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1.2k points · 4 hours ago

Another option is to go gay. No need to worry about kids but you can still reap the sexual benefits. /s

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And the tax benefits.

Better question.. how can someone think by killing a species that they’re helping it?

And I don’t care about the money spent to kill the animal, I’m focused on numbers of living individuals. Because we know people will say by paying for the tags they’re providing money for saving the animals lol two steps forward and three steps back

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53 points · 1 day ago

There are circumstances where killing some of a species will help the species grow..... One recent example was a large male giraffe in africa that was no longer breeding successfully but was extremely territorial and would injure/kill younger giraffes preventing them from breeding. This was causing inbreeding defects for babies that were being born and the majority of the others just didn't have babies. Since that one giraffe was shot that region has flourished.

He is talking about demand though. When on earth is rogue more in demand for anything compared to a mage excluding those rare lockpick/disarm situations

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-1 points · 5 days ago

Level 1, rogues have sinister strike. When the servers are opened and starting areas flooded. The mobs you need to kill for the first few quests will have 20+ people around their corpses, rogues are the only class that can instantly tag them.

Looks like a cube? Blue meanies are Pan Cyans :p

Was the trip similar to acid visually? And did it last roughly 4 hrs or so give or take? If so then I'd say you ate some 2C-B. That looks exactly like the bromide salt of 2CB, you only need 20-30mg to trip though.

You're an idiot though for eating it before testing it....

Original Poster2 points · 8 days ago

Yea it was a roughly about 4 hours. A friend who’s never done these tried one also but he got paranoid and scared and vomited. And yea that wasn’t the wisest decision of mine. And I’ve never tried acid but it did feel different to shrooms.

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I'd say it was 2CB, it looks like it, lasted the same length and causes nausea.

4 points · 9 days ago

I’m getting tired of doing pf tek. I had no idea just shredding up the cakes and throwing them over erm and coco would yield way more. I’m go find the details and get started on this. Great job man!

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You can also just shoot the spores into a jar of grain with pillow stuffing through a hole (inject through the stuffing). You can shake it and speed up the growth.

Or straya

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20 points · 8 days ago

Avita medical is actually based in South Perth :p

180 points · 8 days ago

I'm sure most shithead junkies aren't university level chemistry students though. So for some people to go "I can buy all this at Costco and make millions??" I'd think not having a tv show that's more or less a tutorial is a good idea

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25 points · 8 days ago

You don't need University level chemistry. Basic high school chemistry knowledge would get you by nicely, hell as long as you can read and Google half decently anybody can manufacture/extract Meth, DMT or Mescaline very easily. Meth being the hardest purely because of controlled substances.

Cake day
August 8, 2014
Trophy Case (1)
Four-Year Club