
Current state of the game is actually pretty good by Fabuild in pathofexile

[–]Dex8172 1 point2 points  (0 children)

On the other hand, I think the current state of the game is actually pretty bad, and Scourge is the worst league mechanics I've ever seen.

Getting repetitively ignored for trade requests has to be one of the worst feelings in this game by Better_MixMaster in pathofexile

[–]Dex8172 2 points3 points  (0 children)

The reasons I went (SC)SSF are not about trade, even though playing trade kinda felt like a job, earning and investing "money", being efficient at what you do, interraction with "coworkers", worrying about inflation, etc.

Back in legacy league when SSF was officially introduced, I was already tired of the game, I played about 2 weeks each league. The game felt too easy, so I tried SSF and never looked back. It makes the game more challenging, without the HC frustration of losing a char you invested 10+ days of play to a lapse in concentration, or even worse, to lag or to bugs. You play at your own pace and use your orbs for what they were meant to be used. Everything the game drops feels much more interesting. An 1 alch unique can be just what you need for your build. This league I was genuinely happy when the first Prismatic Eclipse dropped, as it is best-in-slot weapon for my Shield Crush slayer starter. Then I found almost perfect Carcass Jack, 6-linked it easily with tainted fusings and I couldn't resist to start a seismic trap sabo. In trade, I used to have fully geared char by leaguestart sunday evening, and I rarely felt the urge to play anything else.

Why is GGG so obsessed with NERFING skills in a game about player power instead of buffing skills that can barely clear the game? by Le_reddit_may_may in pathofexile

[–]Dex8172 -1 points0 points  (0 children)

Also what they did to spell movement skills (and Second Wind) is so fucking dumb. I can't stand being slow in this game, so I'll stick to Raider and melee skills with Leap Slam until they come to their senses.

Scourge boss reward... by Razunter in pathofexile

[–]Dex8172 9 points10 points  (0 children)

By right it should have been called Krangled™ League.

What We're Working On by Wobblucy in pathofexile

[–]Dex8172 11 points12 points  (0 children)

By the time they actually decide to change it for the better, 90% of players will have finished the league. Already happened in synthesis. I didn't play the first month while it sucked, but 2nd and 3rd month were great. One of my favorite leagues.

What We're Working On by Wobblucy in pathofexile

[–]Dex8172 7 points8 points  (0 children)

I bet someone wrote those "missing" notes half an hour before they posted them now. :D

Fortify needs a rework for melee - Cannot gain Fortification stacks in delve becauser mobs have too much HP to work with "Ailment Threshold" by zzang23 in pathofexile

[–]Dex8172 3 points4 points  (0 children)

It was supposed to remain the same for melee skills. Unforutnately, it works more or less the same only against complete trash monsters. Against anything with high life, like harvest rares, deep delve, etc., it sucks so bad.

GGG really did learn it's lesson in 3.15 by [deleted] in pathofexile

[–]Dex8172 9 points10 points  (0 children)

Such stealth nerfs happen too often to be just "occasional ommissions". Remember a few leagues back when they removed literally all damage reduction from the tree and from ascendancies, also without saying anything in patch notes? No way that could have been an "ommision". Also, I don't remember a single instance when they buffed something significantly and missed to brag about it.

GGG really did learn it's lesson in 3.15 by [deleted] in pathofexile

[–]Dex8172 67 points68 points  (0 children)

Ditto. Not mentioning nerfs to both chaos and shield builds in the patch notes was nothing but a PR move, to protect support pack sales in the week before the launch. The fact they fucked many players who would have played other builds if they knew about those nerfs... who cares.

Undocumented Colossal Tower shield Nerf by DocG9 in pathofexile

[–]Dex8172 8 points9 points  (0 children)

How do you then explain the fact that only the best armour shields are nerfed, and Buckskin Tower Shield, for example, is unchanged? It's the same type (armour/strength).

Undocumented Colossal Tower shield Nerf by DocG9 in pathofexile

[–]Dex8172 13 points14 points  (0 children)

It isn't a mistake, because all 3 versions are nerfed (Reinforced, Girded and Colossal). I would be ok with that, if they said anything about it the patch notes, but I surely wouldn't start with Shield Crush.

Undocumented Colossal Tower shield Nerf by DocG9 in pathofexile

[–]Dex8172 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Girded Tower Shield (lev 51 version) was nerfed too, from 481 to 397-437, and also lev 30 version. It's a classic GGG stealth nerf.

