November 25th: Prisoner Letter-Writing Afternoon

EPIC presents a Prisoner Letter-Writing Afternoon
Sunday, November 25, 2012 at 1:00pm
AKA Autonomous Social Centre, 75 Queen Street (wheelchair accessible)

Have you ever written a letter to a prisoner?

Prison is all about isolation and segregation, and the state does not want non-prisoners to connect with people inside its institutions. Letter-writing can be a great way to make a new friend, learn about the prison system and build connections between incarcerated folks and those outside.

At this letter-writing afternoon, we will have information available on how to find penpals, and ideas for getting started with writing. We’ll have some addresses available, and encourage people to come with other information to share. This month, we will also have craft supplies available for those who want to make holiday cards to send to prisoners. If you already have a friend or penpal inside, feel free to come, socialize, and use our materials to write to them.

Stamps, paper, envelopes, coffee and snacks will be provided. Childcare is available on request, contact epic (at) riseup (dot) net. AKA is a wheelchair-accessible space.

Ann Hansen’s Statement On Her Recent Arrest, Imprisonment and Release

(Originally posted to the Media Co-op)

Ann Hansen is a former member of Direct Action, an underground anarchist group active in the 1980s, who presently lives as a writer, farmer and public speaker in the Kingston area. On August 3, 2012, Ann was arrested and had her parole suspended for ‘unauthorized associations and political activity’ in the context of growing anti-prison organizing in Kingston, Canada’s prison capital. Ann, with the advice of her lawyer, chose to not publicize her arrest until after her parole hearing. On October 30,the Parole Board canceled her parole suspension and released her on stricter conditions. This is her first public statement regarding her arrest and imprisonment.


On August 3, I was at my home near Kingston, Ontario, sitting in a lawn chair after supper when out of the corner of my eye I saw a line of black SUVs speeding towards our driveway. With a sinking feeling, I realized one of my reoccurring fears as a parolee was becoming a reality. Four SUVs turned into our driveway, slammed on their brakes and out hopped about six to eight cops from the Ontario Provincial Police dressed in full Darth Vader gear with a couple of them brandishing automatic weapons for full dramatic effect. As I struggled to stay calm, I noticed the acronym ROPE (Re-Offenders and Parole Enforcement Squad) in bright yellow blazoned across their bullet proof vests.

They parked askew all over the driveway, and while a couple of them with their fully automatic rifles took positions at the top of our property, the rest walked rapidly up to where I was and handcuffed me without saying a word. I asked the one female cop what this was all about and she said my parole was being suspended.

I spent a few days at the local remand center, Quinte Detention Centre, before a new parole officer (my regular parole officer was suddenly replaced) and a Security Intelligence Officer (SIO) from Correctional Service Canada (CSC) came to see me for a post suspension interview. They spent an hour and a half interrogating me and trying to intimidate me into giving them the names of anyone involved in EPIC (End the Prison Industrial Complex) or any other anti-prison activists, as well as information about any possible “bombings and arsons” which the SIO warned me I would be responsible for “if it all went sideways.” Needless to say, they were not satisfied when I told them I didn’t have names for them. The interview would have made a hilarious Monty Python script with the SIO comparing me at times to Ghandi and then in the next breath to James Holmes, the “joker” who killed twelve people during the Batman film in Colorado. The outcome of the interview wasn’t quite so hilarious.

On August 13, I was transferred to the maximum security unit at Grand Valley Prison for Women in Kitchener. Ten days earlier I had been lounging in my slippers in a lawn chair after supper, and here I was suddenly transformed into a high security federal prisoner who had to be put in leg irons and handcuffs just to be led from the admitting area into one of the pods of the maximum security unit. It was so funny, I felt like crying.

A few weeks later I received parole papers stating that the CSC parole office was “strongly recommending” that my parole be revoked with a long list of reasons why. As I suspected, the library was the scene of the ‘crime;’ I was not charged with any actual crime. The ROPE squad had arrived the day after I had screened a film about Prisoners’ Justice Day (PJD) at the Kingston Public Library. The film was followed by a ‘direct action workshop’ conducted by a lawyer who explained what to expect at a blockade/picket, which was to be held at the entrance to Collins Bay Penitentiary on PJD. These ‘direct action workshops’ have become commonplace globally as training workshops for large scale demonstrations or civil disobedience actions in order to familiarize people with the legality of different kinds of activities. They also teach people how to participate in large consensus decision-making processes, how to interact with the media, what to do if one is arrested and other skills necessary for protests.

