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Dissoc89 commented on a post in r/Bitcoin
Dissoc89 2 points

Your options best options:

Coinbase Kraken BitStamp BitPanda

I will recommend to create a Revolut account for cashing out. Works perfect. Send your Money from one of the above exchanges to your revolut bank account and cash out from revolut to your own account :-)

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Dissoc89 commented on a post in r/CryptoCurrency
Dissoc89 1 point

OmiseGO (OMG) Basic Attention Token (BAT) Request Network (REQ) ARK (ARK) 0x (ZRX)

Solid choices with great potential. Look them up and do your own in-depth research of the projects. Always do your own research. Don’t expect others to do it :-)

Dissoc89 commented on a post in r/CryptoCurrency
Dissoc89 5 points

Yeah, we all believe in the future of cryptocurriencies so stop the negative FUD :-)

Markets goes up and down and this market has just started. Many new investors and regulars are joining the cryptomarket!

Don’t panic sell or anything stupid.

Dissoc89 commented on a post in r/BATProject
Dissoc89 10 points

BAT is one of the most serious projects and with a real working product (BRAVE Browser) unlike 90% of other tokens. The browser works incredible on iOS, Android. The speed and the blocking in the browser is unmatched. The team is phenomenal and the tech is easely adoptable. I don’t know the potential value of the token but the Basic Attention Token has a bright future! :-)

Dissoc89 commented on a post in r/altcoin
Dissoc89 7 points

Its individuel. Its normal to put X coins in cold storage (hardware wallet) and Y coins at the Exchange for trading (if you Trade) or use a multiwallet like Exodus or MEW as a paper wallet.

Don’t risk what you personally can’t afford to lose. Exchanges keep your private key so basically they own your money. Exchanges can get hacked, freeze your money and so forth. With exodus or MEW you control your private Keys and rely on your own Opsec so you don’t get hacked or something.

So; If you sleep better at night then put X coins in cold storage and rest on Exodus, MEW or exchanges.

brockles23 1 point

What are the fees like when transferring to/from the wallet or is it exactly the same as if you send to an address?

Dissoc89 3 points

Exactly the same but the fee depends on various things but has nothing to do with the hardware wallet. The hardware wallet is just a hardware wallet interface. You use your hardware wallet to access your “address” same as with MyEtherWallet or multiwallets like Exodus. Ledger Nano S or Trezoe are both great though but in most circumstances good opsec, a desktop wallet and safe storage of your Keys is more than enough. Again, totally subjetive and depends on you!

Good luck!

Dissoc89 commented on a post in r/CryptoCurrency
jumbonuts88 -1 points

Theirs a reason its a meme.

if u don't get it pls stfu.

Dissoc89 1 point

You sound like a little kid in your moms basement. Writing “kek” and so on. Grow up boy, you sounds like an moron :-)

Dissoc89 1 point

Yeah nobody knows whats going to happen in the future. We need to keep being optimistic. This market hasnt even started yet! We are in the beginning

Dissoc89 commented on a post in r/CryptoCurrency
Dissoc89 7 points

I’m not a huge fan of TRON and i don’t hold any. This is great news though. I hope they eventually will deliver a good working product

110110 2 points

I gained 400% on my trx. I hopped out and will wait until I see something proven.

Dissoc89 1 point

Good choice

Dissoc89 commented on a post in r/BATProject
Dissoc89 -3 points

What is the point? This is not the way to attract new people and potential investors to this subreddit. Grow up :-)

dragespir 1 point

Haha it is important to have something be enjoyable to people. Everyone has their own palate. Even if a certain population don't like to express themselves this way, it is important we provide this outlet for the ones that do. Because we need all kinds of people to reach out to their peer groups respectively. If you're a fundamentals guy, I encourage you to make that $1 post about how you held through all the hard times and glad it finally paid off by sticking to your principles. There will be many people who can relate with you on that. In the same vein, there are many people who have been waiting for this moment to let go in this way. Hope the memes don't get to you too much, because I don't think we have started yet ;)

Dissoc89 2 points

Well, you are right! I was maybe a little too fast on the infamous trigger. BAT is a lovely project and is indeed for everyone.

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