stinky TERFs left crying in pain and begging for help in socalled Pourtland

received via email, also posted on Rose City Counter-Info

This weekend members of the Trans Exterminationist “Women’s Declaration International” and “Women’s Liberation Front” came to Portland to attempt a conference and rally at a public library in Portland. It went badly for them. Like really really badly.

Barcelona: La Ruïna and el Kubo will not die


We will turn our house into a battlefield, el Kubo and the Ruïna will not fall. See you on November 30 at 5:30 a.m. in Uri Caballero square, Vallcarca metro station in Barcelona. If el Kubo and La Ruïna fall, the neighborhood will burn down. OKUPA Y RESISTE!

Uncivilized Podcast 36 with Bjørn Olson

From YouTube (Spotify and other services in ~month!)

Today, Artxmis is joined by Bjørn Olson, a self-described neoprimitivist. Bjørn discusses his videography project, his experience with the paleo-diet / ancestral diet, a critique of veganism, and more!

Thumbnail is by Bjørn Olson.

Letter from Miguel Peralta

From It's Going Down

101 Years Since the Assassination of Ricardo Flores Magón

Letter from Indigenous Mazatec anarchist Miguel Peralta to his community of Eloxochitlán de Flores Magón to mark 101 years since the assassination of Ricardo Flores Magón and the ongoing struggle against political imprisonment and persecution in the community.

Update: Toby Shone

Write an anarchist prisoner today!

From Dark Nights

Full original title: UK: HMP Garth Illegally Restricting Toby Shone’s Mail

Toby Shone, currently incarcerated in Category B prison HMP Garth, is receiving no mail – including his legal mail from his lawyers – and any money being sent into him to be added to his prison account is being restricted to only those persons on his approved contact list. If you are intending to send him a letter, it is suggested that you send you message via, which he is currently able to receive. If you want to send him money and are not on his approved contact list, Toby suggests you send it to his support group (bank account details below).

Black Flag: Anarchist Review Autumn 2023 issue now out

Black Flag: Anarchist Review Autumn 2023 issue now out

The new issue of Black Flag: Anarchist Review is now available:

The focus of this issue is Trotsky’s limited opposition to developments in the USSR which resulted in the rise of Stalinism. This is usually dated to his 1923 “New Course” articles but most Trotskyist accounts of his opposition are inaccurate, ignoring his advocacy of party dictatorship and lack of concern over economic democracy. We rectify this by discussing his actual ideas rather than the wished for ones of his followers. Camillo Berneri’s comment remains true;

IFA Statement from CRIFA Athens 5 Nov 2023

Received via email from International of Anarchist Federations

The Commission of Relations of the International of Anarchist Federations gathered in Athens on 4-5 November 2023 to discuss and share thoughts and practices of our Federations. Currently, we are particularly active in antimilitarist activities, in a period that is characterised by the intensification of wars, of which the most known, such as the conflicts in Gaza, Ukraine or Sudan should not make forget the globality of the problem.


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