The planned Prisoners’ Justice Day blockade/picket of Collins Bay was the most obvious reason why my parole was suspended, but there were many other ‘reasons’ listed based on paranoid suspicions that are not worth the time and effort of explaining. It is worth noting, however, the political context in Ontario, which provides the most logical reasons for my parole suspension. I believe that the reasons for my parole suspension are similar to the G20 Main Conspiracy Group prosecution; that is, ‘preventative security measures’ aimed at arresting people before any ‘illegal act’ is even committed. These kinds of measures are used not only to disrupt political actions but also to have a chilling effect on political resistance in general. They put us on the defensive and force us to fight for our basic rights, which are supposedly entrenched in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

It could be viewed as a sad day indeed when we are reduced to fight for our basic human rights, but I think it is actually a sign of the strength of our resistance. In the minds of the authorities, they are so threatened by the potential of our movements that they are reduced to trying to pre-empt our organizing efforts by arresting us for going to meetings, speaking out, and demonstrating, which are supposed to be legal activities even in a capitalist society.

I think the back story to the latest rounds of preemptive arrests in Ontario begins in the year leading up to the Toronto G20 Summit in 2010 when undercover cops were embedded in the Guelph and Kitchener/Waterloo anarchist communities. Billions of dollars were spent on police security and intelligence gathering in the year leading up to and including the actual days of demonstrations against the G20 Summit. We see similar police preparations occurring now to counter organizing against the Alberta tar sands and the line nine pipeline reversal in Ontario.

In Kingston, local police forces were no doubt taken by surprise by the sudden emergence of a relatively large and diverse movement to stop the closure of the prison farms in 2009. Prison abolitionists saw this as an opening move to free up land and money at Collins Bay Penitentiary to construct a regional superprison, as outlined in the government’s “Roadmap to Strengthening Public Safety.” In August 2010, hundreds of people in Kingston participated in a two-day blockade of the entrance to Collins Bay and Frontenac Institutions to prevent the removal of the prison farm cattle herd. The local cops were not prepared for the size of the movement and had to call in provincial police reinforcements on the second day. There were twenty-four arrests. Local prison abolitionists had also begun organizing against the plans for a massive prison expansion, which by 2012 has translated into the construction of six new prison units in the Kingston area alone.

In the months leading up to August 10, 2012, local prison abolitionists and some people involved in the prison farms campaign worked to organize for Prisoners’ Justice Day. Across the city, posters invited people to participate in an early morning blockade/picket of Collins Bay to halt construction on the new prisons as an act of solidarity with the prisoners fasting and refusing to work inside the walls. In the minds of the cops and CSC, visions of hordes of anarchists and outraged locals danced in their heads. Based on the ludicrous expectations for PJD expressed by the CSC during my Quinte interrogation, I don’t think it would have surprised them if ‘what to their wondering eyes should appear, but a miniature sleigh and eight tiny reindeer.’

For three months I waited for my revocation hearing with the Parole Board. It’s hard to be optimistic inside the maximum security unit where Ashley Smith died, and Nyki Kish waits for her appeal after being convicted of a murder she did not commit. It’s always easier to do time when you have nothing to lose, but in my case I live with two others on a small self-sufficient farm and work with a great community of comrades locally, so I have a lot to lose. In the end the Parole Board released me with stricter conditions on October 30, 2012.

There is no doubt in my mind that I would have spent many more years in prison without the tireless support of a network of friends, family, anarchist allies and a good lawyer. It becomes clear in prison, that all the efforts of the CSC are directed towards isolating the prisoner from their networks of support both inside and outside the walls. I owe my ‘freedom’ to all those who supported me throughout this episode of my life, and I just hope I can reciprocate through my solidarity and by continuing the joyous lifestyle of resistance!!
Ann Hansen
November 2012

October 28th: Prisoner Letter-Writing Afternoon

EPIC presents a Prisoner Letter-Writing Afternoon
Sunday, October 28th, 2012 at 1:00pm
AKA Autonomous Social Centre, 75 Queen Street (wheelchair accessible)

Have you ever written a letter to a prisoner?

