Showing posts with label the cynics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the cynics. Show all posts

December 15, 2008


As Princess Nomad has been urgently requesting to be able to sign up for Facebook, we have belatedly acquiesced to her pleas. Negotiations revolved around us having her password, as well as yours truly joining, the better to keep tabs.

Apparently, we were the last two people in the Western world to become members, as everyone and their Uncle Bob is on as well.

After a couple of weeks of tinkering, I have already become somewhat bored of yet another timesuck. However, the lure of pissing away hours on the site and looking up people I haven't seen in years has proved alluring. On the other hand, as I do not use my real name, no one can find me, unless they know my "nom de cyber". Which works fine.

I have investigated old acquaintances from High School and College, and I am amazed at how old THEY have all gotten (as they post their pix). Often, they post em of the wives and kiddies too. I have no urge to contact any of em, as I figger I would have made the effort years ago if I had any interest in re-connecting. In fact, whenever I get Alumni pleas for $$$ or reunion info, I always mark the envelopes "Return to Sender- deceased".

Anyway, one thing that has happened a couple of times to me is the phenom of "wasted posting", in which I have commented on friends "walls" on Facebook whilst hammered.

This apparently happened last nite, while under the influence of a heavy duty sleeping aid. I had no recollection of it, until I got an email today from JW expressing outrage over what I posted. And I had no idea what it was, until I was informed of the moronic utterings I had deemed fit to cyber-post. I also posted some bizarre shit integrating a hallucination involving a classic rock legend with an 80's alt-rock icon.

So, the lesson to be learned is, put the keyboard away when your "under the influence". Because the Internet is forever. or something.

The Damned - Silly Kids Games
Iggy Pop - I'm Bored
Black Flag - Wasted
Ciccone Youth - Into The Groovey
The Cynics - Waste Of Time