Undocumented Colossal Tower shield Nerf by DocG9 in pathofexile

[–]Dex8172 16 points17 points  (0 children)

I started with Shield Crush. I'm crushed, but not surprised.

Trash to Trash by Community_Team in pathofexile

[–]Dex8172 0 points1 point  (0 children)

This post should be deleted, by the rules, as an unkind, vulgar message. In essence it says "fuck you all".

Even more high-quality content for Scourge. by Community_Team in pathofexile

[–]Dex8172 0 points1 point  (0 children)

If it really works that way, it's huge. I never have enough divines to properly roll timeless jewels in SSF. :)

Even more high-quality content for Scourge. by Community_Team in pathofexile

[–]Dex8172 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I play SSF, so I won't be selling anything, but I didn't know about that shit with 10% chance of 6-linking stuff?? Somehow I managed to miss the best thing I've heard so far about this league mechanics, lol. Thanks, man.

Even more high-quality content for Scourge. by Community_Team in pathofexile

[–]Dex8172 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I don't mind the whole game is based on RNG, but I do mind a kind that can brick an item. Scourge corrupting makes it somewhat safer, as you can reroll the corruption 3x, but you can still end up with a unusable item. So I'll do it with items I don't care about or duplicate uniques, exactly like I do with vaal orbs.

Those new currencies, I suspect they will be too rare in SSF. Even normal currencies like fusings are too rare, but thankfully there's a 6-socket recipe, responsible for a huge percetage of fusings I use. So I guess I won't find enough tainted fusings to 6-link a single corrupted item the whole league.

Even more high-quality content for Scourge. by Community_Team in pathofexile

[–]Dex8172 0 points1 point  (0 children)

As a "side dish" that would be ok, but not as a "main course". Sure, it's a better way of corrupting items than a vaal orb, but I suspect I won't have as many items I'd want to corrupt as opportunities to corrupt them. Thankfully, the game has many other league mechanics I like to play, some of which are significantly improved in 3.16.

Even more high-quality content for Scourge. by Community_Team in pathofexile

[–]Dex8172 0 points1 point  (0 children)

No, I love fresh starts and I never play standard. It's just that I'll pretty much ignore the league mechanics, and play other stuff.

Even more high-quality content for Scourge. by Community_Team in pathofexile

[–]Dex8172 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Hopefully not. I rarely use vaal orbs and here is a whole league about corrupting items. The only thing I'm not looking forward in 3.16 is the league mechanics.

Scourge Atlas Base and Passive For Each Region [fixed] by hfok in pathofexile

[–]Dex8172 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Thank you, Captain Obvious. GGG never cared about SSF, everybody knows that. Chris himself believes in trade religiously. They don't consider a milisecond what effect a particular change to the game will have on SSF. What they did with Empower/Enlighten drop rates in 3.15 is a good example. Those gems are now much rarer than an exalt -- I didn't find a single one this league, compared to more than 20 ex. But they managed to increase their trade price about 20 times. Players wanted more chase items, and that's what they came up with.

Anyway, I play SSF since legacy league and I'll continue playing it as long as I play PoE. Trade sucks in so many ways, no way I'll ever touch it again.

Scourge Atlas Base and Passive For Each Region [fixed] by hfok in pathofexile

[–]Dex8172 0 points1 point  (0 children)

What do you mean? These atlas changes, I assure you are a huge nerf for SSF players. What else?

I was referring to the fact GGG don't consider a milisecond what effect a particular change to the game will have on SSF. What they did with Empower/Enlighten drop rates in 3.15 is a good example. Those gems are now much rarer than an exalt, I didn't find a single one this league (compared to about 20 ex, though some were from Tujen and some from ex recipe). But they managed to increase their price about 20x. Players wanted more chase items, and that's what they came up with in 3.15. :D

Scourge Atlas Base and Passive For Each Region [fixed] by hfok in pathofexile

[–]Dex8172 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Yeah, Orbs of Unmaking will be in much higher demand now, and SSF players are fucked as usual.

Scourge Atlas Base and Passive For Each Region [fixed] by hfok in pathofexile

[–]Dex8172 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I play SSF since legacy league. I supposed everybody was playing masters and farming scarabs in "correct" regions, but I see now that I was mistaken... it's almost like you and I are playing two different games. :)