Showing posts with label against me. Show all posts
Showing posts with label against me. Show all posts

May 9, 2012

Transgender Dysphoria Blues

Against Me! mastermind Tom Gabel has announced that he is transgender and will begin to live life as a woman. Good for him. I've been perusing this here interweb thing and it is disgusting how many assholes out there are posting sh!t about his choice.

It's Gabel's choice to do whatever he/she wants to- Is it hurting anyone else? No! Does anyone else have the right to condemn him/her? No! This is between Gabel and his family...

...No one else.

It's 2012 and we still live in the fucking dark ages. We've got scumbag politicians and religious leaders still harping on about Gay Marriage and Gay people adopting children

Meanwhile, people are fucking starving: for food, acceptance, affection, understanding... you name it.

Good luck to Tom (aka Laura Jane Grace). It's unfortunate that we still live in an era in which luck has to even be given to someone for living the way they choose to.

October 8, 2011

Do You Remember When You Were Young And Wanted To Set The World On Fire?

Walked past the Wall Street demonstrations again. Sound and fury symbolizing everything and accomplishing nothing. How about we all stop buying shit for a week from some companies? It's called boycotting. That's the only way the fuckers will ever notice... if it hits em in their bottom line.

We pay tribute to Steven Jobs by queuing en masse for the latest gadget. How about we pay tribute to "think different" by NOT buying shit for the week.

I've been listening to Against Me lately. Third or fourth or ninety seventh generation punks that wear their hearts on their sleeves. Anthemic ringing guitars and earnest lyrics.

I think Saint Joe (Strummer) would approve.

Highly recommended!

July 17, 2008


Feel like opening up a vein and, well, Bleedin' Out. A serious case of ennui as of late. Pressures of the job and worries about the economy are really doing a job on my psyche.
And it's affecting my desire for the rawk.

Blew off free tix for these guys, these guys, these guys and this guy, all in the past week. Yeah, I wouldn't see at least one of them without an ample supply of free booze (which was actually going to happen in skybox suites). But I just haven't had the head lately for anything but heavy duty PUNK RAWK.
However, I get to wake up at 3:30 am tomorrow and take my daughter (Princess Nomad) to see this chick perform a 7 am show. Yeah, 3:30 am. For teen pop. I'll be the guy in the Ramones shirt and the perpetual scowl.

So, basically, my life as I knew it is over.

Time to hit the bar...
