

Moderator Recruiting

The CC mod team is always open to recruiting new mods for r/CryptoCurrency and other affiliated subreddits. Any r/CryptoCurrency subscriber may apply to become a mod. Acceptance is predominantly dependent upon how much help is actually needed.

Application Steps

To apply to become a moderator, follow these steps:

  1. Submit a post in r/CryptoCurrencyMeta as an application and make sure the title complies with this format, “Applying for /r/{subreddit} - /u/{user} – {Short remark or statement}”.

  2. Assign the “Recruiting” link-flair to your application.

  3. Answer the following questions and please make sure they are in bold lettering on your application:

    1. How much account age and comment karma do you have? How much comment karma do you have at the sub you're applying for? To find out, go to your user profile in old Reddit and under your username click on "show karma breakdown by subreddit".
    2. Do you have experience moderating on Reddit or any other websites?
    3. If you currently moderate other subs, will this be a burden to your mod duties at the sub you are applying for?
    4. Are you familiar with creating AutoModerator rules or programming bots? If so, what experience do you have?
    5. What is your timezone? How active do you intend to be?
    6. What project in the crypto space are you a fan of or invested in?
    7. Do you have a vision or goal for the sub you are applying for? If so, what is it, and how would you pursue it?
    8. Do you have anyone who will vouch for you in the comment section of your application?
    9. If you're applying to r/CryptoCurrency, would you be interested in helping the greater CC Network with various duties so we can evaluate you? If so, see the moderator trials section below.
    10. Is there anything else you would like to add?

You may submit an application once every 9 months. If you submit an application multiple times, follow all the above steps, but also be sure to make a clear reference to your prior applications so they can be taken into context.

Moderator Trials & Contributing

For purposes of training and evaluation, you can choose to help the greater CC Network and add this experience to your mod application.

Choosing multiple duty options may be allowed, but on a case by case basis. This is because people tend to focus on one task they are interested in but neglect the other tasks they were assigned. We want our mod recruits to be focused and committed.

If you get accepted to r/CryptoCurrency mod team, you may undergo another trial. In this second trial, you will be an official mod, but will not have full permissions nor access to all the channels in the mod Discord server. If you pass the final 2-4 week trial, you will be a full mod for r/CryptoCurrency.

Below are three different duties you can help with. Please be aware that choosing to do any of the below options will not guarantee acceptance into the r/CryptoCurrency mod team. However, the experience you gain may give you a competitive edge against other applicants. Furthermore, there is no set timeline for these external trials. If you only want to contribute to the network and not compete for the r/CryptoCurrency mod team, you can.

Thank you in advance for your help, as it is greatly appreciated.

Satellite Subs

You can choose to help moderate a satellite sub. If you do, you can give a preference for which sub you are interested in. However, the r/CryptoCurrency mod team will ultimately decide where you will be assigned based on where you are needed most.

At the time of writing this, these are all the satellite subs in the CC Network and what they need help with:


If you have bot skills, you can opt to help us with our automation needs. Some of our bots may need an overhaul or have certain issues which need troubleshooting. If you want to help us in this area, tell us what coding languages you have experience with under question #4.

If you want to have a look at our repos, click here. At the time of writing this, InstaMod would have the greatest need for an overhaul. The Cointest repo is private so you will have to make a request to see it.

Scribe Work

Some r/CryptoCurrency wiki pages could use a rewrite, such as the expanded rules and policy page. The sidebars may need added consistency so they follow a more uniform format within the CC Network. Educational wiki pages are always welcome.


If you believe your application exposes too much information about you and want to make it private so only you and the mod team see it, simply insert [PRIVATE] somewhere in your application. The tag will trigger AutoMod to filter your post so it won't be visible to the public. However, your application will not be easily visible to the mod team and the Recruiting search listing will not pick it up. You will still be able to link to your application post if you want other users to vouch for you.

If the AutoMod does not filter your post, simply submit your entire application to the CCMeta modmail. DO NOT send it to CC modmail.

revision by CryptoChief— view source