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MEisonReddit commented on
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7 points · 1 day ago

is there a subject just for out-of-context mobile ads?

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7 points · 1 day ago
MEisonReddit commented on
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2 points · 1 day ago

note that this is gamemode, not map type. Don't get your hopes up

MEisonReddit commented on
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7 points · 2 days ago


Women Talking

Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent


Bullet Train

Don't Worry Darling

Glass Onion

The Whale

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8 points · 2 days ago

Second Bullet Train, for some reason the critic reviews are pretty harsh on it, but damn, what a fun movie

MEisonReddit commented on
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89 points · 5 days ago

This isn’t an unpopular opinion, this is another person who doesnt understand how electronic music is created.

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7 points · 5 days ago

I was gonna say, like just spend one day at any music fest and this'll be proven wrong

MEisonReddit commented on
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15 points · 6 days ago

Are people not liking the film? I had such a blast watching it in the cinema!

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13 points · 6 days ago · edited 6 days ago

Everyone's a film critic nowadays. Sometimes a movie doesn't have to be a masterpiece, it just has to be entertaining. Cocaine Bear was entertaining through and through

MEisonReddit commented on
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0 points · 7 days ago

Are you trying to say Jesus didn't exist?? Cause that's just like... even the biggest atheist can't deny that Jesus exists, the historical records are undeniable.

the middle eastern rabbi named Jesus existed.

Anyway, we're referring to the Jesus who did away with the old ways, and brought in a new era. He tore the viel between God and man, and redefined the way we have relationships with God.

this Jesus to which you refer did not exist. and you are speaking absolute nonsense.

But anyway, we don't even need to go that deep. Jesus said "let whoever is without sin cast the first stone". That one line is all you need to prove that condemning others for sins while being sinners ourselves is explicitly anti-Christian.

yet the bible also explicitly calls for homosexuals to be put to death. almost like the whole thing's a contradiction!

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3 points · 7 days ago

How is it a contradiction when the rules got changed lol. Those things never existed simultaneously, there's no contradiction

1 point · 7 days ago

if i write "P is true" and then i write in the same book "P is not true", is that a contradiction in the book? or is it okay because i wrote them at different times? further, god is supposed to be unchanging and perfectly good, he's not supposed to change his mind on whether or not the gays should be stoned. further-further-more, jesus specifically says that he came not to destroy the Law, but to fulfil it.

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2 points · 7 days ago

If you write "P = true" one year, and then the next year say "P = false", that's not a contradiction, it's a change of states. And Jesus did fulfill the law, because that was always God's plan, as evidenced by the prophecies that told of Jesus coming. God himself being unchanging does not mean he can't create a plan that lets something change. He fulfilled the law by changing it.

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MEisonReddit commented on
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8 points · 9 days ago · edited 9 days ago

Yeah, not one of these was even remotely centered. I'm surprised OP doesn't see this when rewatching the clip. It's quite clear that these are all glancing blows.

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7 points · 9 days ago

I was gonna say, this is literally some dude who uploaded two minutes of himself playing Reinhardt incorrectly 💀

MEisonReddit commented on
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19 points · 9 days ago

The fact that a team with Fits, Kellan, and Creative, is losing to a team that LOST TO SAMITO... there's no words for how fucked that is

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