
Showing posts with the label Football Media

The special relationship: how football and the media have grown together

New book studies a history of mutually beneficial co-existence What football owes to Sky and Sky owes to football How one of game's great traditions came about to suit the press Why women's game should feel let down by football and the media As Sky were committing themselves to paying £4.2 billion as their share of the latest record-breaking deal to show the Premier League, for every armchair football fan relishing the prospect of even more world-class players flooding to these shores for their entertainment, there were others wondering how much more perversion of the game's traditions might result from television's ever-tightening grip. Yet, as Roger Domeneghetti reveals in his fascinating new book, From the Back Page to the Front Room , football has been bowing to the wishes of the media since the century before last. Take the 3pm Saturday afternoon kick-off, possibly the most cherished of all the traditions, the tinkering with which has been