
[DWM] sucklessly configured by xblackacid in unixporn

[–]Beaverman 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Building a DHT client I see.

Your setup looks nice.

Why are most operations in windows much slower than in linux? by cajmorgans in linux

[–]Beaverman 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Still better than having them uneducated AND without antivirus.

Only if educating the user isn't an option.

Your shoe argument is weird. Nobody ever sold me shoes under the guise that I wouldn't ever have to worry about walking in dog shit again. Everyone is well aware that you still have to be careful not to walk in dog shit even if you're wearing shoes. If I had to walk in dog shit, I'd rather do it wearing shoes to be sure. But I'd much rather just not walk in the dog shit.

Antivirus benefits CAN outweigh the flaws, but ONLY if the users are FIRST properly trained and educated and the threat model is meaningfully mitigated.

Instead of scanning your random executables before running them, consider just not running them at all.

Why are most operations in windows much slower than in linux? by cajmorgans in linux

[–]Beaverman 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Not if it stops you from being vigilant and educated. Too many people think having an AV makes them safe from all viruses and therefore refuse to exercise proper caution or learn about real security.

Why are most operations in windows much slower than in linux? by cajmorgans in linux

[–]Beaverman 22 points23 points  (0 children)

Doing read/write scans in an AV just to get another 3 percentage points of detection on some benchmark that hasn't been relevant in 5 years is about right.

AntiVirus is a flawed security model. Change my mind.

my board started going way too slow in 4th gear, battery on board/remote/app doesnt match? please help!! by xmlgroberto in Exway

[–]Beaverman 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I've faced the same issue. The support rep told me it's a battery issue, and that fixing it requires a new battery. Unfortunately, I hesitated reporting the issue so when I finally did, the board was out of warranty. Supposedly you can buy a new battery module, but at that point I'd rather just try another board. Not because it's a bad board or because the battery was that expensive. I was looking at maybe trying something with more range anyway.

My board also had issued with randomly turning off when this happened, so be careful riding it.

Logto: Open-source project to build sign-in experience and user identity by Formal_Tree2535 in programming

[–]Beaverman 3 points4 points  (0 children)

I'm no expert, but the one time I tried to configure ldap it was a pain in the ass. There's definitely room for better implementations.

Michael Saylor trying to pretend he's actually up on BTC, by conveniently ignoring all but his first purchase by ImVeryOffended in Buttcoin

[–]Beaverman 0 points1 point  (0 children)

If BTC is outperforming microstrategy doesn't make mean his company has negative value? Assuming his investors actually believe in bitcoin, it would be better for them to just buy bitcoin than to tie it to his otherwise uninteresting company.

If I buy a barrel of oil for $100 dollars and the price of oil doubles to $200 a barrel, but my company only rises to $150 doesn't that mean that I've added -$50 to the value of the oil? Isn't that a bad thing?

Cave Johnson Announcer Pack by EnriqueShockwave404 in DotA2

[–]Beaverman 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I wouldn't be surprised if the return on investment of announcer packs is higher.

I think I will sell my remarkable. I'm tired of this company bullshit by rage997 in RemarkableTablet

[–]Beaverman 2 points3 points  (0 children)

The fact that they include an open ssh server and a root account in the settings is proof that they don't mind us playing around with it. No GPL license requires an open root account available over ssh.

It's one of the major reasons i bought it.

Valve has fully removed Experimental Controller Support from Dota 2 by Rocknroller658 in DotA2

[–]Beaverman 13 points14 points  (0 children)

We need a voice line for thanking Jeff.

Maybe slacks will make it.

It's still 2014 in crypto payments, and buying a burrito is now a taxable event by dgerard in Buttcoin

[–]Beaverman 39 points40 points  (0 children)

It's only ridiculous until you realise that its actually a good thing otherwise people are just using it as a way to avoid capital gains tax.

What's more likely: Consumers will write down every burrito purchase and remember to correctly account for it in their tax returns, OR it's just inadvertent tax avoidance again.

Fastest 0-50? by Heathlewis in ElectricSkateboarding

[–]Beaverman 2 points3 points  (0 children)

And the detail that sharing the road with drivers that are used to "owning" the roads is not my idea of a good time.

When management went nuclear on an innocent engineer by IsDaouda_Games in programming

[–]Beaverman 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I'm not literally recommending you to avoid all banks. They're probably still the best option.

I am recommending you demand better quality through your politicians, and that you keep in mind that banks are burning trash fires on the IT side.

When management went nuclear on an innocent engineer by IsDaouda_Games in programming

[–]Beaverman 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Also true here in Denmark. We have a government agency called "Finanstilsynet" tasked solely with monitoring and managing the financial sector.

They had a look recently, discovered what they call "Serious and fundamental" problems, said we had to put aside another 85 million DKK to account for the risk (This is a bank that has a annual profit of 1 billion DKK), and that these problems weren't really different from other danish banks.

Keep in mind that these government officials are lawyers. They don't know anything about software. That they even find anything on the IT side is a miracle.

When management went nuclear on an innocent engineer by IsDaouda_Games in programming

[–]Beaverman 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Or lobby your local government to enforce higher quality standards for the "highly regulated" banking sector. The laws don't matter if they aren't enforced.