Saturday, October 14, 2017

The Jam - Snap! (1983)


A Book Cover Wanker writes . . .

Proper book cover.

For all I know, the book's shite*, but what a cover:

* Blogger Disclaimer: I've read the blurb for the book. I bet it's not "shite". I'm just trying to be edgy and provocative, so that I can appeal to a younger blogging audience. (You know, bloggers in their thirties.)

Thursday, October 12, 2017

A Nervous Neighbour writes . . .

Everyone's a comedian.

An old SPGB comrade was kind enough to send me some vintage socialist literature through the mail. He was less kind in his choice of words to describe said literature on the back of the packages.

I guess I won't be seeking to recruit our postie any time soon to the glorious cause. I know I will be avoiding eye contact with our postie for the foreseeable future.