin the concept? i.e price is different by the time you sell. Or am i being dumb here.. do you successfully arb between the two?

Man, I’m not ready for ten hours of this. I need to go on a long solo road trip.

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solo bolo yoself

13 points · 1 month ago · edited 1 month ago

He wants to have national elections done via an app, verified on the blockchain.

Probably the stupidest possible thing you could do with crypto right now. I know that not many people want to hear that so I'll lay down a few key reasons why online voting is a bad idea, from least severe to most severe:

  1. opening the submission process to the blockchain will allow scam voting apps that take in your info but vote for the wrong candidate (fixable)

  2. publicizes who you voted for on the blockchain (mostly fixable)

  3. opening the submission process will allow identity thieves to vote with your info more easily (kinda fixable)

  4. makes it trivial to prove to others who you voted for, completely breaking the concept of confidentiality (not fixable)

Imagine voting parties hosted by candidate supporters, where you get free food for showing that you voted for their candidate. Imagine relatives demanding to see you vote live. When you can vote on your phone these scenarios are unavoidable.

Note that I am not the only one who thinks this.

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makes it trivial to prove to others who you voted for, completely breaking the concept of confidentiality (not fixable)

Imagine voting parties hosted by candidate supporters, where you get free food for showing that you voted for their candidate. Imagine relatives demanding to see you vote live.

I don't understand why this is an issue, or why these situations would exist. If you have a problem with someone knowing who you voted for you can just say - no thanks i'll submit my vote without you watching me do it...? Also wouldn't it be possible to have verified votes that explicitly made viewable (in terms of your identity) to the public? Seems very fixable to me, if it is in fact an issue.

6 points · 1 month ago

each time i see a session video, it looks a little bit worse than before. why is that so? are the animations still placeholders?

there's a lot of "idle" and "hovering" animation in there that looks ugly as hell. for example when he ollies into the bank, or after the 360 flip up the stairs, the feet just hang there and hover over the board before catching on..

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Yep still placeholders

Cake day
June 11, 2014
Trophy Case (1)
Four-Year Club