Anthony Scaramucci: President Trump was not convinced that the Russians hacked into the DNC last year. by sergeimagnitsky in The_Donald

[–]erik__ 0 points1 point  (0 children)

The public hasn't seen strong evidence that it was Russia. If that exists they should release it.

So what's next for healthcare? by erik__ in AskALiberal

[–]erik__[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I've elsewhere in this thread argued that everyone should be covered against catastrophic care. To me that would be ideal and cover this situation.

So what's next for healthcare? by erik__ in AskALiberal

[–]erik__[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

There is a lot a I hate about the individual mandate. I think it hurts everybody who would otherwise just choose to go without health insurance, but especially, young and healthy workers who are just above the subsidy limits. We expect people to estimate how much they will earn in the next year to calculate and pay their subsidy. They then go shopping for a plan based on that estimate, and if they end up making more they owe a bunch of money. It sounds fair, but they might have bought a different plan or paid the penalty if they knew they weren't getting the subsidy and might instead be in a bunch of debt they weren't expecting because they weren't financially savvy enough to understand what was going on. And of course, the subsidy itself is one more benefit that disincentives people from earning more money because they don't want to lose the subsidy.

So what's next for healthcare? by erik__ in AskALiberal

[–]erik__[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I was referring to getting rid of the individual mandate because that directly hurts a lot of working class people. I'm, personally, fine with adding money into the system to help get rid of that mandate, but I also think there are a lot ways to reduce costs by working to increase competition and innovation in the industry. I agree that it's an injustice that all Americans don't have great affordable health care, but I don't blame the free market. The healthcare industry has been highly regulated for a long, long time so it's pretty far from a free market in my eyes.

How do think the last week went? by AngryPowerWank in AskThe_Donald

[–]erik__ 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I have no problem with that. If they can reach a compromise that gets rid of the mandate and increases competition I will be happy.

So what's next for healthcare? by erik__ in AskALiberal

[–]erik__[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I'm not adamantly opposed to a public option, but my preference would be to create the conditions for the private insurance market to thrive.

So what's next for healthcare? by erik__ in AskALiberal

[–]erik__[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I always find it a bit odd that people call the ACA the Republican route or things of that nature as if people don't know which party voted it in and which party voted against it. It's like Democrats don't want to take ownership of it so they insist on pointing to an obscure origin of the unpopular idea.

How do think the last week went? by AngryPowerWank in AskThe_Donald

[–]erik__ 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I didn't know that, but don't think it matters unless some of the no votes leave office before then. I also suspect someone else would have flipped if McCain didn't.

So what's next for healthcare? by erik__ in AskALiberal

[–]erik__[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

An incentive gets companies willing to take the risk and offer insurance to markets that don't have competition. We incentivized manufacturers to produce solar panels (didn't work out well because China undercut them, but I think it was a good idea to try) and electric cars (is working out well).

So what's next for healthcare? by erik__ in AskALiberal

[–]erik__[S] 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Trump doesn't agree with the mandate which means people (e.g. those making $30,000/yr) aren't required to buy it. But we could also cover everyone with a basic catastrophic care plan and meet his goals of covering everyone.

So what's next for healthcare? by erik__ in AskALiberal

[–]erik__[S] 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I'm just proposing a starting set of goals that they can negotiate in good faith towards.

I think covering everyone can be one of those goals. Trump has said that he would prefer that.

So what's next for healthcare? by erik__ in AskALiberal

[–]erik__[S] -1 points0 points  (0 children)

Shitty insurance laws? This question was for those against repealing Obamacare, but I agree that it is shitty.

So what's next for healthcare? by erik__ in AskALiberal

[–]erik__[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

One way would be to add incentives (tax breaks, etc) for insurers to operate in under-served regions.

So what's next for healthcare? by erik__ in AskALiberal

[–]erik__[S] 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I see. But do you support changing that so people in these regions have more choices?

So what's next for healthcare? by erik__ in AskALiberal

[–]erik__[S] 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Allow insurers to sell in other states and eliminate local monopolies.

How do think the last week went? by AngryPowerWank in AskThe_Donald

[–]erik__ -1 points0 points  (0 children)

Could be both. The Russian agent might have had enough of a sense of humor to repurpose a 4chan story.

More info since I guess Fake News Networks mostly buried the story:

Why do you think people are against repealing Obamacare? by stick_always_wins in AskThe_Donald

[–]erik__ 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Conventional wisdom says that you can never get rid an entitlement. Obamacare actually harms a lot of workers though and those people are very, very much against it. There is a reason Democrats have been crushed since it passed.

How do think the last week went? by AngryPowerWank in AskThe_Donald

[–]erik__ 6 points7 points  (0 children)

I think it went pretty well.

  • It would have been better if the repeal would have passed, but at least they finally had a vote on it. That counts as progress. Still a long road ahead though.

  • The whole Russia story completely changed because the anti-Trump dossier was funded by Russian operatives and spread by McCain and others. That's interesting.

  • The former DNC chairwoman's IT department was arrested trying to flee the country. That's interesting.

  • The Mooch is loose and the leakers are on the defense. A welcome development.

  • And they now requested 10,000 more ICE agents to help fullfill their promise of deporting the many illegal criminals who have been terrorizing our country.

Should there be a legitimate concern about North Korea? What is being done about it? by compro in AskThe_Donald

[–]erik__ 0 points1 point  (0 children)

It's a concern, but there is no obvious and easy answer. It looks to me like both sides are increasing the pressure and both sides have signaled a willingness to meet and make some kind of deal. My prediction is the increased pressure from both sides will continue until the whole world thinks nuclear war is imminent and then they'll meet and things will get resolved.