Prison is all about isolation and segregation, and the state does not want non-prisoners to connect with people inside its institutions. Letter-writing can be a great way to make a new friend, learn about the prison system and build connections between incarcerated folks and those outside.

At this first letter-writing night, we’ll talk about our experiences exchanging letters with prisoners, ways to find penpals, and ideas for getting started with writing. We’ll have some addresses available, and encourage people to come with other information to share. If you already have a friend or penpal inside, feel free to come, socialize, and use our materials to write to them.

Stamps, paper, envelopes, coffee and snacks will be provided. Childcare is available on request, contact epic (at) riseup (dot) net. AKA is a wheelchair-accessible space.

PJD 2012 Schedule!

Prisoner’s Justice Day 2012 Schedule
Kingston, Ontario

***Updated August 7th, 2012***

Thursday, August 9th

Welcome Dinner and Social, AKA, 75 Queen St. Unit 1.
5-9pm Free dinner (ongoing as folks arrive) & hang out
7-8pm Justice for Levi Presentation: http://justiceforlevi.org/

*Alternatively: The Save Our Prison Farms campaign is organizing a vigil at Collins Bay from 7-8pm to commemorate the second anniversary of the prison farms blockade*

Early to bed!

Friday, August 10th

5am sharp Free coffee & snacks @ The Sleepless Goat, 91 Princess St.
5:30am Rides leave from the Goat
5:45am Meet up and gather near Collins Bay Penitentiary (location TBA)
6:00am March on Collins Bay and take over the entrance!

1:00pm Free Lunch at City Park provided by Food Not Bombs

8pm/dusk Noise demonstration (location TBA)

*Please bring food and water for yourself for the day on Friday.

*On August 10th, you can reach a contact person if you need info or get
separated! Call our action phone: 613-893-5327

*Write down our legal support number! 613-328-1851

*Keep in touch during the day by subscribing your cellphone to twitter. Follow @endthepic or #pjd2012

PJD 2012 Billets!

ATTN: Local EPIC Friends and Allies!

We need places for out-of-towners to stay during Prisoners Justice Day events in Kingston, August 9-10. If you have space, please let us know ASAP at epic [at] riseup [dot] net with “Offering Billets” in the subject line.

Hosting folks in your house for a night or two is an excellent way to meet new activists and new friends, and expand your personal and political networks. We anticipate activists from all over southern Ontario and parts of Quebec needing places to lay their heads. Spare rooms are grand, but so are couches or spots where folks can unroll a sleeping bag. Please consider letting someone share the roof and/or your backyard (for camping) during Prisoners Justice Day events in Kingston!

If you have any reason to believe that your house contains bed bugs, please be upfront either with us or with your billeters.

If you can lend general support (such as providing childcare or offering transporation) to this action, but for whatever reason cannot participate directly, let us know!

ATTN: Out-of-Towners!

We know some of you might be seeking places to stay in Kingston during Prisoners Justice Day events, August 9-10. If you need help finding a homestay, please let us know ASAP at epic [at] riseup [dot] net

On the evening of Thursday, August 9th, we’ll be having a bbq with guest speakers. On Friday, August 10th, we will be meeting at 5am at the Sleepless Goat, where we will have breakfast and arrange for rides to Collins Bay. There are other tentative activities happening, so please check our website for up-to-date information, https://endthepic.wordpress.com

Please also inform us of anything you think we’d need to know in order to appropriately match you with a place to stay.

What are your access needs?
Do you need childcare on August 10th?
Do you have any allergies you want us to consider?
Are you comfortable staying alone, or are you traveling with someone that you absolutely must stay with? Etc.

We cannot guarantee space, but we will do our absolute best to help everyone find places that meet their specific needs.

If you have any reason to believe that you may travel with bed bugs, please be upfront either with us or with your homestay.


New PJD Poster

August 2nd: Direct Action Training


Thursday August 2nd, 6:30pm
Delahaye Room at the Public Library (3rd Floor)
130 Johnson Street
Free, Everyone Welcome!

End the Prison Industrial Complex and Cataraqui Resistance School facilitators co-present a short film and direct action training related to the organizing to stop prison construction on Prisoners Justice Day, August 10th. The information will cover topics ranging from legal rights to tactical effectiveness.

For more information: http://www.endthepic.wordpress.com/pjd

Open Letter to Construction Workers at Prisons

A letter to construction workers at Collins Bay and Frontenac Institutions.

End the Prison Industrial Complex (EPIC) is a Kingston-based prison abolition group. We have been organizing resistance to prison expansion for the past two years.

August 10th is internationally known as Prisoners’ Justice Day, which started in 1975 at Millhaven to commemorate those who have died at the hands of the prison system. Out of respect for this day of mourning, prisoners inside refuse work and food.

This year, we intend to shut down all construction work on the grounds of Collins Bay and Frontenac Institutions in solidarity with prisoners on strike inside. We are writing to ask you to stay home from work on Friday, August 10th or – better yet – join us on the lines.

Our goal is not to antagonize construction workers who are trying to make a living and have little or no say over which jobs to work; instead, our goal is to demonstrate our solidarity with prisoners inside, and pay respect to those who have died. We believe a world without prisons would be better for everyone.

Why Not Work on Prisoners’ Justice Day?

  • Prisons and prison expansion affect us all. Under the guise of global economic crisis, we see governments responding with austerity, “tough on crime” measures and increased repression of dissent. As more people lose hope in a decent future under this current system, crime will increase and more people – particularly those most marginalized by the system – will be put in jail.
  • Prisoners are exploited by government and corporations as cheap labour. They will go on strike August 10. A major practical aspect of solidarity means not crossing a picket line; we consider crossing lines on August 10 to be scabbing.
  • We know some workers at this site have four nine-hour shifts, Monday-Thursday. If this is the case for you, working Friday is entirely optional and you cannot be punished for not working.
  • Trying to cross a hard picket with a vehicle is unsafe for everyone. It could injure protesters or provoke unpredictable confrontations. Police also tend to escalate tensions if they choose to intervene, which can become dangerous. You have the right to refuse unsafe work under the Occupational Health and Safety Act.

Ways You Can Help

  • If you are in a position to do so, speak with your co-workers about collectively refusing to work on Friday, August 10. There is strength in numbers and solidarity. Whether you refuse to work because it’s voluntary, unsafe, or you’re feeling sick, find a way not to come in.
  • If you are in a union, seek support from your steward and/or local. Pass a resolution at your next local meeting supporting Prisoners’ Justice Day and/or workers who refuse to work August 10.
  • If you can’t see a way to get out of working at Collins Bay August 10, email us at epic [at] riseup [dot] net and we will do whatever we can to help.
  • Join us on the lines! It will be a fun-filled day where we can extend meaningful solidarity to prisoners on strike and build our local capacity for resistance!

In Solidarity,

End the Prison Industrial Complex

Suite 409, 427 Princess Street Kingston, Ontario K7L 5S9
email: epic [at] riseup [dot] net
website: http://www.endthepic.wordpress.com


August 10th is Prisoners’ Justice Day, a day in remembrance of all of those who have died at the hands of the prison system. Prisoners fast and refuse work on this day, while outside the walls organizations and individuals demonstrate in solidarity. We want a world without prisons, and will resist their expansion any day of the year, but it would be especially offensive to see cranes, trucks, and workers expanding the prison on August 10th while prisoners are on strike inside.

We invite you to join us early in the morning on August 10th to shut down construction at Collins Bay Penitentiary in honour of Prisoners’ Justice Day. This will also mark the two-year anniversary of the Prison Farms blockade at the same location, a historic mobilization for Kingston.

If you don’t live in Kingston and want to come, or if you do live in Kingston and can offer billeting, get in contact with us and we will co-ordinate lodgings with you. Our email is epic [at] riseup [dot] net

Keep your eye on https://endthepic.wordpress.com/pjd for updates.

Please circulate widely – see you August 10th!